100lb+ to lose I can do it this time!

hi everyone, I'm 32 and need to get from 282lb to at least 140lb. I've struggled with my weight for years but have decided this is it I will lose it and keep it off this time. I'd love some friends to help motivate and support. I'm aiming to log everything everyday good or bad and think with a bit of support I can do it!


  • angels2013
    angels2013 Posts: 31 Member
    I have lost this amoun amd am happy to be a support mechanism for you. Add me as a friend
  • lisa131072
    lisa131072 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm starting a similar journey, add me as a friend if you want someone to chat to
  • monkeypantz
    monkeypantz Posts: 288 Member
    Just sent you a friend request, I have just under 100lbs to lose in total, 37lbs down, 60 something pounds to go!
  • Kk2Aa
    Kk2Aa Posts: 25 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm with you! I'm trying to get down to 140 too! feel free to add me!
  • angels2013
    angels2013 Posts: 31 Member
    hi everyone, I'm 32 and need to get from 282lb to at least 140lb. I've struggled with my weight for years but have decided this is it I will lose it and keep it off this time. I'd love some friends to help motivate and support. I'm aiming to log everything everyday good or bad and think with a bit of support I can do it!

  • rubic75
    rubic75 Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning,

    I'm a 40 year old male currently at 300 ish... and want to get down to 250 for starters. Add me we can motivate each otherm
  • tamaraworrall
    tamaraworrall Posts: 166 Member
    Hi I've lost 58 lbs so far in 12 weeks and got another 120 lbs to go to my target weight.
    Message me if you need some hints
  • truelight_photo_craig
    truelight_photo_craig Posts: 347 Member
    I've lost 100+ pounds over the last 4 years. No fads or gimmicks, just eat healthy and lots of exercise. You guys can feel free to add me if you'd like. If I could do it, you guys can too!!!
  • cng31183
    cng31183 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm 32 and in the same boat! Added