Eating out, family dinners, etc. What do you do?

Next week we are celebrating my niece's 18th birthday and she wants to take us all to a churrascko bar ( where you pay a standard fee and you are served as much different meat as you can eat. That is chicken, fish, pork, ham etc.). I want to spend time with my family and not going to refuse, but what about all that food? Is there any trick how to deal with food which is too much and too heavy for you, and not look snobby? Is it OK to let yourself one day of MEAT? Personally, I can't afford meat daily, so I wouldn't make myself refuse all that gorgeousness :D

Do you have any tips, advice, personal experience about eating out, family dinners, etc when you don't get to choose the food?


  • xicandox
    xicandox Posts: 22 Member
    id let myself go for the day and eat what i fancied then can always eat lighter for the rest of the week ;) i went to the pub and had a big mixed grill with all meat ;) and didnt hurt my weight loss for that week.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I eat what I a decent quantity.

    See if you can find the website for nutritional values...barring that use the old trick that a deck of card size piece of meat is about 4oz and log it as best you can but one day won't kill you.
  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    Try and keep the rest of that day as low-cal as you comfortable can, and chose wisely at the dinner. I am going on a date with my husband tonight, so I am not eating any snacks today, saving as much as i can for this evening. I am not having any of the Bread that is always served complimentary in our part of the world. And I might not finish my plate. If you ask a doggybag bag, you can enjoy the food again the newt day. You are right in that you should join in with the celebration. It is a part of your life. Enjoy the meat!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Your goals should never make you not want to enjoy social gatherings. In fact it is the opposite.

    Enjoy your self and order what you want. You can always eat really slow (talk a lot) and take the rest home in a doggy bag (eat it later or give to your dogs..)
  • JuliaHaleFitness
    JuliaHaleFitness Posts: 56 Member
    Meat is actually protein, so it's you want to eat it! If you can focus on eat small portions of the meat the you want and filling your plate with vegetables, you can enjoy yourself guilt free!!! Enjoy the family time!
  • Ame_ly
    Ame_ly Posts: 29 Member
    When I go out with family I just order something I like and eat a moderate portion. I think enjoying yourself is also really important for your mental health. There's no need to make a big deal out of it, one bad meal won't ruin your diet on the long run.

    But remember this: having a few pizza slices and a salad OR a slice of cake is okay, won't do any damage, however having an entire pizza followed up by cake and washed down with a bottle of coke... You get my point. Cheat on your diet once in a while, but do it in moderation, don't go overbroad.
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    Enjoy the meat!! Those places are great! Skip the heavy sides they ususally have on the buffet. Maybe do a side salad. Just make adjustments to the rest of your week to balance things out. Enjoy your family time! :)
  • shiningstar93
    shiningstar93 Posts: 12 Member
    If I know I'm going out, I try to not use all my calories in the week and then I can splurge and the calorie count evens out. Fill up on the salad bar, have some meat, enjoy your time and start fresh again the next day. I have a splurge day 1 x week..not wildly over, but extra. I am going out Friday and will review the menu tonight to make my decision of what I will order Friday to keep as close to my count as possible.
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    edited April 2015
    *in caveman voice ....MEAT!!! Meat good!!!!!!
    Chill, enjoy, log as best as you can.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    its meat, not a massive only desert bar (but wouldnt that be fun?????? LOL!)

    I don't know how many calories you get a day, but I wouldnt worry about it. Maybe go a little light on lunch, or get in a workout (or extra workout). Go easy on the sides (cause that's what kills me, anyways LOL)
  • LizzieEmGee
    LizzieEmGee Posts: 2 Member
    Everything in moderation! Eat what you love, but make good choices when it comes to portion control, and load up on the yummy grilled veggies those places usually have in the buffet. Most importantly, remember that the party is about family, not food! Have some good food and great conversation! Enjoy yourself!
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    Emmatyan wrote: »
    Next week we are celebrating my niece's 18th birthday and she wants to take us all to a churrascko bar ( where you pay a standard fee and you are served as much different meat as you can eat. That is chicken, fish, pork, ham etc.). I want to spend time with my family and not going to refuse, but what about all that food? Is there any trick how to deal with food which is too much and too heavy for you, and not look snobby? Is it OK to let yourself one day of MEAT? Personally, I can't afford meat daily, so I wouldn't make myself refuse all that gorgeousness :D

    Do you have any tips, advice, personal experience about eating out, family dinners, etc when you don't get to choose the food?

    First of all meat isn't too 'heavy' for you-it has calories, just like every other food. And yes, you can eat meat every single day if you wanted to-calories and math.

    Actually, if it doesn't have a lot of sauces and such added, most meat is pretty low calories. And just because you're going to a buffet does not mean you have to eat every single thing-chose one or two smaller portions of the meat and then one or two sides, with one dessert. Not a big deal :) I eat out all the time with no problems-just watch your portion sizes and any sauces, which can have more calories than the actual meat.
  • Emmatyan
    Emmatyan Posts: 87 Member
    lauracups wrote: »
    *in caveman voice ....MEAT!!! Meat good!!!!!!
    Chill, enjoy, log as best as you can.
    Yeah, that's what I keep telling myself! Probably, if we had aworkout before the dinner, we'd end up being a very muscular famlily :D
  • ween2414
    ween2414 Posts: 17 Member
    I go out with my husband and friends once every two weeks. I try to log everything to the best of my ability. I have done well. The only set back I had was two baking powder biscuts. I have cut back on processed white flour but not multigrain bread. It took me two days to work off those two home made baking powder biscuts. You know what After the fact the 5 hours of laughter and fun visiting with my girl friends was worth the two baking powder biscuts.
  • ween2414
    ween2414 Posts: 17 Member
    Plus every resteraunt has veggies and salads available.
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member
    My biggest tip is to eat mindfully. I wouldn't bother logging that day- or just log 2000 cals so you have a record that you probably went over.

    I would have whatever I wanted to eat, enjoy it and stop eating when I felt full. The last part is the most important part. Do not eat until you feel uncomfortable.

    Also, with a restaurant like that I would fill my plate from the buffet with veg and salad, ignore the starchy carbs and then have what meat I wanted. The meat will probably be pretty lean anyway

  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Seriously? It's protein. Eat it.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Just go eat. It's not that difficult
  • ArkMom35
    ArkMom35 Posts: 225 Member
    Eat, enjoy, log, move on. If you're that concerned, just keep your portions in control.
  • Looncove_Farm
    Looncove_Farm Posts: 115 Member
    When you go there go with a mindset of, "I do not need to eat till stuffed"
    Enjoy yourself, have some of the tastey food they serve, add some salad with it to keep you satisfied and just enjoy.