Insanity week 3 - put in 2inches on thighs help

I have been doing insanity I am in the first month at the end of week 3 but I seemed to have put on 5 kilos (around 11pounds) and 2 inches on my thighs I also seem to get bloated a lot more. I have been eating healthily and it is just getting me down. Is there any advice or help anyone can give me I would really appreciate it (before this I was exercising regularly). Oh just incase it matters I am 21 and suffer from PCOS.
Thank you


  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Muscle weight gain and water retention. Just keep at it. That will fall back off again once your body gets used to the new activity level.
  • LePetitChatNoir
    LePetitChatNoir Posts: 1 Member
    I have PCOS too. I have been running 3-5 times a week and I've been doing pilates and yoga for at least an hour every day. I've been on this regimen for about 6 weeks. I am having the exact same issues, and I'm getting discouraged too. I've put two inches on in my midsection, I always look bloated and I've gained 5 pounds on the scale. When I look in the mirror, I fear I look worse than I did before starting to workout. My clothes actually fit worse than they did prior to my workout. I have a few friends getting back in shape too, and they encourage me to stick with it, but it's so tough to watch other people do well while I'm working even harder than they are and I'm seeing no change.

    I have faith that staying diligent is the way to go, so I will continue to work hard. I encourage you to do the same. But I just wanted you to know that you aren't the only one going through this. There are many factors that play in to weight loss, and everyone loses at a different rate. The claims of getting into amazing shape in one month or less are completely bogus. It will be more like 3-4 months before you really see a huge difference, especially with PCOS. I'm trying to be patient, but that feels like such a long time to me! One day at a time I suppose. Good luck on your journey.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Hi there I have pcos too. I have not done insanity but have heard of people gaining on it cuz of muscle. It may be water. It may be what you are eating. Or how much. I know I only saw loss finally after starting a carb cycling diet even tho I exercise like mad. I have a calories cycle too. And my portions and weigh food all measured. You may have bloat you may have muscle. Body is interesting bc your body could weigh more but look leaner with right workout like alot of weight lifting ladies I have seen here. I found with pcos eating low carb helps too.
  • 21sunshine4
    21sunshine4 Posts: 3 Member
    Make sure you are eating enough calories.. eating too few can have a negative effect as well
  • 21sunshine4
    21sunshine4 Posts: 3 Member
    I did it for two months and only ate about 1000 calories a day seeing I felt full.. and although I did start to lose some inches.. my weight didn't budge
  • SkinnyGames
    SkinnyGames Posts: 4 Member
    I have PCOS too.... One day at a time I suppose. Good luck on your journey.

    Thank you. Yes it is really discouraging especially when I see my friends and family eat junk and never put on any weight. As well as when you work hard and end up feeling worse in your clothes or in your skin.

    Like you I will keep going and hopefully see results.

    Thank you and good luck with your journey! Keep me updated :smile:
  • SkinnyGames
    SkinnyGames Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all for replying. I really appreciate all of you taking your time to help me out.

    Your comments have motivated me to keep going and hopefully it will start going in the right direction soon.