Things That Make You Irrationally Angry



  • goldfishgoo
    goldfishgoo Posts: 67 Member
    EZDUZIT68 wrote: »
    - people who won't stand up to let you in the aisle, but rather "shift their legs" a little thinking that should give you plenty of room.

    I hate that! Sadly, it is usually in church. I'm supposed to be humbled and ready to pray. Then I watch 'the climbers' and 'side sweepers' in action. Why can't the side sweepers either move over or get up for a second to allow the person to get in the row? It drives me nuts. Then I have the guilt of being angry in church and not thinking nicely. Crazy. :p
  • goldfishgoo
    goldfishgoo Posts: 67 Member
    kace_kay wrote: »

    To make it worse they are making a freaking Broadway play from this ×#$% movie! Plus, Frozen II is in the works. I HATE this movie. And, no, I can't "let it go". :p
  • bryantparson
    bryantparson Posts: 516 Member
    Pretty much everyone at a grocery store.
    Pretty much everyone on the road.
    People who think out loud all the time.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    People who can't pick up their feet when they walk.
    People who call in 'sick' the day before their days off.
    Any person who I know that knows how to manage their chronic illness and doesn't, then complains that they are suffering the affects all the time.

    All three of these are wrapped up in one IRRITATING co worker right now. :grumble: He is supposed to retire soon but he will likely get fired before that happens. :mrgreen:
  • jonathansilas1984
    jonathansilas1984 Posts: 36 Member
    People killing other people because their imaginary friend said it was ok.
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    key word: 'irrationally'. When those thin pieces of plastic off a bag stick to your hands via static and you can't flick them off.
  • Temeritas
    Temeritas Posts: 585 Member
    Would agree or aluminum foil that tears as you wrap around a dish...
  • Michelle4588
    Michelle4588 Posts: 271 Member
    People whom are ALWAYS negative
  • Deltaoutlaw
    Deltaoutlaw Posts: 350 Member
    Improper spelling and grammar. I've had to fight to change myself so I don't correct everyone all the time even though it still gets to me.
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    Improper use of there, their, and they're. How did these people get a bachelor's degree?
  • bryantparson
    bryantparson Posts: 516 Member
    Improper spelling and grammar. I've had to fight to change myself so I don't correct everyone all the time even though it still gets to me.

  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    bepeejaye wrote: »
    a.Co-workers/people standing talking, but taking up the whole way, giving no place to maneuver through. I hate walking right through/in the middle the group
    b.Person A at one end of the hallway yelling out to person B on the other end of the hallway. Why not just walk up to person B or do nothing at all?
    c.Flip-Flop/shoe/Slipper wearers that do not pick up feet while walking

    O.M.G. are you in my office a lot? Ugh, I seriously have to deal with this everyday. And I'm trying to walk with my patients to or from my exam room and the doctor + two nurses + scrub tech + med student + husband and wife patients are standing RIGHT in front of my doorway enjoying a lengthy conversation. Come on people. Also, one time a med student (super hot btw, as usual) was just hanging out with the scrub tech in the hall right in front of the bathroom. Yeah, I have to poop, and I'm not going to hold it any longer, so good luck with that.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Improper spelling and grammar. I've had to fight to change myself so I don't correct everyone all the time even though it still gets to me.

    Don't we all.... smh
  • brcossette
    brcossette Posts: 89 Member
    The fact that Wile E. Coyote still hasn't caught that fricken road runner..
  • bryantparson
    bryantparson Posts: 516 Member
    brcossette wrote: »
    The fact that Wile E. Coyote still hasn't caught that fricken road runner..

    He did once. Let go of your anger. You can be free now.
  • brcossette
    brcossette Posts: 89 Member
    People who think that using correct grammar is a sign of superior intelligence.
  • _m0lly
    _m0lly Posts: 900 Member
    People who eat with their mouth open and make really loud, disgusting slop noises.

    Also people with no manners. Especially when you hold a door open for someone, WISH IT SLAMMED IN YOUR FACE NOW!

    ... And breathe. :D
  • _m0lly
    _m0lly Posts: 900 Member
    edited April 2015
    Also people who spell definitely as 'defiantly'. NO. PLEASE, NO!
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    edited April 2015
    People with consistently terrible spelling and grammar that just assume everyone will know what they're trying to say, and then have to spend an entire page of their thread verifying exactly what they're trying to ask.
  • dagost17
    dagost17 Posts: 53 Member
    People who ride the merge lane until the end even though you are letting them in or people who know the late is going to merge and cut you off even though no one is behind you... :/

    People who chew their gum loudly like pigs

    People who make loud noises when they eat

    People who are too lazy/useless and pass the buck on to you because they can't use their own brain

    People who don't know the difference between "your" and "you're"