Inputting Grams when weighing food, Help!



  • goingtobefit2015
    goingtobefit2015 Posts: 408 Member
    tjcalley wrote: »
    I would have never thought of that! Gosh now I feel stupid!

    This all makes perfect sense. Thank you so much for the quick responses!

    I never figured that out either. . . this is going to help a lot. I'm so glad you asked!

  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    tjcalley wrote: »
    tjcalley wrote: »
    I have tried searching for this answer but I cant seem to find an answer

    I have been weighing all of my food (just started) and adding them to mfp in grams as I have seen suggested on the forums.

    Heres my question: If I scan peanut butter (uusing the bar code) there are no options in the drop down to change to 1 gram. Ive noticed this with other foods as well. How do I change this because I cannot for the life of me figure it out.

    Again I apologize if this has been asked already!

    Ps. I'm terrible at math really really bad at math

    One solution is for foods that you eat regularly, add your own foods to the data base with grams as the unit of measurement (and add all information as shown on the label). This is a bit time consuming but will be worth it for things you regularly eat

    I tried doing this the other day and got frustrated pretty quickly. I was at work while doing it so that could be why I wasn't able to figure it out. I inputted everything and then it still didnt give me the option to choose 1 gram. I might have to take some time tonight after work to really go through it

    It would require more math than just doing the division using the information provided above. I do this only with recipes so it's easy to remember what a serving size is. In order to do it with something like peanut butter, you would probably have to convert it to 100 gram servings and then just use the 100ths of a serving as your size. I find it easier to calculate the fraction of a portion and use that amount. I've been calorie counting on and off for way longer than I care to remember (literally 1/2 my life), so I've picked up a thing or two along the way :smile:
  • cynicalhopeful
    cynicalhopeful Posts: 4 Member
    My fitness Pal should give more options for weighing, measuring, counting foods consumed. That would make it easier for everyone.
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    My fitness Pal should give more options for weighing, measuring, counting foods consumed. That would make it easier for everyone.

    You're really only limited by the amount of effort you're willing to put in. You could log your food however you would like because MFP allows us to make our own food entries. I love it.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    avskk wrote: »
    You're not stupid at all. You're trying to log accurately, you noticed a discrepancy, and you took action to find the information you needed. That's smart, not stupid.

    Provided good information and was nice to boot... are you sure you belong on MFP? ;)

    Hah! Sometimes I wonder... but no, I just hate seeing someone who's really trying to do this right be so hard on herself. After a million posts from people who refuse to weigh, or don't bother choosing accurate entries, I'd hate to see someone so close to success give up because she thinks she's being "stupid" when she's really just trying to get it right.

    Speaking of which, @tjcalley , if your scale only does ounces, it is TOTALLY LEGIT to weigh your entire package of whatever -- peanut butter, cheese, lettuce, raw organic vegan quorn elk fritters -- in ounces and then log your servings as percentages of the total package. Dump out your PB jar into a zeroed-out bowl, find out how many ounces it is, then log that you ate .05 of an entire jar whenever you have the corresponding amount by weight! Grams are more accurate, but ounces will get you close enough until you can get a better scale.

    I use when I've got a stumper. If you weigh the contents of a new PB jar as, say, 16 ounces, and then you scoop out half an ounce for your sandwich, you can just ask it ".5 is what percent of 16," and it'll spit out your answer -- then you can log that you ate whatever% of the total jar and call it a day.
  • tjcalley
    tjcalley Posts: 163 Member
    avskk wrote: »
    avskk wrote: »
    You're not stupid at all. You're trying to log accurately, you noticed a discrepancy, and you took action to find the information you needed. That's smart, not stupid.

    Provided good information and was nice to boot... are you sure you belong on MFP? ;)

    Hah! Sometimes I wonder... but no, I just hate seeing someone who's really trying to do this right be so hard on herself. After a million posts from people who refuse to weigh, or don't bother choosing accurate entries, I'd hate to see someone so close to success give up because she thinks she's being "stupid" when she's really just trying to get it right.

    Speaking of which, @tjcalley , if your scale only does ounces, it is TOTALLY LEGIT to weigh your entire package of whatever -- peanut butter, cheese, lettuce, raw organic vegan quorn elk fritters -- in ounces and then log your servings as percentages of the total package. Dump out your PB jar into a zeroed-out bowl, find out how many ounces it is, then log that you ate .05 of an entire jar whenever you have the corresponding amount by weight! Grams are more accurate, but ounces will get you close enough until you can get a better scale.

    I use when I've got a stumper. If you weigh the contents of a new PB jar as, say, 16 ounces, and then you scoop out half an ounce for your sandwich, you can just ask it ".5 is what percent of 16," and it'll spit out your answer -- then you can log that you ate whatever% of the total jar and call it a day.

    Thank you so much! I am going to try this later!

    Also, I have read so many posts on here where the OP asks a question and is then crucfied! Usually it's because of what you mentioned above (not weighing food etc) so I guess I didnt' want to come off sounding dumb for asking especially since I couldnt find previous posts going over this. But yes you're right I shouldn't feel stupid for asking and thank you for being so helpful!