Garden of Life RAW Organic Meal

I'm looking to buy this; I've never tried it. What's your experience with it or your protein powder of choice?


  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    I haven't tried the raw meal, I use the garden of life raw protein, its a little gritty compared to the garden of life smooth organic plant protein. My local health food store gives samples of it, I think you can order the samples online too if you want to try it before you buy a larger container.
  • BraveWingsSheFlies
    BraveWingsSheFlies Posts: 23 Member
    @auntstephie321 — good to know; thank you.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    It's really really disgusting. Tastes like chalk and doesn't dissolved in anything.
  • bepaz10
    bepaz10 Posts: 12 Member
    The Raw Meal is super thick and gets thicker by the second if you don't drink it fast. I only used a small amount and tossed the rest because I read that the company was having issues with heavy metals in their products and were trying to address that issue.

    My favorite protein powder was the Garden of Life Raw Protein vanilla. I am hoping they are able to lower the levels of heavy metals so I can feel comfortable using it again.
  • stmariepearl
    stmariepearl Posts: 56 Member
    I don't mind the raw meal taste-wise, I stopped using it because it has 27 grams of sugar or something around that (rice syrup I think). I have been using the Garden of Life Raw Protein instead and like it just fine, but I didn't know about the heavy metals so I'll look into that now. . .