WE have to be patient!

I see so many posts about people getting frustrated because they aren't losing weight as fast as they want to. I am 50. I have been around the block a few times. I have always wanted quick fixes and instant gratification. However, I have finally realized that it's a slow and steady mind set that works. If you eat healthy and at a calorie deficit, you will thin down and lean out. Your body has to adjust to it's new healthy eating habits. That takes time. Make permanent food and health changes. Don't look at them as quick fixes or diets. Believe me, it does not work. Change your habits and eventually tour body will get it. Also, easy on the going crazy at the gym. Be smart and exercise but more does not equal results. Be realistic. Treat yourself and your body with respect. In this case, SLOW and STEADY win the race.


  • Fentyman
    Fentyman Posts: 58 Member
    Truth. I only loss 3 pounds in April. Sucks...
  • Vidarsbane
    Vidarsbane Posts: 30 Member
    Why does it suck? I'm assuming it took a long time to get yourself over weight, I know it did with me so it will take a long time to come off.... 3lbs off is still in the right direction my friend.
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    Vidarsbane wrote: »
    Why does it suck? I'm assuming it took a long time to get yourself over weight, I know it did with me so it will take a long time to come off.... 3lbs off is still in the right direction my friend.

    It is good. Be proud of yourself.
  • kittykarin
    kittykarin Posts: 104 Member
    Very true! I'm trying to weigh myself less and set non-scale related goals for myself like running faster each month or farther. Sometimes we can't control the scale but I can control how much I work out or how much water or protein I consume every day and strive for those goals. It's really hard when I would like to see the scale number decrease and it's not but I gotta focus on something else so I don't get frustrated.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    But what about all the teens that need to take off 20 pounds before prom next week? Are you saying that is unreasonable? :)