I am on 3d week and no loss...

klairy1989 Posts: 19 Member
edited April 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I am on day 21 and my weight has flactuated a lot. Week one , I was on low carb but couldn't maintain it, even though I lost 0,5kilos.

Week two I and three I was on TDEE recompense diet and I hit my caloric goals weekly. I feel better but I see no change in scale yet. Is it too soon?

I also started lifting heavier weights. I feel discouraged plz help!

PS- my diary is open.


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Three weeks really isn't a lot of time to see enormous change. Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. A lot of posters here, myself included, say their weight ranges from 0-6 pounds difference daily--depending on workout and diet (especially sodium). Be patient and keep at it! :smiley:

    Your profile says you're 25, what about your other stats--like current weight and height. Those things can make a difference too!
  • klairy1989
    klairy1989 Posts: 19 Member
    I have one, I just ate out and I couldn't have known , it was approximately .

    I am 158cm and 64.4kg. My body fat is 31.4% and my goal is to reduce bf without loosing muscle.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Weigh and log everything and give it time

    A cup of potatoes is nothing ...I would imagine unless you ate a very small amount that is severely underestimated

    How are you measuring body fat ...because if that's not dexa scan or bod pod and is a scale measurement it's irrelevant as a number but ok for tracking progress over months

    How are you measuring your TDEE ...I'd go with MFP NEAT and add your exercise on top (halving the calories) ...

    Judge it all over time 6-8 weeks

    I'm glad you learned quick about low carb ...I can't do that for life either so it's no good for me...and it does play hugely with water weight at the start
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Scanned your diary for a few days

    There seems to be a few suspicious entries ..but you know best...pita bread for 124 calories? Chicken souvlaki for 100 or so? Are you sure you're estimating your sizes correctly? 100g bifstek? Was your steak 100g that's very small ..did you Weigh it? A restaurant portion would be more likely twice that

    Be very careful of MFP database
    Choose unstarred selections first
    Then those with member confirmations
    Always check against pack calories / other websites
    Never use other people's recipes / homemade - use the recipe builder and build your own

  • klairy1989
    klairy1989 Posts: 19 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Scanned your diary for a few days

    There seems to be a few suspicious entries ..but you know best...pita bread for 124 calories? Chicken souvlaki for 100 or so? Are you sure you're estimating your sizes correctly? 100g bifstek? Was your steak 100g that's very small ..did you Weigh it? A restaurant portion would be more likely twice that

    Be very careful of MFP database
    Choose unstarred selections first
    Then those with member confirmations
    Always check against pack calories / other websites
    Never use other people's recipes / homemade - use the recipe builder and build your own

    Yes I use a scale for bf.
    for my TDEE I use iifym calculator, isn't it accurate? I'll try your suggestion thank u!

    Pitta bread I scanned using the barcode and it found the exact brand so I logged it.

    Souvlaki I ate only chicken breast, boneless skinless on a skewer! As for the steak.... I didn't really measure it o:)o:)

    Yes, I understand your point and thank you very much for everything!!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    klairy1989 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Scanned your diary for a few days

    There seems to be a few suspicious entries ..but you know best...pita bread for 124 calories? Chicken souvlaki for 100 or so? Are you sure you're estimating your sizes correctly? 100g bifstek? Was your steak 100g that's very small ..did you Weigh it? A restaurant portion would be more likely twice that

    Be very careful of MFP database
    Choose unstarred selections first
    Then those with member confirmations
    Always check against pack calories / other websites
    Never use other people's recipes / homemade - use the recipe builder and build your own

    Yes I use a scale for bf.
    for my TDEE I use iifym calculator, isn't it accurate? I'll try your suggestion thank u!

    Pitta bread I scanned using the barcode and it found the exact brand so I logged it.

    Souvlaki I ate only chicken breast, boneless skinless on a skewer! As for the steak.... I didn't really measure it o:)o:)

    Yes, I understand your point and thank you very much for everything!!

