I *hate* water...



  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    Have you tried vitamin water, tastes like powerade/gatorade to me!

    There's 8 teaspoons of sugar in a bottle of vitamin water - really not a healthy drink at all.
  • omg i HATE water too. i have to force it... i try to drink diet iced tea. its made with water and my dr told me if i couldnt stomach regular water to have tea... also i do crystal lite... that helps alot too =]
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    I really used to hate the taste of water too. At first I had to have it REALLY cold to be able to tolerate it... but it only took a few weeks or making myself drink it to get to the point where I don't hate it anymore. I wouldn't say I like it anymore, but it's okay now, as long as it's cold. I still can't stand warm/tepid water. I fill up a big cup several times a day and just keep drinking it at my desk all day. It's something to do, keeps me full, and of course, water is good for you.

    Just make sure you take a multi-vitamin if you are going to drink a lot of water. Otherwise you may be down on nutrients you really need.
  • Plarmore
    Plarmore Posts: 17
    Sorry folks, but there is absolutely no substitute for plain water. All other drinks that people use as water substitutes (coffee, tea, flavors, sparkling water, seltzer/soda waters, etc, etc) contain something that inhibits the absorption of whatever water it contains into the blood stream meaning it never reaches the cellular level where it's most needed.

    The only acceptable exception is fruits and vegetables with a very high water content (watermelon, cucumber, etc). From what I've read, if you absolutely must flavor water, it's best to use the juice from a fresh lemon, lime, or orange.

    Water does enable proper kidney and liver function as someone else wrote, but if it isn't absorbed into the blood stream you can't reap the many other benefits - such as lowered blood pressure, improved digestion and metabolism, etc.

    A couple of days ago someone posted a link to an article that explained all this better than I can and if I find it again, I'll post it here.

    Good luck all.
  • Plarmore
    Plarmore Posts: 17
    A couple of days ago someone posted a link to an article that explained all this better than I can and if I find it again, I'll post it here.

    Good luck all.

    Found the link -- http://www.experiencelifemag.com/issues/june-2010/health-wellness/drink-to-your-health.html
  • ift2111
    ift2111 Posts: 1
    Hey everyone,

    I also HATE water! I found that I was always struggling through my workout because I'm never hydrated enough!

    Here's some tricks I use that may help!

    First off I hate tap water so I use my Britta, and depending on my mood I add one of these things (all cut fresh)

    3.honey dew
    6.lemon+lime slices
    7.orange slices

    They give the water that subtle hint of flavor without undoing your day! good luck on your goals!
  • steve4580
    steve4580 Posts: 32
    Here's my trick: I ordered some really wide diameter drinking straws off the internet. I'm talking about the really wide ones. They make it easy to gulp down large quantities in just a few pulls from the straw. It sounds silly but it really has worked for me.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    brew some decaf hot tea and put in a touch of sweetener, my fav is country peach and then add that 8oz hot tea to 24oz of ice water and sip away...it is like a flavored water and decaf tea counts

    also there are tons of exotic flavors of decaf tea out there much cheaper than that mio or crystal light stuff give it a shot
  • LeanaJo
    LeanaJo Posts: 85
    You should drink more water than any other type of liquids (at least 90% of the day)...

    It just takes time to get used to. Sooner or later, you'll get the hang of it. No worries.

    Since I had a habit of drinking water, all day, since my Army days (since basic training in 1995), I can't stand to drink more than 1 soda a day or anything with caffeine more than 1 time a day...EWWW! to me. Sometimes, I can't even drink the whole can, that I can't stand the taste after a while.
  • LeanaJo
    LeanaJo Posts: 85
    Hey everyone,

    I also HATE water! I found that I was always struggling through my workout because I'm never hydrated enough!

    Here's some tricks I use that may help!

    First off I hate tap water so I use my Britta, and depending on my mood I add one of these things (all cut fresh)

    3.honey dew
    6.lemon+lime slices
    7.orange slices

    They give the water that subtle hint of flavor without undoing your day! good luck on your goals!

    Watermelon too! Excellent source of water in it. There is 90% water in a Watermelon. Very true! I have a trivia/know it all type book that says that! No REALLY!
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    So, I LOVE water. It is my first choice. I quit buying soda years ago because it is so easy to go to when your thirsty and its cold in the fridge. So first, stop buying it ;)

    I need to practice what I preach but heres what helps me. I have a big cooler jug, I think I got it at walmart that has a lid and a straw. Try filling it up with ice and then water. I will drink a lot more water when it is ICE COLD. Yum.

