Jello, jello, jello!!

Just the other day, my baby girl 8yrs old was sitting next to me and she asked why my belly was so big. I told her it was because when she was in my belly as a baby she stretched it out. Then she laid her hands on my belly and shook my belly with her hands and said,"it looks like jello!! Jello, jello, jello.." She is was so silly and honest all I could do was laugh with her. So for the last week my family has been lovingly teasing me calling me jello belly. This is what has gotten me motivated to start trying to loose that baby weight I gained while pregnant with her. Lol. She is my bright little ray of sun shine!!


  • yhealthy2000
    yhealthy2000 Posts: 111 Member
    Do you use MFP do log your food? Also do you do any excercises? Just wanting to know so that I can give the support you need.
  • shanettljones
    shanettljones Posts: 7 Member
    I'm just starting out. This is day 2 on my fitness pal. I logged my meals yesterday. And I'm waiting on my fitbit to come in the mail so I can track my steps walking more accurately. I can't wait for it to get here. I went on a walk yesterday with my puppy 8 blocks in our neighborhood. I plan to go on another walk with her this evening with my daughter who calls me Jello belly.... I don't really do much other exercise though. Like I said just starting and trying to stay motivated
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    My sisters and I used to pretend my mom's belly was a water bed. God, we were such lousy kids, especially seeing as how I grew to need to lose 110 lbs. I'm glad you're going with the "innocence" factor. I doubt my mom saw it that way.
  • KeepItSimpleGirl
    KeepItSimpleGirl Posts: 14 Member
    I began my journey the same way & I lost 30 lbs by logging and walking with my Fitbit. You can do it. Keep it simple and manageable. Too many changes at once can be hard to maintain. Set yourself up for success by focusing on logging and getting in your steps to start off. You got this!