Lunch ideas needed

LouisaBenOllie Posts: 1 Member
I'm short on time and money so I am in need of some quick and low calorie lunch ideas. I can just about tolerate tinned tuna but otherwise fish is a no go for me. Can anyone help?


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited April 2015
    I made homeade chicken salad for the entire week on Sunday and I am eating that on a Misson low carb wrap everyday for lunch.. Last week I went to the deli and bought deli cut turkey and chicken meats and ate that with low calorie swiss cheese on Sara Lee 45 calorie bread..

    Sometimes I will buy a big bag of salad, cut up a bunch of veggies, make homeade vinegrette dressing. I throw a weeks work of salad a veggies in to zip lock bags and take my bottled dressing to work .. and have a 1/2 sandwich..

    I will buy fruit or other veggies and prep those by washing and putting them in the small 1 cup zip lock baggies and grab and go.. You can do this with nuts, fruit, veggies, even make up some peanut butter graham crackers or regular crackers, etc.. have them ready to walk out the door.

  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    Do you like egg or chicken salad? I steam (hard cook in the shell) 8-12 eggs each week. I peel them and keep them in a covered bowl in the refrigerator. For a quick lunch, I'll chop some onion and celery, the egg and a spoon of mayo into a bowl. I'll either eat this on bread, romaine lettuce leaf, or by the spoon. When I do it by the spoon I usually end up throwing a few cherry tomatoes in. As for chicken salad, any leftover chicken (thighs or breast, or picked from a whole roasted chicken) I'll chop, add onions, celery and some sort of dried fruit, I like cranberries but last time I used figs and it turned out really well. I mix a bit of mayo and yellow mustard into that. I'll usually eat it in one of the same ways as the egg salad. Best of all- it can be prepped the night before and just grab and go.

    The great thing about these two ooptions?
    egg- it takes 12 minutes to steam the eggs to perfection. Peeling them ahead of time (takes maybe 5minutes) and storing them, makes them a quick grab for lunch or snack for the whole week.
    chicken-i'm using leftovers from a previous dinner. So it's already cooked, just needs some chopping and mixing.
    both- you can add any kind of different ingredients that you think you might like. Carrot, hand full of spinach, red pepper, mashed avocado instead of mayo, and you could use it as a dip for a serving of chips or crackers.
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    Buy chicken breasts. On a Sunday cook up 5 with some rice/sweet potato/quinoa, steamed veggies. Add any extras you like. Put into tupperware/other reusuable containers. Pop all but Monday's into the freezer. Monday night take Tuesday's lunch out of the freezer.

    Or at least that's my solution.
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,541 Member
    edited April 2015
    Taco Bell Cantina Power Burrito - Steak for $3.99 if you're short on time and money.

    Calories - 470
    Protein - 28g
    Fat - 22g
    Carbs - 41g


    Taco Bell Fresco Soft Taco - Steak for $1.99

    Calories - 150
    Protein - 12g
    Fat - 4.5g
    Carbs - 16g

    Why are you short on time though?
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    One of my go to recipes is brown rice with slow cooked beans and roasted veg. It's very inexpensive and practically cooks itself. Look for veg that's in season to help save you some money too.
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    I have made chicken salad, tuna salad, and egg salad that lasts for several days. I can eat it with cucumber slices, crackers, a slice of bread, or just by itself. I have made a chopped salad with various veggies that will also last several days. Just add some cheese and protein (egg or meat) and whatever salad dressing you like. Cut up fruit and/or veggies with some cheese will also do in a pinch. I find if I make stuff on the weekend that I can just scoop and go during the week really helps. I will also take left overs if they fit within my daily allowance.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited April 2015
    Taco Bell Cantina Power Burrito - Steak for $3.99 if you're short on time and money.

    Calories - 470
    Protein - 28g
    Fat - 22g
    Carbs - 41g


    Taco Bell Fresco Soft Taco - Steak for $1.99

    Calories - 150
    Protein - 12g
    Fat - 4.5g
    Carbs - 16g

    Why are you short on time though?

    The first one is terrible nutritionally.. yikes.. now I understand why fast food is so cheap and easy to get.. If you have the calories in your day to eat this then do so.. But this would kill my day..

