Plateau on purpose?

It feels blasphemous to say this, but I think i need to slow down my weight loss. Since Feb 5, I've lost 42 pounds, and it seems too fast for me. I'm not in any rush to get the pounds off, I'd rather have them come off at a reasonable pace so my body can handle it and keep it long term.

I exercise 4-5 times per week doing step aerobics classes and bike riding in the hills of SF. Then I'm eating 1250-1400 cals, with the rare 1600 day. MFP did an auto goal adjustment when I lost the last 10 lbs, and upped my cals from 1300 to 1400. So I guess I'll plan on eating 1400-1500 in an effort to slow this down.

Does anyone else have this issue? I'm so scared I'll lose it too fast and love it, and then somehow screw this all up and be heartbroken.


  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I don't think that 42lbs in 15wks is too fast! the "experts" say 1-2lbs/week for healthy weightloss, and this puts you at 2.8lbs/wk; however, if you are concerned, I would say to change what you weightloss goals are with MFP and see what they recalculate you cals at. Also try to eat back more of your exercise cals if you haven't been already :) good job so far and good luck to you.
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Firstly, you're doing brilliantly, don't rain on your own parade! Secondly, what are you scared of? How exactly do you think losing weight too fast will make you "screw it up"? Are you scared that you won't recognise yourself? Are you scared of gaining it all back because of the theories that people who lose fast often gain it back? Are you scared of becoming flabby / having loose skin / stretchmarks from losing it fast? Something else?

    Looking at your ticker, yeah you may be losing a bit fast to not be losing muscle along with fat, especially as most of what you're doing is cardio. Well done for recognising this and for being mature to realise that it can be a slow and steady race! By losing muscle you're lowering your metabolism long term, which makes weight loss and then maintenance difficult to sustain, plus you can end up looking a *little* flabby.

    Eat more of your exercise calories, and maybe incorporate some strength training / substitute a step class or two for strength training and you'll be fine :) Best of luck!
  • tinkerbell1964
    well done for doing a great job losing 42 lbs , that's hard work and dedication for you ............. at the end of the day what are you going to do when you reach your goal weight , resort back to old eating habits maybe , nah i don't think so .................. hopefully you'll love the new you and you'll carry on eating healthily and exercising regularly , if you feel the need to change things on your MFP journey do it , at the end of the day your using this site you're in the right place with loads of help and encouragement , keep up the good work , you're doing great.

    p.s. it's taken me since Jan to lose 12lbs ,( with another 4 - 6 lbs to go ) i've not worked as hard as you , i've mostly counted cals
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    It's not uncommon for some people to plateau on purpose. There's a multitude of reasons why some do. If you feel that you need to slow down, then go for it. It can give your body time to readjust to your new weight, and at the same time you get to enjoy a bit more. Some crerate the plateau before one ever naturally hits, so since you're the one in control of it, you can decide the pace at which your metabolism burns the calories. Some do it because they're already close to their goal weight and want to learn how to incorporate maintaining. Do what seems best for your own interest.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I've been thinking the same thing - although I haven't lost as much or as fast of you I think I'd like to give my body a holiday from losing weight for a little while when I reach my halfway point which is only one kg away.
    Like you, I really want to keep the weight off this time, and I think I'd like to know how to maintain weight as well as how to lose.
    My plan is to increase my net cals slowly, then stop logging for a week and see how I do on my own.
    I'm not quite ready for this yet but will be soon - but it feels like it will be quite a mental adjustment to make!
  • MMGoodSF
    MMGoodSF Posts: 26
    Thank you very much for your comments, questions, and support. It got me thinking about what I'm afraid of and why, and what I need to do. I just love MFP and the community!