How long does it take to lose the belly!?

Been doing this for 2 months now...losing but not as fast as I'd like, lol.
How long until results start showing at the waistline??
I want to hear from people who had the ponch and lost it ...and how long t took and what they found most successful ...please and thanks!! :)


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    There are way too many factors. You only had 12 pounds you wanted to lose, but there's a chance that 12 pounds won't have an impact on your belly fat if that's where genetics says is the last to go.

    Having a lean stomach comes from having low body fat and adequate lean mass. A calorie deficit and resistance training are the best methods of reducing body fat to have a lean belly. You're just going to have to be patient.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    stefng33 wrote: »
    Been doing this for 2 months now...losing but not as fast as I'd like, lol.
    How long until results start showing at the waistline??
    I want to hear from people who had the ponch and lost it ...and how long t took and what they found most successful ...please and thanks!! :)

    You may as well ask this question to a magic 8 ball because anyone that tries to define a time for this to happen will be about as accurate. It will come off when it comes off.
  • Arliah
    Arliah Posts: 266 Member
    The belly is actually the hardest part to lose ... but keep going (and measuring), you will see results. Unfortunately, spot-reducing is not possible, so unless you tend to naturally lose fat around your mid-section first, it wil require some patience. And depending on how much you want to lose, 2 months is almost nothing (I know, not what you want to hear). Keep it up though, it'll be rewarding in the end!
  • greenlizard72
    greenlizard72 Posts: 76 Member
    How long did it take you to grow it?
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    I have the same issue. It's finally starting to reduce but I have to really eat at a calorie deficit every day. It has been 3 weeks. Believe me, it's still there and not where I want it to be but it is reduced.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Start here:

    Read it, re-read it, learn from it. Its the truth.
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    Also, do you eat red meat? I have not had any for the 3 weeks that I have been doing this. I think it's helping. My protein sources are from Greek yogurt, chicken and salmon. Food reacts differently in everyone's body. I think red meat is a belly problem for me. Maybe it's an issue for you?
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    flippy1234 wrote: »
    Also, do you eat red meat? I have not had any for the 3 weeks that I have been doing this. I think it's helping. My protein sources are from Greek yogurt, chicken and salmon. Food reacts differently in everyone's body. I think red meat is a belly problem for me. Maybe it's an issue for you?

    There's no basis for this claim.

    Read the nice stomach sticky thread.
  • kisses71213
    kisses71213 Posts: 97 Member
    How long did it take you to grow it?

    hahah! Exactly..!
  • kisses71213
    kisses71213 Posts: 97 Member
    make sure your fat macros are on point when you log. try to stick to the recommended limit.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I can tell you from my own experience it's going to be the last thing on me to go. I've lost almost 50 pounds, but almost all of my weight has come off of everywhere else except there. I've got about maybe 10-15 left I can lose, and it's probably all sitting right on my abdomen. And it's taken me almost 2 years to get to this point. I figure it will be another six months before my belly finally shrinks, and even then it will never be flat, thanks to my damn DNA.
  • lkrause74
    lkrause74 Posts: 37 Member
    I have the same problem with fat around my middle. I have a problem loosing weight but then again, I have a tough time eating the right things. I find it challenging to get a lot of protein as I have a digestive disorder that causes me to have issues with anything with dairy in it...including yogurt.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    make sure your fat macros are on point when you log. try to stick to the recommended limit.

    dietary fat does not equal body fat.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    make sure your fat macros are on point when you log. try to stick to the recommended limit.

    MFP's macros are not ideal for everyone.
  • jockquelenewashington
    It's been about three months from me. I eat at a calorie deficit and I train mean! I eat about 1300 hundred calories a day. I do about 90 minutes of cardio and three days of strength training. I've lost a total of 13 pounds even though MFP shows eleven because I joined this app after I started this journey. Keep pushing yourself and be patient. I still have stomach to lose but it has decreased in size! ycov3aia2003.jpg
  • stefng33
    stefng33 Posts: 49 Member
    How long did it take you to grow it?
    Lol!! Good answer. Good question!
  • stefng33
    stefng33 Posts: 49 Member
    It's been about three months from me. I eat at a calorie deficit and I train mean! I eat about 1300 hundred calories a day. I do about 90 minutes of cardio and three days of strength training. I've lost a total of 13 pounds even though MFP shows eleven because I joined this app after I started this journey. Keep pushing yourself and be patient. I still have stomach to lose but it has decreased in size! ycov3aia2003.jpg

    Wow! Good for you!!
  • stefng33
    stefng33 Posts: 49 Member
    Arliah wrote: »
    The belly is actually the hardest part to lose ... but keep going (and measuring), you will see results. Unfortunately, spot-reducing is not possible, so unless you tend to naturally lose fat around your mid-section first, it wil require some patience. And depending on how much you want to lose, 2 months is almost nothing (I know, not what you want to hear). Keep it up though, it'll be rewarding in the end!

    Patience ...ahh yes, I do need this. Thanks for your response and encouragement! Super kind and motivating!
  • stefng33
    stefng33 Posts: 49 Member
    Yep, easy to gain harder to lose.
    Basically I appear lean everywhere but my belly and I guess a bit in my thighs and bum ;)
    Who knows how long it's been going on; I never ate well all through my life! Thought I could get away with it because I was tall and thin and had a good metabolism, lol.
    And 10 years later...

    Annnnyway, now I'm focusing on taking care of my body in all areas! Not just about losing pounds. Strengthening the core and mindfulness and good nutritious food...yada yada.

    BUT the tummy for me will be like the proverbial icing on the cake when it's gone!!

    I understand it's a process and an individual one at that.

    Thanks for the sticky, I will def read it.
  • brianam204
    brianam204 Posts: 17 Member
    One factor is when you eat... I try to do the I.F. thing (Intermittent Fasting), though I'm far from hardcore on it. At it's most basic and easy level, it's simply a matter of not eating outside of a period of time of the day. So for the people who only want to do the most basic involvement, it's just keeping your eating to a 12 hour period of the day (such as 8am - 8pm). No snacking, no drinking, etc. The consumption window should be less than 12 hours and the shorter it is, the more results you'll notice; doing it for 12 hours will prevent late night snacking, but not give you much burn time.

    Some caveats though... As people have said, some of that fat is the last to go, so if you're storing fat elsewhere, it might take quite a while before your body gets to that. You generally need a lean diet to start with and also a calorie deficit. Stick to the diet and the macros; I.F. isn't a silver bullet. At the very least though, it can help keep you from snacking your way over your numbers if you cut yourself off at a certain point.