    When I don't have that, I take my plastic water bottle and put it in the freezer for about a half hour or an hour so the edges freeze. Then I crush the bottle so there is ice floating and again, I actually drink more that way. This is the easy way when your at work all day.

    Maybe I am crazy LOL but I love ice water and find that I consume more when it is good and cold.

    Hope this helps!

    I do the same thing! I use a travel mug filled with ice/water. It keeps the ice from melting for hours so I can just keep refilling it with water. If I don't have my mug for some reason then I freeze the water bottle and drink it that way.
  • Robyn405
    Robyn405 Posts: 48
    I mean - seriously. I never drink it as a first choice, second choice, etc. Lately I've been on a Diet Mountain Dew kick (and yes, I am fully aware that it's not good for me. Caffeine, chemicals, etc..) and the thought of drinking any water, let alone 8 glasses a day - *shudder.*

    But hey - I'm willing to try it. I've lost 14 pounds to date and have more to lose, and while I know that water doesn't have any kind of Magic Weight Loss Ingredient per se, I've read enough posts here to at least give it a shot. Y'all are a pretty convincing bunch. :drinker:

    So - here goes. Will have to start tonight when I get home, because the only water I can tolerate is from the filtered tap on my fridge. (I know, how lame am I?)

    Oh - does tea count? I do like peppermint tea from Celestial Seasonings...

    I posted this exact same topic about a week ago. I am proud to say ive been on a water only kick since then, and am still alive! ive been taking my sports bottle to work, with my filtered water in it and have succeeded. I pile in the ice so its ice cold, and i add a cherry, lemon wedge or even a cucumber slice. It has been great so far :)
  • raychybabe
    raychybabe Posts: 121 Member
    i NEVER drank water for years, hated it, it made me gag. I couldnt even take a mouthful to take medication. I especially hated it out of glasses, I'd obsess there was dust in it and nasty floating things! I thought it had a nasty taste, and i was so into sugar id rather have pop or tea. When i did a placement at a summer camp in USA, i couldnt drink the water there, so I lived on mountain dew and milk (hence the stone I gained over summer 2009!).

    Ive only recently got into water. I like it really fresh and cold. After I started taking up exercise, i found it easier as I was so thirsty I would drink anything. I also started off with sugar free squash/cordial and you can just make it weaker and weaker until you wean yourself off it.

    I dont drink nowhere near 8 glasses a day, one or 2 if im lucky, maybe a bit more if im working out. I find having a plastic bottle with me is handy. But sugar free squash shouldn't make too much of a difference, and you can drink lots of it (within reason) in different flavours.
  • toddles76boston
    toddles76boston Posts: 10 Member
    I run in the morning, and after my runs I usually drink about 32oz of water to replenish all the water I sweet out during my run. Then through out the day I drink a 3 16oz glass of water with Benefiber (orange flavor). This way I'm getting over 8 cups of water a day and the Benefiber adds flavor to the water, plus I'm getting my daily about of fiber.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Sorry folks, but there is absolutely no substitute for plain water. All other drinks that people use as water substitutes (coffee, tea, flavors, sparkling water, seltzer/soda waters, etc, etc) contain something that inhibits the absorption of whatever water it contains into the blood stream meaning it never reaches the cellular level where it's most needed.

    The only acceptable exception is fruits and vegetables with a very high water content (watermelon, cucumber, etc). From what I've read, if you absolutely must flavor water, it's best to use the juice from a fresh lemon, lime, or orange.

    Water does enable proper kidney and liver function as someone else wrote, but if it isn't absorbed into the blood stream you can't reap the many other benefits - such as lowered blood pressure, improved digestion and metabolism, etc.

    A couple of days ago someone posted a link to an article that explained all this better than I can and if I find it again, I'll post it here.

    Good luck all.

    Sparkling water/seltzer/club soda without flavoring is not a "water substitute." It is water with CO2 and a trace amount of sodium added. To quote the very article you quoted, "if you’re looking for a pick-me-up, try sparkling water with a squeeze of citrus."
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Let me just step back a sec - my last post sounded kinda b*tchy, and I didn't mean it to be. I think that post was helpful, as was the article, but I just wanted to clarify that sparkling water with no flavoring added *is* water, even according to the article, and should be counted as such.
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