Addicted to did you kick the habit?

Struggling with letting go of soda and tea...looking for stories of how others made the switch. Please share...


  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    I bought plain carbonated water, sometimes add a splash of juice to it.
  • punkuate
    punkuate Posts: 127 Member
    I didn't. I just drink diet soda and lots of coffee.
  • Msyl03
    Msyl03 Posts: 8 Member
    I was drinking water with lemon but the lemon gives me horrible heartburn.
  • UltimateTrashBae
    UltimateTrashBae Posts: 175 Member
    edited April 2015
    I drank the rest of what I had. Then I didn't buy any more. I still drink it when I go out but I keep water and carbonated flavor waters around the house.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    punkuate wrote: »
    I didn't. I just drink diet soda and lots of coffee.

    Same. Coke Zero is my liquid gold.

  • jaqcan
    jaqcan Posts: 498 Member
    Can you try just cutting back instead of cutting it out completely?
    How much do you usually drink? Can you cut it in half? LET yourself have 1 a day maybe?
    Every time you want one, have a huge glass of water first, then see if you still want it.
    I'd also suggest getting a water bottle with a straw. I love sipping water through a straw!
  • gaelowyn_pt_duex
    gaelowyn_pt_duex Posts: 135 Member
    I'd personally rather have one can- counted for- of a regular soda than any of the diet crud out there. I had to give up diet soda a while back because it was interacting poorly with some medications I was on. So I gave it up cold turkey.. replaced my 3 can a day diet soda with one can of regular soda every other day or so. And I lost 10lb in about 4 weeks with zero other changes. Those diet chemicals mess things up if you ask me.
    anyways- when I realized that my 1 every other day became 2 every day habit- I stopped it cold turkey as well. I found a couple decaf teas that I loved and drank that. and found that I liked water as well.
    I read labels religiously for any of the nasty chemical crud found in diet sodas- aspartame, sucralose, xylitol. They are also main sweeteners found in those "zero" waters, Gatorade/propel/powerade reduced calorie drinks, reduced calorie fruit juices, and all those "water enhancers" squeeze bottles. Instead of that crud- I brew up a big jug of decaf ice tea and put it in my travel bottles and drink that.
    good luck!
  • mlindsey441
    mlindsey441 Posts: 6 Member
    I make lots of iced tea and sweeten it stevia. I use all different flavors of tea. Sometimes I will add a splash of apple cider vinegar to give it a bit of a kick.

    I also sometimes just use 2 Table spoons apple cider vinegar, water, cinnamon, caramel extract, stevia, and lots of ice in a quart mason jar. It tastes like a caramel apple drink and is WAY better than it sounds. I was afraid to try it, and now I like it better than diet pop.
  • teddytaniwha
    teddytaniwha Posts: 12 Member
    Hi folks. I wss really surprised at the difference in calories between one can of diet coke and one full fat coke when i used the bar code thingy on MFP on my mobile. And I cant taste much difference. Same with Sprite. I now never buy soft that arent zero
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Hi folks. I wss really surprised at the difference in calories between one can of diet coke and one full fat coke when i used the bar code thingy on MFP on my mobile. And I cant taste much difference. Same with Sprite. I now never buy soft that arent zero

    I like the taste, virtually no calories, and despite the fear-mongering that happens around here, they are safe to drink and as long as you don't overeat, they can't cause you to gain weight. :star:

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I drink seltzer water instead.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Vanilla Coke Zero is my saving grace at the end of a long day.
  • Msyl03
    Msyl03 Posts: 8 Member
    jaqcan wrote: »
    Can you try just cutting back instead of cutting it out completely?
    How much do you usually drink? Can you cut it in half? LET yourself have 1 a day maybe?
    Every time you want one, have a huge glass of water first, then see if you still want it.
    I'd also suggest getting a water bottle with a straw. I love sipping water through a straw!

    I used to drink about a liter every day. Now I might drink a 12 ounce can a day.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I still drink it. I went from 6-7 a day, to a few sips with dinner.

    What I did was not allow myself a coke until I had had a glass of water. Then it would be two glasses of water before a coke. Then with meals only. Then with dinner only, and now a few sips is enough to satisfy me.
  • tequila5000
    tequila5000 Posts: 128 Member
    I just gave it up cold turkey. I decided I wasn't going to have any more diet cola, or caffeine after that. (My issue was I felt "bad" about myself for "needing" a can of cola---really the caffeine---to get me out the door every morning. A can of diet cola used to be my breakfast). Anyway, I was successful, didn't have any more, although I did had a terrible withdrawal headache for several days, and now I don't need it any longer. Now, if i have caffeine, I feel jittery.
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    hikeout470 wrote: »
    I bought plain carbonated water, sometimes add a splash of juice to it.

    This. Shoprite has some a good brand called Clear Delight. They have different flavors which is good so you don't get bored.
  • htg20
    htg20 Posts: 116 Member
    I drank my last glass, took a picture of it, then downloaded a "days since" tracker app to my phone. Its been 97 days since I've had soda or tea. I used to drink tea occasionally when I quit soda, but I decided I would give myself permission to drink it too often. I may eventually drink tea sometimes, but I've decided to never drink soda again. No reason to. I'm drinking plain bottled water and have no problem with it now.
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I drink diet.

  • BuckyArden33
    BuckyArden33 Posts: 146 Member
    diet soft drinks are fine
  • Lexicpt
    Lexicpt Posts: 209 Member
    I drink a lot of diet soda and coffee. I don't think I could ever give it up, haha.