Do you log every morsel?



  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    While I was losing, I was logging everything. Now that I'm 1.5 lbs from my goal, I have been slacking and that's probably why it's taking months :D

    One thing I do with things I'm grazing on is to weigh the package at the start of the morning, write the grams on the package, and then weigh before I go to bed and then make sure my logging is accurate.
  • Eastcoastmom77
    Eastcoastmom77 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes! This app is great because you know exactly what amount of food you can eat without going over your daily limit. I log everything because if I eat at or belowy calorie goal, then I feel much more accomplished. Good luck!
  • Britxclarity
    Britxclarity Posts: 235 Member
    I try to log everything except seasoning (on meats and veggies)- especially if you're cooking for you're family.. since you won't know how much you're actually getting on the piece of food you get. and I also don't log diet pepsi
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    kayfaei wrote: »
    I try to log everything except seasoning (on meats and veggies)- especially if you're cooking for you're family.. since you won't know how much you're actually getting on the piece of food you get. and I also don't log diet pepsi

    There can be a lot of calories in seasoning.

    I cook for two..i just calculate what i eat. So divide some things in two. Not always the most accurate way, but at least it is calculated for.

  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I don't worry about weighing some things-like meat mom makes in the crockpot, so those entries probably arent logged all that accurately. But I'm also chronically under 1000 calories these days due to stress, laziness with not wanting to cook, and lack of time, so I have a more than comfy cushion.
  • zissisbrisbane
    zissisbrisbane Posts: 22 Member
    Like most people responding, yes, I try to.

    Even if it looks like crap when you read over the diary, at least it is an honest reflection.
  • punkuate
    punkuate Posts: 127 Member
    I only have two things I don't log. Water and vinegar. I don't really keep track of how much I'm consuming of either.
  • vschwgrt1
    vschwgrt1 Posts: 86 Member
    yes, if I don't I find I don't lose.
  • lilbea89
    lilbea89 Posts: 62 Member
    If its less than 5 cals i dont usually log it, like the miniscule spread of mustard i might put on my sandwich or a squirt of hot sauce the size of a pea i mix in my ketchup sometimes. Just stuff that's hard to measure its so small. But like everyone else said, little nibbles add up quick. A few Pretzels here and a handful of grapes there can quickly add up by the end of the day. I'm the worst with cooking dinner, one taste turns to another and soon i gotta cut my dinner serving down i "tested" so much.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Yes - every single thing

    it mounts up
  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    Yup. I even log my gum (5-10calories depending on the type) and seasonings because for example my serving of oregano is like 8calories. I find all these little things add up. 4pieces of gum can be 20-40cals, plus other little things throughout the day. However, i also wouldnt be upset if i was over my calorie goal by that little amount.

    Although there have been times ive had one chip, or one small bite of my bf's sandwich or ice cream. But its not an everyday thing, or even a weekly thing so i let it go. If at some point i stop losing, ill tighten those up.
  • daaaaaanielle
    daaaaaanielle Posts: 114 Member
    I log everything except seasonings. When I say seasonings, I'm really referring to salt and pepper since those are my go-to seasonings. I put no more than a pinch into/onto things that need them and generally my diet is very low in salt to begin with so I don't worry too much about these. Other seasonings that might have calories in them, I gauge whether it's worth it. Sauces, yes, I always log these. Herbs and spices, generally not. I'm trying to leave a bit of headroom under my goal (my goal is already set higher than it could be because I'm not looking for overly fast weight loss) of 100-ish calories which means that even if I do get a bit heavy with the seasoning, it's not going to be pushing me over.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Almost always. Yesterday, I had 2 small pretzel sticks I didn't log because I couldn't figure out how to. I'm not overly worried about the calories.

    I don't log pepper because I don't use it in great quantity. I do log my other seasonings, though. I also don't bother to log lemon juice accurately, I just settle for the generic 1/2 lemon juice yields entry. It's probably close enough.
  • ArkMom35
    ArkMom35 Posts: 225 Member
    I try my very best to, yes. Every now and then something slips through the cracks though.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    No. I don't bother with low calorie condiments like mustard, or when having something like a few baby carrots, or coffee or tea.

    Also, at the end of the day, if I'm sitting with several hundred calories left in my budget I might not log things. Yesterday I ended up with 600 calories left in my budget so I didn't bother logging a couple crackers and some cheese.
  • Jgasmic
    Jgasmic Posts: 219 Member
    Pretty much, and I weigh most of it, too. I don't measure the super low-cal stuff like mustard or hot sauce, but I record that I ate it. I like having a full record of everything. It also keeps me honest and makes it easier for me to turn down the mindless snacking and the nibbles here and there since I know I will need to log it. But mindless snacking is my downfall, I could easily eat 500 calories in a day outside of my meals without even thinking about it, so I'm trying to train myself to think about it.
  • ChrisManch
    ChrisManch Posts: 46 Member
    I don't log diet drinks, that are only a couple of calories. If I am making a salad I'll measure and log the dressing, tomatoes, onion, cheese etc. but don't log the lettuce.

    Everything you log has a margin of error, its not an exact science. The calories per gram in say, an apple, will vary with the variety, how much sun it got, how long it has been stored etc.

    You are never going to be able to log exactly every calorie you consume, so not logging a few lettuce leaves isn't going to add much to the error.

    It is important though, not to overlook snacking. A handful of peanuts, a few teaspoons of sugar, a few grapes, a sweet - can quickly add up to significant calories. If you tend to graze between meals, logging everything can help you think about what you are actually eating over the day.

    Also, you might think, "its healthy so it can't be calorific", but that small glass of no-added sugar fruit juice might have the equivalent of 5 or more teaspoons of sugar in it. Logging it shows you how many calories there are,
  • ruggedshutter
    ruggedshutter Posts: 389 Member
    I will probably be more strict about it as I get closer to my goal and once I start maintaining. As for right now, I don't log everything unless it's over 50 calories. Veggies like carrots, celery and lettuce I usually don't log. I will log fruit like cantaloupe if it is in enough of a quantity to add to my day.
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    Didn't use to, being MUCH MORE aware of it now. Part of the learning procees. Yeah especially when not wanting to throw out expensive food finishing those last few bites on kids plate...ADDS UP. If I'm not honest about the logging I can't b%!#$ about the number on the scale.
  • vinerie
    vinerie Posts: 234 Member
    Yes, but I really don't see how this can last! So time consuming to input recipes, etc. But I don't see another solution, so I do it.