    In comparison A honey bun is 530 calories for 70 grams of carbs.. yikes too.. but costs $2.00

    The second one is actually cheaper but not very big at all as far as volume of food.. but you can get 2 of these (yeah).....
  • allofme32
    allofme32 Posts: 92 Member
    I sometimes make tuna salad with unions, relish and a little low calorie mayo and eat on celery slices. Its good. If you want an extra kick in your tuna add a small sprinkle of dry mustard. It is delicious!
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,541 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    Taco Bell Cantina Power Burrito - Steak for $3.99 if you're short on time and money.

    Calories - 470
    Protein - 28g
    Fat - 22g
    Carbs - 41g


    Taco Bell Fresco Soft Taco - Steak for $1.99

    Calories - 150
    Protein - 12g
    Fat - 4.5g
    Carbs - 16g

    Why are you short on time though?

    The first one is terrible nutritionally.. yikes.. now I understand why fast food is so cheap and easy to get.. If you have the calories in your day to eat this then do so.. But this would kill my day..

    In comparison A honey bun is 530 calories for 70 grams of carbs.. yikes too.. but costs $2.00

    The second one is actually cheaper but not very big at all as far as volume of food.. but you can get 2 of these (yeah).....

    I know nothing about OPs macro needs (and I don't think you do either) so it's hard to say if the burrito has terrible nutritional values for her or not. My split it 35%P, 35%C, 30%F and it fits quite nicely into my day, which is why I recommended it.

    There's not enough information in the OP to know what she is looking for other than cheap and quick. Oh, and no fish. "Low calorie" is subjective and depends on what her daily allowance is. Taco Bell is cheap AND quick.
  • murdledoe
    murdledoe Posts: 98 Member
    I do all the cooking and prepping ahead of time. I measure my food then place into meal size servings and stack the containers in the fridg. That way I can pull a container out for lunch and know exactly where I am with the calories, fats and carbs. My favorite is chicken salad because it can be made so many different ways. I fix chicken 2-3 times a week for dinner and just make sure I have extra.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    What do you eat for dinner? My lunch is almost always leftovers from the night before.
  • faegirl22
    faegirl22 Posts: 60 Member
    We make something in the crockpot most Sundays or we make a dinner big enough for leftovers. My favorite is taking pork sirloin, some roasted peppers and enchilada sauce and cooking it for 8-10 hours. We portion and freeze it, then have it with tortillas or on top of salad. We also almost always have leftovers in the freezer because we portion and freeze anything left from the week after leftover night so it doesn't go to waste.
  • njfitnessmom
    njfitnessmom Posts: 345 Member
    I like to throw a bunch of boneless, skinless chicken breast in the crockpot to make shredded chicken for the week. There's so much you can do with that. You can make chicken salad, buffalo chicken salad, chicken and salsa on a tortilla, etc. And if I find that I'm going to have some left after a week, I'll freeze it. I also like to make a bunch of hard boiled eggs for the week. Planning and preparing for the week is a great way to go. I try to cut all my fruit and veggies up on Sundays.
  • RaeB1013
    RaeB1013 Posts: 265 Member
    I like to throw a bunch of boneless, skinless chicken breast in the crockpot to make shredded chicken for the week. There's so much you can do with that. You can make chicken salad, buffalo chicken salad, chicken and salsa on a tortilla, etc. And if I find that I'm going to have some left after a week, I'll freeze it. I also like to make a bunch of hard boiled eggs for the week. Planning and preparing for the week is a great way to go. I try to cut all my fruit and veggies up on Sundays.

    I do this every week. I put 5 in and shred the chicken and season it a tad. Mix it all together and it is delicious! I portion out (5) 3oz baggies for my lunches for the week...I have a simple salad most days, spinach/romaine with cucumbers, tomatoes, a sprinkle of feta cheese and half an avocado (cubed up). I used about a tsp. of olive oil and a tsp. of balsamic vinegar and just a little seasoning. I add the chicken on top and it totally perfects the salad!

    I have enough chicken to put some in my boyfriend's lunch as well and also some throughout the week for anything like chicken salad or if I want a quick dinner.