


  • jmichaelminton
    jmichaelminton Posts: 47 Member
    From my experience -- as a rule of thumb -- if you're going to bed hungry, you aren't eating enough.
  • Beccajayn
    Beccajayn Posts: 22 Member
    I agree with all the above, but I will add that for me, "bulk it up," is what has helped me the most. A salad with a low calorie dressing BEFORE my dinner. Green beans, broccoli, carrots, etc. with my meals or for snacks. Cut carrots into 1/2 inch chunks and nibble. I was a binge eater for years. I ate healthy in between binges, so healthy eating wasn't anything new. I had to be very careful to be satisfied when I started MFP. I have not binged now for four months and counting.
  • FrostAyy
    FrostAyy Posts: 23 Member
    edited April 2015
    Edit: Wrong thread...
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    It definitely takes some getting used to, but think about these things:

    1. Don't be too aggressive. If you set MFP for losing 2 lbs per week, try setting it instead for 1 lb or even .5 lb. You'll have a smaller deficit, and it will take longer, but you will also be happier, and less likely to give up. Even if it takes a couple of years of slow, steady loss, that's better than losing 10 lbs in a week and then giving up because it's way too hard.

    2. Pay attention to what you're eating. Things with sugar and starch contain more calories for the amount of bulk...or in other words, 400 calories of doughnut will take up a lot less stomach space than 400 calories of salad with grilled chicken, and it will keep you feeling full a lot less time than the salad. It will also contain fewer building blocks for keeping your body and muscles healthy. That's not to say that doughnuts are bad (although some people might tell you that they are.) That's just to say that eating high bulk, high protein foods are more important in order to satisfy your appetite and meet your macros, and then if you have calories leftover for the day, that's when you might consider a doughnut.

    3. When you first eat at a calorie deficit, even if you do everything right, you still might feel hungry. Being hungry is not the worst thing in the world. As long as you're using common sense, making sure you eat enough, and eating things which will allow you more bulk for fewer calories and meet your macro needs, then you might just have to expect to be hungry sometimes. Sometimes you're really thirsty, but it feels like hunger. Sometimes you're actually bored and used to snacking to alleviate boredom. Sometimes you're used to snacking at a certain time of day and your body is just expecting it. It might take a few days or a few weeks, but it will pass. Really, it will. In the meantime, distract yourself. Brush your teeth, take a nap, take a bubble bath, take a walk, learn to knit or crochet or do something else with your hands, look up an old friend and and have a nice phone chat...but know that the hungry feeling will pass, and feeling hungry is not the worst thing in the world.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Also, what are you eating. i focus on getting protein and some fat in every meal as they help with satiety. I don't limit carbs but I do focus on the other two first. I find high carb melas tend to leave me hungry quicker.

    ^ This works for me too.

    Another thing that works for me is thinking about what I'm reaching for before I grab it. Is this the best choice I can make? Sure, a big 270+ calorie bagel will fill me up, for a while, but maybe a 2 egg omelette would be a better choice if I haven't had eggs in a few days. Or a salad with 1/2 a can of tuna. Or some black beans + rice from last nights dinner on some shredded lettuce with salsa and just 1 handful of tortilla chips. Or an apple, some cheese, and 1/2 a chicken breast from leftovers. Or 1/2 cup blueberries with some Greek yoghurt and 1/4 cup granola. Or... well you get the idea, there's an entire world of food out there.

    I find foods that are packed with flavour make it easier, perhaps because I don't feel I am giving up anything.