


  • mommiedawn
    mommiedawn Posts: 53 Member
    I wish I could give you tips. But I'm not doing so well myself! I think if we just don't give up, we'll make it!!! So that's my encouragement, just keep trying!!!
  • jrreed1
    jrreed1 Posts: 57 Member
    Just a couple of other thoughts, I haven't seen mentioned yet.

    How are you sleeping? Are you getting enough sleep? How are you feeling throughout the day? My weight loss stalled when I wasn't getting enough rest.

    Are you taking any rest days from your intense exercise routine? Try taking a day a week where you don't burn as many calories, make your walk a stroll instead and see what happens. I've seen my weight loss stall when I was working out and burning 300-400 calories a day for 3 weeks in a row.

    How is your mood? Believe in yourself and love yourself. A positive attitude towards yourself as an individual goes a long way towards improving your body.

    Sounds like you are on a great path watching calories and exercising. Keep it up!
  • snc1019
    snc1019 Posts: 17 Member
    When you're exercising, are you reaching your target heart rate range? Just because you're "working out" doesn't mean that you're necessarily reaching the level that your body needs to burn fat. Do you use a heart rate monitor when you work out to help track your heart rate? I've found it to be a huge help for me!
  • ravenlunatic76
    ravenlunatic76 Posts: 69 Member
    When you're exercising, are you reaching your target heart rate range? Just because you're "working out" doesn't mean that you're necessarily reaching the level that your body needs to burn fat. Do you use a heart rate monitor when you work out to help track your heart rate? I've found it to be a huge help for me!

    ^ This
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    You should be eating at least 1400 calories a day, including lots of protein and good fats and drinking a lot of water. Also, walking is great, but you should try mixing up your cardio and throw in strength training and core work as well. You need to get that heart pumping and walking won't do that.
  • Akiyah
    Akiyah Posts: 57
    up your calories and see the of luck!
  • SAMF2000
    SAMF2000 Posts: 1
    I Have to tell you if your taking in too few calories you won't lose as fast. I Have lost 7 lbs in about 2 weeks and I am only 5'1
    and for my body type it recommends 1200 calories! I ALWAYS Stay below by 100 calories too. Also VERY IMPORTANT Make sure your thyroid is working correctly, as that was my problem, also very important you MUST DRINK AT LEAST 3 BOTTLES of water per day for any weight lose to show, 30 min of excersise is good too. My goal weight is 125-130 lbs which I Will reach if I Keep it up by August.
  • mommiedawn
    mommiedawn Posts: 53 Member
    Hey there, I wanted to tell you that I got my new Polar heart rate monitor (the FT7) yesterday and tested it while walking AND running (the walking for a great deal of time prior to running because I walked to my jogging path). I was able to get my heart rate up ABOVE fat burning zone for me by briskly walking and had to slow it down a bit to stay in the zone!

    So I realize people are telling you to do more than walking and maybe that's the best thing to shoot for in the long run (pun intended :tongue: ) but don't be discouraged, per this awesome little gadget that SO many people trust, I am now encouraged that my walking is definitely helping me reach my goals!!!

    Best of luck to you!
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