Do you eat right after working out?



  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I haven't started the shakes yet....but wondering now...if the banana and peanut butter I eat after my workout is ok?????
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    OH YEAH!
  • robie
    robie Posts: 7
    I make this quick smoothie of 6oz yogurt, 2tbls apple cidar vinagar, 3tbls flax, and a all natual juice such as OJ, Cranberry, Pomegranate and ice YUM! and satisfys my sweet tooth too
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    YES, you must eat after working out. anything with high protien. take a protien shake with you, or a protien bar, string cheese, you get the point. just something for your body to recover

    Why "must" you eat after working out? I've never eaten after working out because exercise takes away my appetite. I drink plenty of water after a workout, then eat later when I start to feel hungry, which is usually more than an hour.
  • katyk00
    katyk00 Posts: 67 Member
    I think it's because working out breaks down your muscle fibers, so in order to make your work out effecive you must consume some form of protein to assist with the muscle repair, i.e building them back up/making them stronger.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    YES, you must eat after working out. anything with high protien. take a protien shake with you, or a protien bar, string cheese, you get the point. just something for your body to recover

    Why "must" you eat after working out? I've never eaten after working out because exercise takes away my appetite. I drink plenty of water after a workout, then eat later when I start to feel hungry, which is usually more than an hour.

    Like I said. for fat loss it doesn't really matter but for performance it does.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    From the Mayo Clinic:

    4. Eat after you exercise
    To help your muscles recover and to replace their glycogen stores, eat a meal that contains both protein and carbohydrates within two hours of your exercise session if possible. If you aren't hungry after your workout, drink juice or a sports drink to provide replenishing carbohydrates.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    I eat breakfast before I workout (about an hr. before), b/c I'm hungry and won't last through a w/o without having eaten. AFTER my w/o, (w/i an hr usually), I have a protein shake.
  • Sarahdangerfox
    You don't HAVE TO eat right after working out, but that's when your metabolism is at its fastest and most efficient, so your food counts for a lot more. I find that making a smoothie or breakfast wrap the night before and having it ready to go in the fridge is easiest for post-workout eating in the morning. Try throwing together a breakfast wrap with egg whites, spinach, fat free feta and peppers on whole wheat lavash or a whole wheat tortilla, or a smoothie with nonfat greek yogurt, a handful of spinach (you don't taste it, I promise!), frozen mango, frozen pineapple and a little apple juice. Yum! Easy and ready to go when you are :)
  • emmajane_2288
    emmajane_2288 Posts: 132 Member
    I do because I usually go to the gym straight from work from 6:30-7:30 so I eat dinner when I get in. My appetite isnt very big but I dont like eating too late.

    I didnt realise that you were supposed to eat after working out, I just do it because it convenient.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    ok, i'm new (and i mean, *really* new) to this whole working out thing (if you want to call using the treadmill "working out"), so i can use any advice i can get. i thought eating defies the purpose of working out, but i'm reading that you *should* eat afterwards. can someone tell me why - what the logistics are? any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • Sarahdangerfox
    ok, i'm new (and i mean, *really* new) to this whole working out thing (if you want to call using the treadmill "working out"), so i can use any advice i can get. i thought eating defies the purpose of working out, but i'm reading that you *should* eat afterwards. can someone tell me why - what the logistics are? any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks! :flowerforyou:

    Well...a girl's gotta eat! If you exercise, you need to fuel your body, and you're going to have to eat anyway. The purpose of working out is more than just working off's also to get your body moving, to tone muscles, to stretch, to burn calories, to condition yourself to be able to do more, etc. If you exercise and don't eat, and your body is not properly fueled, you could get into some trouble with blood sugar and actually put your body into starvation mode which won't help with weight loss.

