Fitness Challenge at Work

I am heading up a fitness challenge at my office and am looking for weekly rewards/incentive ideas. My company is providing $25 per week for prizes and the entrance fees are going to the final cash prizes. I was talking to one of the participants today and they said something that really made sense...that this was more about the journey than the big prize at the end and to maybe consider more frequent/fun prizes throughout in lieu of a large cash prize at the end. I like this idea a lot, and was looking for some thoughts/feedback on different incentive/reward ideas that we might include. If you were doing something like this in your office...what would you like...what would motivate/excite you to be part of this each week?


  • khloesdad0124
    khloesdad0124 Posts: 62 Member
    I have heard of websites online that your company could enroll with that offer both short term and long term rewards programs for fitness/weight loss competitions.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    We tried a 12 week competition at the office with a weekly weigh in, a dollar donation for every pound gained towards the final prize....
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    our office does this sort of thing.

    I won a fitbit (just the clippy one) and there are often smaller prizes like water bottles, hats, jackets (with the company logo of course)

    But just make sure the prizes are fitness related...perhaps stuff mentioned above or if you have a local gym willing to donate bags etc.

    We did a walking Challenge one team won an ice cream party....*smh*
  • krdews
    krdews Posts: 124 Member
    Hmmm... our dept (not company sponsored) did a biggest loser from Jan-May for 4 years in a row - each year people would lose and some went over the top to get to the monthly payout and then the final prize - with the exception of 1 (me) no one kept the weight off. I was surprised as I thought everyone was in it for similar reasons. Oddly, I never won any of the monthly payouts or the final cash. So to your point - it needs to be more about the journey to a "real" goal; however you will have those that are totally motivated by cash! I've heard of some companies giving employees Fitbits and giving them rewards based on numbers of steps they log monthly or they have some how managed to tie in Fitbit with their health insurance for a reduced rate. I would be totally motivated if it were fitness related. Pay my monthly gym fee the next month, gift certificate to our local running store (all items there are fitness related). A one month pass for yoga, zumba or dance class. A one time visit for rock climbing anything that gets you moving. One thing I will say... a weekly prize is too frequently - you need to space that out to a month at least.
  • IncredibleMulk77
    IncredibleMulk77 Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks for the responses! Great ideas and pointers.

    krdews...congrats on keeping off the weight! This is our second challenge and I've seen some of the same.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    I'm in the midst of one of these challenges at work right now. I hadn't though about more frequent prizes. Our reward at the end is that the winner receives the entire pot of the sign-up fee which is $20 per person. Currently the pot is $350.
    Our challenge is a points-based system: I created a spreadsheet and you get certain points every day, plus I do a weekly "bonus" challenge to receive extra points. Our challenge is based more on healthy choices and wellness rather than weight loss since not everyone's goal is to lose weight.

    I will also do a random draw at the end for someone to win a FitBit.
  • serenity1097
    serenity1097 Posts: 135 Member
    We did a fitness challenge here in the office. It lasted 8 weeks, we had to pay $1 each weigh-in (weighed every Monday) and $1 for each pound gained. The top prize was $250 donated by the owners, 2nd prize was the money collected from weigh-ins & weight gains. And we calculated the winner by percentage of weight lost, not total pounds.