    You'd be surprised though how much variation there can be even in pre-packaged items. The pita bread we use is a great example: the package *says* that 78g is 1 serving, and the nutritional information provided is for that serving size. But in the years we've been eating that brand, I have never had a pita come out at 78g. Most are in the 83-87g range, which adds quite a number of calories. Just a few off entries like that can add up quickly, putting you over your goal.
  • klairy1989
    klairy1989 Posts: 19 Member
    Oh no..... So what can I do about that?! Change the brand and be extra carefull?
  • MonsoonStorm
    MonsoonStorm Posts: 371 Member
    edited April 2015
    no need to change brand, just weigh them and work out the real value

    If it says 200 calories for 78g, then divide 200 by 78 to get the number of calories per gram and add that to the database for that entry if it isn't already there.

    Then next time you have one, weigh it and enter x portions of 1g instead of one serving
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    edited April 2015
    Looks like you are being far too impatient!
    Although you don't have much to lose it's still going to take months not weeks.

    You will have good weeks and bad weeks and weeks where nothing seems to happen.

    Even things like changing your exercise routine have a temporary impact on weight (water retention from soreness). Weight fluctuates for many different reasons and masks the overall trend.
    Take measurements and pictures to track progress and be aware that body fat scales can be horrendously inaccurate and prone to wild fluctuations.

    As for the IIFYM TDEE being accurate - no it's not. It's not a calculator, it's an estimator, same as MFP's eat back exercise calories method gives you an estimate. That's why you need weeks not days to judge how accurate those estimates are.

  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    klairy1989 wrote: »
    Oh no..... So what can I do about that?! Change the brand and be extra carefull?

    When I add an entry I go for the 1g or 100g option rather than the serving size option - most products have the choice to change the serving size. So if I eat a 76g Apple I'll select the 100g serving size and enter that I ate 0.76 portions. Or select the 1g serving size and enter that I ate 76 portions.
  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    All this weighing and measuring..will drive you craaaaazy. haha But so worth it! When I was going to Weight Watchers and I'd go over a week or so with NO weight loss, I'd drink more water and also a grapefruit juice before I went to bed at night. At least..that worked for me.
  • klairy1989
    klairy1989 Posts: 19 Member
    Measurements heh? I will try it! I just thought that since I am counting my bf with the scale and I see no change , it should be enough. But I didn't know that scales for bf are inaccurate... :p

    I thought that having to loose 6% bf is A LOT hehe
    Ideally, I want to be around 23-25% bf which means around 7+ kilos in the scale (now I am 31%).

    How about protein? I am on a 45carbs, 30fat and 25protein, do I need to change it? Or it doesn't matter as long as I am eating under my maintenance calories?

    Wow guys these need calculations and thinking , it is harder than I thought!!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited April 2015
    Yeah I'm at maintenance and my scales say I'm about 31% BF ..I'm more like 23-24% ...LOL

    Protein guideline is 0.8-1g per lb of LBM (you could use your target 25% BF as a guideline) as a minimum

    fat at 0.35g per lb of bodyweight

    Then just take your MFP calorie allowance and workout what percentages these equal ...4 cal per carb or protein gramme and 9 cals per fat gramme

    (I like carbs ..i generally consume about 350g carbs daily)
  • klairy1989
    klairy1989 Posts: 19 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Yeah I'm at maintenance and my scales say I'm about 31% BF ..I'm more like 23-24% ...LOL

    Protein guideline is 0.8-1g per lb of LBM (you could use your target 25% BF as a guideline) as a minimum

    fat at 0.35g per lb of bodyweight

    Then just take your MFP calorie allowance and workout what percentages these equal ...4 cal per carb or protein gramme and 9 cals per fat gramme

    (I like carbs ..i generally consume about 350g carbs daily)

    thank you!
    I started like you suggested and now I feel satisfied all day. I am not hungry whatsoever! Is it due to the protein? Or does it mean that I am not loosing?

    When I used to diet I consume approximately 1300kcals and now I feel like I eat too much!!My TDEE is 1452!

    thank you