Hotties getting Hotter! Daily motivation thread! April 2015



  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Looks like you have some good plans @shadow2soul Do you check your weight every day? I think I would go crazy doing that LOL

    Also my thighs are getting huge from lifting, I just read an article that made me feel better because it is common for that to happen before they get smaller. Right now I am just trying to get back to being healthy, I think I am going to skip going out this weekend and just stay at home and clean/cook I really miss it. Maybe we will invite some friends over for dinner but honestly some quiet time sounds good.

    I think I strained my back lifting last week so I am taking a few days off but I should be back to the gym tomorrow for crossfit. I have been so tired lately I am hoping it is just from being busy and I am not getting sick.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Patriots96
    Patriots96 Posts: 96 Member
    Count me in! I have just rejoined mfp after regaining the 30 pounds I lost a year or so ago. Over 200 lbs again but want to be 170 or 160. 42 years old and type 1 diabetic
  • ChrisiEMilio
    ChrisiEMilio Posts: 27 Member
    edited April 2015
    Welcome Patriots96! You will love this group. They are awesome! My middle daughter actually has type 1 as well. She was diagnosed two years ago. Her blood sugar was over 1300 at diagnosis. Good luck with your journey. ☺
  • ccat1987
    ccat1987 Posts: 15 Member
    I work a desk job, so I have a really hard time hitting my steps each day. I try to take quick walks around the office, but its challenging when I bill my time hourly to clients. Any suggestions to building up to 10k steps per day? I typically hit about 2-3k sometimes 4-5k when the weather is good enough to take my pup for a walk.

    My fitness goal this week is to get to 4 classes at the YMCA 2 spinning and 2 kettlebell!
  • angellak
    angellak Posts: 68 Member
    I've experienced the same thing with lifting lostalykat. I've laid off of it, but I need to get back to it. It seems I'm so sore all the time. What do you do for soreness?
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    lostalykat wrote: »
    Looks like you have some good plans @shadow2soul Do you check your weight every day? I think I would go crazy doing that LOL

    Yes I weigh daily. I have the Fitbit Aria scale which automatically updates my weight on Fitbit and here. My fitbit account is linked to a site called trend weight as well. The trendweight site takes the scale fluctuations and smooths it out so that you can see if your gaining, losing or maintaining. For example, here is my last 3 months:

    For me, seeing the daily fluctuations is what helps me keep my sanity. If I weighed in once a week and just happened to land on a high day, I'd know myself well enough to know that it would mess with my mind a bit.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    @angellak muscle soreness is a good thing and I just deal with it and keep going. The best thing to do when you're sore is to use the same muscles again. Also replenishment after the workout is important. I try to make sure to get a lot of protein after lifting as well.

    I'm still not feeling great, I think I'm fighting a cold that everyone is getting around me. I was hoping to get back to the gym tomorrow but now I'm thinking I should rest instead. Ugh I hate this. I'll see how I sleep and how I feel in the morning and then decide. The nice thing is I get a massage and a haircut tomorrow.
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    Love this thread! I just started to get back on track myself. Gotta love what we do to ourselves when we fall off the wagon. Good luck :)
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    ccat1987 wrote: »
    I work a desk job, so I have a really hard time hitting my steps each day. I try to take quick walks around the office, but its challenging when I bill my time hourly to clients. Any suggestions to building up to 10k steps per day? I typically hit about 2-3k sometimes 4-5k when the weather is good enough to take my pup for a walk.

    My fitness goal this week is to get to 4 classes at the YMCA 2 spinning and 2 kettlebell!
    I'm the same way. I'm lucky to get 4k by the end of my workout. I try to get moving more at work (long way to the restroom, drinking fountain etc ) but I don't even come close.

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Welcome @AmberSpamber do you have some goals you want to share for the last week of April? I'll start a new thread for may on the 1st.
  • angellak
    angellak Posts: 68 Member
    I hope you feel better soon lostalykat. A massage sounds great. I need to get one soon. Thanks for the advice. :smile:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I wrote a whole post on Thurs and it didn't post. I am kind of busy right now so not a ton of time. I hope everyone is having a great Friday! I had a 3.4 loss today! WOOhoo Now to keep this going and make it under 190 by May would be sweet but I am not going to kill myself to do it! Just hoping for the best and working hard!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    How is everyone doing with their goals?? I'm going faster than I thought I would so I'm hoping to be able to keep it up!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Looks like I am the only one keeping up with the forum. We are only a few days away from the end of the month and I have already hit my goal that I originally posted so I am going to count that as a win! I will be starting a new forum group on the 1st and I hope everyone and then some are interested in joining for the next month!
  • ccat1987
    ccat1987 Posts: 15 Member
    Like I posted before, I was struggling to meet my step goal for the day. I typicall go to kettlebell/spinning classes 4 times a week (I track steps on my phone and I do not bring it to class). The past 2 weeks I started taking longer walks after work to see how far I need to walk to hit my 10,000 step goal.

    I am proud to share that this week I have met my goal 3 times already. I added extras steps by taking a short walk at lunch and a longer walk after dinner. I am still attending the exercise classes. Yesterday, I actually blew past my 10,000 steps a day :smiley:

    My weight is slowly going down and I actually took my measurements. But I am proud I am moving more!
  • angellak
    angellak Posts: 68 Member
    I have met my step goal of 10,000 everyday except for 2 days. Yay!