Weekend Woes - Staying within calories over the weekends.

Hello everyone,

I have been on MFP off and on for a while, but since Jan 2015, I have been doing it more seriously. I lost 10 lbs in the first 2 months, but after that my weight loss stalled. I carefully analyzed my food and exercise log and realized that the primary problem is the weekend. I do really wall with respect to food and workout during the week. I also work out during the weekend, but like most other people, we usually socialize over the weekend and it seems that my calorie intake nullifies all the hard work from the week. On most weekends I go over despite having worked out.

So this weekend, I decided to stay within or at least close to my calorie goal. We had been invited to dinner at a friend's house and I tried to stay within the calories, but went over by a bit (couldn't figure out how many calories the food will be because I don't make that stuff, so I ate first and then logged when we got home and realized I had gone over even though I felt like I didn't eat much at all). On Saturday, we had to go to a birthday party with my daughter. Of course the only food options were pizza, pasta salad (loaded with pesto), chips, and wings. I tried to eat as little as I could, but it's not like there were any healthy options. We have birthday parties lined up the next 3 weekends! And other dinner invitations, etc. This weekend was a struggle and I still went over by a little bit every day.

I will continue to carefully log and do my best to stay under my calorie goal, but I thought I'd ask fellow MVP people if they have any ideas. What do you do to stay within your goal over weekend? How do you keep the weekend from ruining your hard work from the week?

Any ideas and tips will be greatly appreciated.


  • nicola8989
    nicola8989 Posts: 381 Member
    I have the same problem on weekends - it's really hard to stay under. I used to just say "oh well I'll just have the weekend off" and I did manage to lose 1lb a week but then I stalled - then I gained weight, I've started again the past few weeks and the weekends are just a nightmare.

    I do find pre-logging helps and trying to plan for what you're going to have - I'm trying to be good during the day then splurge a little on the night.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    It sounds like you are really busy but could you up your workouts on the weekends? I try to do at least two classes either Saturday or Sunday, then one class the other day. Admittedly, my weekend food isn't the best either (all you can eat sushi? Yes please - but this day because of the extra exercise I stayed within my calories :) ). Those parties sound like a challenge....could you just bring some healthy snacks to munch on and forego the party food?
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I bank calories for the weekend. It's been working for me for years. I still try not to go too crazy, but it seems to work out just fine.
  • The_Weaze
    The_Weaze Posts: 511 Member
    Could you eat before going to the birthday parties to avoid the unhealthy stuff?
  • kshay89
    kshay89 Posts: 15 Member
    GSlate wrote: »
    Could you eat before going to the birthday parties to avoid the unhealthy stuff?

    This was going to be my suggestion.

    My husband and I have separate diets that can be difficult to fit things into. If we're going out to eat, we always look at the menu first and make our choices. If nothing fits, we'll eat before we go and just get drinks or maybe an appetizer.

    When invited to dinner or parties, I always try to bring a side dish of some kind. That way we know there's at least one thing we can eat. We'll typically eat something small before we go and if we're hungry after, we'll get something to eat.

    There's certainly nothing wrong with relaxing and eating whatever you want occasionally, but if it's preventing you from getting the results you would like, then some changes need to be made.

    Good luck!