Anyone want to help a New-b??

I have recently quit smoking (18 days) and want to replace that habit of smoking with diet and exercise. I find it challenging to pick the right foods to eat in order to lose this weight. I was an over eater and now I find when I'm eating " healthier " I am STARVING! Also not sure what kind of exercise gets the best results. I've been trying to run as much as I can but the front of my legs are killing me! Any help on these topics would be very helpful to me! Also accepting friends ;)


  • CockneyLady2014
    CockneyLady2014 Posts: 199 Member
    I can't help with running as I don't do it. However I think I can help with the diet side of things. The saying, "All calories are not created equal" is very true. If you track all your food you will, hopefully, see a pattern where you can see what foods satisfy you more than others. it is commonly called food satiation. Foods that make you feel more full than others. As an example porride (oats) for breakfast are slow releasing carbs and you will feel more full than eating a sugary cereal. Protein for breakfast helps to make you feel fuller for longer. However we are all different and only you can assess what works for you. Also take into consideration that some of it could be in your mind. If you have been eating way too many calories any reduction will result in you feeling more hungry.
    Tip: When you feel hungry drink a glass of water and wait 30 minutes. Your hunger may have disappeared.
    Good luck. I have added you as a friend.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Hi. Congratulations on making it 18 days. I am at 4 1/2 years. I feel so much better too. The best foods to choose are whole foods. Reduce breads and pastas and increase veggies and lean proteins.

    The best things to do for exercise I have found is combining resistance training and cardio. Also, what kind of running regiment are you doing right now? There is a good way and a not so good way.

    Feel free to add me. I'll send you a request.
  • Mab0514
    Mab0514 Posts: 2 Member
    I was a former smoker as well, diet and exercise are a great way to fill that void. Planning all your meals, shopping healthier, looking up recipes and cooking really is time consuming. At least it keeps you distracted. In response to your starving -- I felt the same way at first but I think your tummy shrinks and you find yourself less and less hungry. I always eat an avocado or some melon that fills me up. Getting creative with smoothies is a good way to. I do a lot of classes involving cardio and walk for exercise. Classes are fun and you can always do different things. Good Luck with your journey!

  • nicholehollis9
    nicholehollis9 Posts: 14 Member
    I can't help with running as I don't do it. However I think I can help with the diet side of things. The saying, "All calories are not created equal" is very true. If you track all your food you will, hopefully, see a pattern where you can see what foods satisfy you more than others. it is commonly called food satiation. Foods that make you feel more full than others. As an example porride (oats) for breakfast are slow releasing carbs and you will feel more full than eating a sugary cereal. Protein for breakfast helps to make you feel fuller for longer. However we are all different and only you can assess what works for you. Also take into consideration that some of it could be in your mind. If you have been eating way too many calories any reduction will result in you feeling more hungry.
    Tip: When you feel hungry drink a glass of water and wait 30 minutes. Your hunger may have disappeared.
    Good luck. I have added you as a friend.

  • Klhernandez81
    Klhernandez81 Posts: 62 Member
    It's okay to eat if you feel hungry, but try eating something like carrots, snap peas, an apple, mixed salad with some light dressing or balsamic vinegar...low calorie, fiber dense, and maybe mix in a little protein like a few nuts or a slice of cheese. If this doesn't help, then it is more likely your head and not your stomach telling you that you are hungry. In which case, you have to find something to do to distract yourself, or try making a supplement. I have a diet pepsi, not the greatest, but it does the trick. Or sometimes a green tea. I find the idea of having something to sip on and the caffeine gets me off thinking about food and gives me a bump. Also, if you are a big snacker, try the 100 calorie packs of things...they have almond packs, ritz cracker packs, and there are cheese and meat packs (P3 and sargento) that are around 170 cals, as well as hummus snack packs. Try eating something like that and then waiting. You can at least control your calorie intake/portions.
    As for is excellent for burning calories. You should definitely pick up a book or look online to learn about running form and cadence so you don't injure yourself. It is good to learn about cadence, toe striking, getting the right shoes etc. You may likely have a free running group in your area that helps all levels of runners learn about these things...usually you can find out about them from shoe stores (weird right)? Look for a running shoe store. They can also help you with the right shoes. And in the meantime, there are some great apps like mapmyrun and redrock that can help you track your pace and provide intervals.
    Also, make sure to stretch (it will help your leg pain) and get a foam roller! And try to mix in weights!!
  • nicholehollis9
    nicholehollis9 Posts: 14 Member
    I have been running (trying to run) everyday for the past week or so. I have found that I make it further around the 1/3 mile track every single day. I walk 10 mins then run as long as I can... Which is never the entire track. I love the feeling jogging gives me! Not so much the gasping for air though! I really have come a long way already and have such a long way still to go! I want to get this weight loss under way and from what I have read the fast way to do it is by running. I aspire to run in a 5k one day. But smokers lung is definitely taking a toll. I also need to know what kind of food for all 3meals a day would be beneficial for a successful weight loss program! Thanks y'all, y'all rock!
  • Klhernandez81
    Klhernandez81 Posts: 62 Member
    You may have already heard of this, but I have friends who have done it and loved it!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    IMO, if you were to break down your runs to every other day, you would benefit more. You want to give your muscles adequate recovery time, especially if you are not used to it. Your leg muscles are the largest ones in the body, so they are going to work and you are going to sweat and burn calories, especially since the muscles need for oxygen will increase. I run 3 times a week, sometimes 4 with our local running club. My wife and I also help coach the junior runners of the team. We always run a 1 mile slow warm up, then do 1 miles worth of sprint training, and then a 1 mile cool down. Now, I'm not saying start running 3 miles right off the bat, especially if you are just starting out. But find out what your total distance is right now, and divide it by 3. Use that same formula, warm up, sprints, cool down, and every week, increase the distance a little more. You will get there. ;)
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    Congratulations on kicking your habit! It's great you're trying to improve your health in other ways as well.

