what exercise programs r u using!?

Names Freddy, new to this... What programs r ppl using alongside MFP!? I have insanity MAX, T25 & P90X n haven't been able to stick thru any one... Any suggestions!?


  • gsxrguy03
    gsxrguy03 Posts: 9 Member
    CROSSFIT! It works.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I just finished my 5th cycle of Wendler's 5/3/1 and started with my first day of PHUL today. 4 day upper/lower split, two days power, two days hypertrophy.
  • darcelchoy
    darcelchoy Posts: 89 Member
    I do a mixture of weights/cardio with a group of people four days a week. If I miss a day I look for a video on YouTube to follow.
  • roeyrolex
    roeyrolex Posts: 8 Member
    Crossfit doesn't work and you'll end up injuring yourself, don't listen to edwardtarazon. I do a combination of Wendler's 5/3/1 and plyometrics.
  • morowinder
    morowinder Posts: 35 Member
    Whatever you do, don't do crossfit. Also if a program seems to be based around some 'revolutionary' concept, like muscle confusion, don't do it.
    Orthodox programs are the ones that work, ones that say to do basic compound movements. Google starting strength, stronglifts or icf
  • xfitmomma423
    xfitmomma423 Posts: 1 Member
    Yeah, crossfit's improved my endurance, strength and flexbility 1,000 fold over the last year. Whatever you do, don't do it.

    Seriously, find a good crossfit gym in your area, make sure they offer foundation classes where you learn movements and terminology first and give it a shot! Many gyms will offer free Saturday classes where you can go and do more cardio-based workouts to see how you like it.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    I do a mix of Body Beast for lifting and cardio ( Insanity, Insanity max, fitnessblender.com, T25 )
  • amykent73
    amykent73 Posts: 2 Member
    I like Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home DVD's. I don't believe they are as intense as some of the others that have been suggested but they might be a good starting point.
  • AndyCool22
    AndyCool22 Posts: 131 Member
    maybe try out turbojam -- a little less intense but i am still sweating by the time i'm done
  • truelight_photo_craig
    truelight_photo_craig Posts: 347 Member
    I like to K.I.S.S. I run/walk 3-4 days a week. I do about 45 miles a month.
  • quintoespada
    quintoespada Posts: 58 Member
    i'm on p90x and thursday this week is my second recovery week moving into phase three. honestly, the only way you're going to reap benefits of any kind is if you grit your teeth and finish one of the programs you have anyway. i plan on finishing at least one more round of 90 days of p90x before i try a hybrid of insanity mixed with p90x.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Weights and cycling a long way programs.

    You need to enjoy your program otherwise you will never stick to it.
  • quintoespada
    quintoespada Posts: 58 Member
    i'm not gonna lie, i rolled my eyes. i've lost a total of about 80 lbs. and 20 lbs. due to the first time i've tried p90x without interruption and without 'giving up'. if you try a beach body program and stick with it and don't shove donuts and taco bell and soda into your mouth and don't wine when you don't get results, you will. you just have to change your lifestyle. you have to really push yourself and really want it and that goes without saying, no matter which program you choose.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    I do Strong Lifts 5x5 and on the days I'm not lifting I do some light cardio.