    It's all a balance- you have to make sure you eat the right things to fuel your body to be able to exercise and so forth. Cindy- if you have access to a trainer and nutritionist, you should really talk to them about getting on a program that's right for you. Otherwise, just ask your doctor :)
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    ok, i'm new (and i mean, *really* new) to this whole working out thing (if you want to call using the treadmill "working out"), so i can use any advice i can get. i thought eating defies the purpose of working out, but i'm reading that you *should* eat afterwards. can someone tell me why - what the logistics are? any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks! :flowerforyou:

    Well...a girl's gotta eat! If you exercise, you need to fuel your body, and you're going to have to eat anyway. The purpose of working out is more than just working off's also to get your body moving, to tone muscles, to stretch, to burn calories, to condition yourself to be able to do more, etc. If you exercise and don't eat, and your body is not properly fueled, you could get into some trouble with blood sugar and actually put your body into starvation mode which won't help with weight loss.

    It's all a balance- you have to make sure you eat the right things to fuel your body to be able to exercise and so forth. Cindy- if you have access to a trainer and nutritionist, you should really talk to them about getting on a program that's right for you. Otherwise, just ask your doctor :)

    thank you - i suppose that's just common sense that i don't have. lol
  • sprevite
    sprevite Posts: 3 Member
    try and grab one of the special k protein shakes, theyre delicious and really fill you up!:wink:
  • LeanaJo
    LeanaJo Posts: 85
    I eat right after I take a shower, after my workout. Within the hour after the workout, yes.
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    Yes you should eat right after your workout. Boil a bunch of eggs keep them in the fridge and you can just grab one to get some protein in.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You should be eating a good amount of protein within an hour and a half of when you worked out. Also, I heard that your body is super receptive to everything you put into it after you work out so since I heard that, I've been trying to eat really well especially after I work out. To answer your question, though, yes. I usually eat a protein bar on my way home from the gym, shower, then make myself lunch.
  • katt742
    katt742 Posts: 196 Member
    looks like i'll have to look into protein shakes! what kind do you guys drink.recommend?

    also, so after drinking the still have a proper breakfast afterwards, later on?

    There are so many protein shakes out there...I personally use GNC AMP. But I only drink that after my strength training workouts. After cardio and light circuit workout I make my own low cal protein shake: Milk, 1 frozen banana, 1 tablespoon (or more) of unsweetened cocoa powder. I blend it up in my Magic Bullet!! Or you can just drink a glass of chocolate milk!! Its been proven to help in the recovery process!

    And yes, definately eat regularly throughout the day. I work out after work at 5:30 PM. I workout typically for an hour and drink my shake right after. So around 6:30-6:45. Then I eat dinner at 7:30-8:00!
  • katt742
    katt742 Posts: 196 Member
    ok, i'm new (and i mean, *really* new) to this whole working out thing (if you want to call using the treadmill "working out"), so i can use any advice i can get. i thought eating defies the purpose of working out, but i'm reading that you *should* eat afterwards. can someone tell me why - what the logistics are? any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks! :flowerforyou:

    Well...a girl's gotta eat! If you exercise, you need to fuel your body, and you're going to have to eat anyway. The purpose of working out is more than just working off's also to get your body moving, to tone muscles, to stretch, to burn calories, to condition yourself to be able to do more, etc. If you exercise and don't eat, and your body is not properly fueled, you could get into some trouble with blood sugar and actually put your body into starvation mode which won't help with weight loss.

    It's all a balance- you have to make sure you eat the right things to fuel your body to be able to exercise and so forth. Cindy- if you have access to a trainer and nutritionist, you should really talk to them about getting on a program that's right for you. Otherwise, just ask your doctor :)

    thank you - i suppose that's just common sense that i don't have. lol

    when you workout your muscles essentially tear.. You are breaking down and tearing the muscles. The muscles need fuel to help repair them. That's how we get toned and bigger muscles. The right foods though!! You cant run on the treadmill and then eat a piece of cake lol. Muscles need protein to rebuild, hence the reason for protein shakes and bars and such!
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    I come in from the gym and immediately mix up a glass of almond milk and vanilla flavored whey powder to take upstairs with me to drink while I'm getting showered and dressed.