need friends to help motivate for 150 weight loss

Hi all. I'm Amanda, I'm 34yoi need to lose 150lbs. I've got a 2yo I need to get for so I can watch her grow up. I want to be able to play at the park with her and go down slides and have her be proud to call me her momma. I need friends who will be supportive and giveme a swift kick in the pants when iI need motivation. Thanks!


  • lisa131072
    lisa131072 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Amanda, I'm Lisa, 42, mum of 2, also need to lose over 100lb, feel free to add me as a friend, I am a very straight talker so swift kick in the pants won't be a problem, would appreciate the same back :-)
  • tch05539
    tch05539 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Tammy
    I have 100+ lbs to lose. My willpower has always been poor when it comes to this.