Weigh in every day? Every week?



  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    I weigh daily, at the same time every day. I also am able to understand that daily fluctuations are normal, so they don't discourage me, but it does allow me to see the feedback for mistakes I may be making much sooner (ie, I put on 2 pounds since Monday, which means something is whacked in my diet).
  • cotewalter
    cotewalter Posts: 111 Member
    I am in maintenance right now but when I was trying to lose I still weighed myself daily but only logged it on MFP at the beginning of each week, Monday mornings as soon as I got up. I still weigh most mornings to kind of gauge where I am at.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    I like weighing every day, but I only really compare one weigh-in (usually on Sundays) from week to week. I like having lots of data points.

    There’s a lot of fluctuation in our body weight. I recently shot up 5lbs after eating cake and take out, even though I didn’t eat over maintenance. The water/bloat weight came off in a couple of days, but it can be demoralizing if you’re not prepared for it.
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    I weigh everyday but I only log my weight on MFP when I lose. I like to see the downward progress. I do keep my own spreadsheet to track the daily fluctuations. This seems to work for me. I don't get frustrated by the fluctuations and I I stay motivated by my overall loss.

    Welcome and good luck to you.
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    I only weigh in on Saturday mornings because it is the one day I get to sleep in and then go to the bathroom in peace and take my time on the scale (I have young children!). Sometimes the number seems off, and it's likely a normal fluctuation...in that case I might weigh again in a day or two and usually it's where it should be. When it isn't, then I know I need to be more honest!
  • xesixb
    xesixb Posts: 165 Member
    I was obsessed with the scale in the beginning, but now I only weigh myself once a week.
  • shinisize
    shinisize Posts: 105 Member
    I used to weigh once a week, but since I'm usually only losing half a pound a week it could be really hard to measure that small of a loss with normal daily weight fluctuations/monthly cycle stuff. I went five weeks without seeing a loss one time, then suddenly had 8lbs read as having come off, and probably would have freaked out if I wasn't also tracking measurements, fitness goals, and taking weekly pictures. I now weigh myself almost daily, and after several months I have a great graph of how my weight fluctuations trend and never have the panicked moments where I think I've legitimately gained instead of lost. I still take measurements and pictures once a week, and I almost always have those improve if my weight hasn't budged. The pictures and the fitness goals are usually the most consistently improved week-to-week and my most motivational.
  • DMLC2014
    DMLC2014 Posts: 71 Member
    I usually weigh myself once a month now. I tend to do my measurements every week. I see more changes then with a scale.
  • Fatrick011
    Fatrick011 Posts: 8 Member
    kami3006 wrote: »
    Honestly, the scale only tells you so much. I weigh in once a week, but I also take all of my measurements as well, because sometimes the scale just doesnt more. And that's ok. You're not always going to see it go anywhere. I go more by how my clothes fit, my measurements, and how I feel.

    I agree. I weigh maybe every month to two months out of curiosity. It just doesn't tell me anything. I take measurements and go by photos.

    I weigh in every couple months just so I have a number to post but basically I go by how often I'm buying smaller clothes. The scale becomes a tyrant.
  • Oldbitcollector
    Oldbitcollector Posts: 229 Member
    I weigh in off and on during the week, but I usually only count Monday morning (same gym outfit) for my weight.
  • aliaslocke
    aliaslocke Posts: 19 Member
    I like to use the HappyScale app and weigh every day to see the over all trend. I also like to take measurements once a month.
  • Blazing_Brunette
    Blazing_Brunette Posts: 217 Member
    Add meeeee ... Check daily log once a week
  • KourtneyChristine
    KourtneyChristine Posts: 33 Member
    I weigh everyday cuz it makes me feel motivated and I keep better track but I log my weight once a week since my weight fluctuates between 5-7lbs
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    I weigh every day to extract maximum value from my digital scale (which only cost me $32CAD on Amazon.ca).

    No, truth is, I weigh every day because I'm a data nerd and I'm not bothered at all by minor upward weight excursions.
  • lmcdonald1979
    lmcdonald1979 Posts: 24 Member
    This is from an artical I read;
    Forget endless salads and countless sit-ups, the key to losing weight could be as simple as stepping on the scales each day.

    Men and women who weighed themselves daily lost three times as much weight as other dieters, a study found.

    Those who weighed themselves seven days a week shed almost a stone and a half in six months – a figure any slimmer would be proud of.

    It is also well above the minimum amount of weight loss needed to cut the risk of heart disease and other illnesses.

    It is thought that daily weigh-ins help slimmers keep track of their weight – allowing them to take action immediately if the dial starts to creep up again.

    Seeing their weight fall in front of their eyes may also motivate them to stick to their diet and make it easier for them to resist temptation.

    Forty seven overweight men and were given advice on dieting and asked to weigh themselves each day for six months.
  • Chewitz
    Chewitz Posts: 217 Member
    I check daily :D
  • lozz20782
    lozz20782 Posts: 8 Member
    I weigh in everyday................I like to see and understand the weight fluctuations.
    I was weighing in only once a week and became discouraged to find the scales had not budged. Now, weighing in everyday I notice that I can drop 200grams per day then on a weight training day I can increase by 500grams then back down again, so if you are weighing in only once a week and don't see a change I would suggest weighing in the next day as well, because fluctuations happen daily.
    I log my results daily with fitbit and and the end of the week i get a progress report from fitbit that will state eg. Heaviest during the week 72.3kg lightest 70.4kg. That lower weight gets lower and lower every week, so i know whatever I am doing is working.
    Also, I have discovered that I gain almost 2kg during ovulation ( i never knew that this was possible), it last for 4 days then goes down. So please don't be discouraged by what the scales say.
    When I first started I actually gained weight almost 3kg. my PT suggested to purchase scales that tell you fat percentage and muscle mass percentage. I did that and it showed that I was gaining a lot of muscle (which weighs more than fat) my fat was slowly going down but the muscle was gaining faster. This continued for almost 3 months!!!! I was so devasted, I was working my butt off and eating all the right foods and nothing!!! As predicted by my PT after roughly the 12 week mark my muscles started to burn off the fat and I have been on a downward spiral since....losing 700grams a week on average!!! Woohoo!! Now my muscle mass seems to be standing still, but my fat percentage going down down down!!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    When I was losing 85 pounds I weighed myself every day. Sometimes it doesn't change for weeks on end, other times you get a random whoosh. It's easy to get kind of addicted to the scale and tie false happiness to it. What matters most is that it's a trend tool over time. Some of what shows on the scale is water. The liver alone can fluctuate 3 pounds in one day just doing it's thing.

    So remember that the body is made up of much more than fat cells and muscle tissues and the body weight scale reflects ALL OF IT. It's not a body fat scale. The leaner you get the less accurate it is for you and when you maintain it's kind of useless. How your clothes fit then is a better guage.

    So, mainly if it effects your motivation in a negative way it's better to focus on the process rather than the scale (calories and exercise). The process actually still works even when you don't get on the scale.
  • KatieMusselwhite92113
    KatieMusselwhite92113 Posts: 98 Member
    If I didn't weigh daily (at least in the beginning) I wouldn't know how my body responds to high-sodium days vs. high-carb days, etc. Now I know that after a high-sodium day I will be about 2lbs heavier (water retention) for a couple days, for example. This has helped me make overall better choices and freak out less when the scale tells me things I don't want to see. I now weigh weekly or even just twice a month sometimes.
  • blossomingbutterfly
    blossomingbutterfly Posts: 743 Member
    I weigh in when I feel like it. Sometimes it's once a day for awhile, sometimes it's once a week, sometimes multiple times a week, etc.