Low carb diets

Heya! Just wondering if anyone can give me some advise on foods that are low carb please? I didn't realise how full of carbs everything is until I started writing it all down ha. Also if I'm low carb roughly how many % carbs, protein & fat should I have? My nutrition part on here is saying I should be 50% carb, 20% protein & 30% fat but I think 50% is way to high really. Thank you!! Xxx


  • Rossergirl
    Rossergirl Posts: 105 Member
    Hey Chelsea! I highly recommend going to www.authoritynutrition.com, then clicking on Meal Plans tab and then read all about Low Carb. It is very informative and will give you lists of foods and the amount of carbs. It also gives some science info. This website shows different types of eating styles and the low carb lifestyle is the first on the list. Feel free to friend me!
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    You'll find the answers to your questions in the LC group: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10103966/start-here-the-lcd-launch-pad

    Use this to calculate your macros: http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/

    And use the custom option under goals to enter what numbers it gives you on MFP
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited April 2015
    Heya! Just wondering if anyone can give me some advise on foods that are low carb please? I didn't realise how full of carbs everything is until I started writing it all down ha. Also if I'm low carb roughly how many % carbs, protein & fat should I have? My nutrition part on here is saying I should be 50% carb, 20% protein & 30% fat but I think 50% is way to high really. Thank you!! Xxx

    Way to high for what? Why are you wanting to low carb? Do you understand what carbs are? Do you understand that carbs don't make your fat? What kind of carbs are you eating? Veg and fruit are carbs...if it's not fat or protein, it's a carb. Do you have medical issues/metabolic conditions, etc?

    A common macro ratio that people often use is 40c/30p/30f...this is known as the "zone" or zone diet and it works pretty well for cutting for most people and helps them balance out there nutrition.

    But really, there's not much in the way of context here for there to be much of a discussion.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    What percentage of carbs do you think is appropriate? What is your daily activity/exercise like? What are your goals?
  • ChelseaShead92
    ChelseaShead92 Posts: 4 Member
    Sorry if I didn't give much info here I'm very new to this. When I say low carb foods & being lower than 50% I mean it as in blueberries are quite high carb where as watermelon is a lot lower. Which until now I never knew! So I want to swap up some foods & if I'm aiming for under 50% carb I have a bit of wriggle room if I go over for whatever reason. Thank you for your help so far though xx
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Sorry if I didn't give much info here I'm very new to this. When I say low carb foods & being lower than 50% I mean it as in blueberries are quite high carb where as watermelon is a lot lower. Which until now I never knew! So I want to swap up some foods & if I'm aiming for under 50% carb I have a bit of wriggle room if I go over for whatever reason. Thank you for your help so far though xx

    But why are you aiming for under 50%? And are you looking at total carbs or net carbs - that makes a difference in determining carb intake.
  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    Berries are generally considered to be one of the only 'permitted' fruits for low carb eating. It's true that blueberries have about 1.5 x the carbs of melons per 100g, but the serving sizes are generally a lot smaller. A 50g serving of berries is quite generous whereas a 50g serving of melon doesn't seem like anything at all.
    As JPW mentioned if you join the low carb group you'll find answers to all your questions, and lots of people who are living it!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    unless you are diabetic, carbs don't matter.
  • erikgoya
    erikgoya Posts: 77 Member
    Depends on what type of low carb diet you're looking to get into?

    Some people see low carb as 150grams of carbs, some 100, some 50 or lower. Keto is about 20grams.
    Really depends on what program you want to go for.

    I'm doing keto, so my ratios are at 5/25/70 c/p/f.

    Just make sure to do your research
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    unless you are diabetic, carbs don't matter.

    Not even for the magical IIFYM?
  • rontafoya
    rontafoya Posts: 365 Member
    I think it totally depends on your objectives, and also the type of activity/exercise you do, number of overall calories, etc. In my case, carbs mostly make me hungry. But too low and I feel crappy. Yet, I need to keep overall calories low so I can drop a few more pounds of fat. My only exercise is heavy weights. So for ME, a good breakdown happens to be about 15%-20% carbs (usually more like 15%), about 35+% protein, and up to 40-50% fat. It seems to be the only way at my size (6'0" 195#) for me to eat only 2000 or so calories a day. Basically it's a meat and vegetables diet, snacking on avocados or peanut butter or sardines when I crave snacks. I guess my diet is borderline low carb. Definitely not keto--which makes me feel crappy--but way lower than what a typical American eats. I'm probably in the 50-100grams a day range for carbs. Seems to be a sweet spot for me (personally)