    With regard to running, check out C25K (Couch to 5k). It's a great, well structured program for new runners to build the necessary endurance to complete a 5k.
  • nicholehollis9
    nicholehollis9 Posts: 14 Member
    Klhernandez81, I'm def going to check on all of what you mentioned! Thank you so much for the info!
  • Klhernandez81
    Klhernandez81 Posts: 62 Member
    JohnBarth wrote: »
    Congratulations on kicking your habit! It's great you're trying to improve your health in other ways as well.

    With regard to running, check out C25K (Couch to 5k). It's a great, well structured program for new runners to build the necessary endurance to complete a 5k.

    Ahaha, that's the link I posted! Great minds :)
  • Klhernandez81
    Klhernandez81 Posts: 62 Member
    Klhernandez81, I'm def going to check on all of what you mentioned! Thank you so much for the info!

    For sure! You are on a great path!!!
  • pmm3437
    pmm3437 Posts: 529 Member
    As I said on your intro thread, its 90% diet and 10% exercise. Get your intake in order 1st.

    For satiety, try to reduce sugar/processed carb intake and increase protein/fat/fiber intake for every meal. The glycogen spikes and resulting crashes can trigger hunger.

    Some people find that grazing ( eating less more frequently ) also helps with hunger. Just make sure you dont end up eating more if you try it.

    Many ppl misinterpret thirst with hunger, at least some of the time. Make sure your maintaining proper hydration levels. The drink a glass of water trick others have mentioned does work.
  • nicholehollis9
    nicholehollis9 Posts: 14 Member
    JohnBarth wrote: »
    Congratulations on kicking your habit! It's great you're trying to improve your health in other ways as well.

    With regard to running, check out C25K (Couch to 5k). It's a great, well structured program for new runners to build the necessary endurance to complete a 5k.

  • nicholehollis9
    nicholehollis9 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm so sore!!!!!!!! I can barely walk!!! I definitely did way too much way too soon
  • nicholehollis9
    nicholehollis9 Posts: 14 Member
    it was all I could do to push through the 60 minutes of walking I just did
  • nicholehollis9
    nicholehollis9 Posts: 14 Member
    any recommendations on good stretches for your shins ande calf muscles because mine are so tight
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    If you know yoga positions, down dog is a good one, alternating bending knees and keeping your other leg as straight as you can. You want to do hamstring stretches and hip flexor stretches too. Look into investing in a foam roller and watch you tube videos on it. That will help out a lot. I think they are $20. CHeck out this video.
  • CockneyLady2014
    CockneyLady2014 Posts: 199 Member
    "But smokers lung is definitely taking a toll. I also need to know what kind of food for all 3meals a day would be beneficial for a successful weight loss program! Thanks y'all, y'all rock!"

    As regards to food for weight loss whatever you eat needs to fit withing your daily calorie allowance. MFP gives you the breakdown of the food groups and how much of each you should eat. Trying to keep within these boundaries will provide you with a balanced diet. So long as you are calorie deficient you should lose weight.

    I try to eat a good source of protein at each meal as it does keep you feeling fuller for longer.

    My food diary is open to view and you are more than welcome to check it out. Although if you are in US there are many foods that are different to here in the UK.

    I hope this helps as you seem to be getting a lot of advice on exercise but not much on diet.

  • nicholehollis9
    nicholehollis9 Posts: 14 Member
    "But smokers lung is definitely taking a toll. I also need to know what kind of food for all 3meals a day would be beneficial for a successful weight loss program! Thanks y'all, y'all rock!"

    As regards to food for weight loss whatever you eat needs to fit withing your daily calorie allowance. MFP gives you the breakdown of the food groups and how much of each you should eat. Trying to keep within these boundaries will provide you with a balanced diet. So long as you are calorie deficient you should lose weight.

    I try to eat a good source of protein at each meal as it does keep you feeling fuller for longer.

    My food diary is open to view and you are more than welcome to check it out. Although if you are in US there are many foods that are different to here in the UK.

    I hope this helps as you seem to be getting a lot of advice on exercise but not much on diet.

    Yes thank you very much! I am not sure how to check MFP food groups and all of that. Can you please let me know where to find that info.