Ongoing battle

Hi my name is Christine. Almost 25 yo. 5 feet only 92 pounds. Ive been underweight for a while. A few years ago I just dropped 12 pound in just couple months randomly and did not change my diet. It was odd and now I'm trying to gain it back. When I gain a few I lose them just as fast. I have a very high metabolism and eat alot so im at a loss at this point. Tip or tricks to gain and maintain my weight would be awesome.


  • watto1980
    watto1980 Posts: 155 Member
    Not sure how you can gain AND maintain your weight. But adding calories is all you need to do. If you eat 1300 calories per day, make it 1400 a day for a week, still not gaining or maintaining? Then the next week eat 1500 calories per day and continue this process until you reach maintenance.

    To find maintenance weigh yourself daily at the same time, first thing in the morning. Take 7 day averages by adding your daily weigh-in results for the week then dividing that by 7. This will help round off any weight fluctuations and you will be able to better gauge your loss/gain progress based off those weekly averages.
  • gideonsmama
    gideonsmama Posts: 2 Member
    Ok I'll try it thanks!
    watto1980 wrote: »
    Not sure how you can gain AND maintain your weight. But adding calories is all you need to do. If you eat 1300 calories per day, make it 1400 a day for a week, still not gaining or maintaining? Then the next week eat 1500 calories per day and continue this process until you reach maintenance.

    To find maintenance weigh yourself daily at the same time, first thing in the morning. Take 7 day averages by adding your daily weigh-in results for the week then dividing that by 7. This will help round off any weight fluctuations and you will be able to better gauge your loss/gain progress based off those weekly averages.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Eat more calorie dense foods; nuts, oils etc. This will help increase your daily caloric intake