Jillian's 30 Day Shred- Start Today 5/16

malx21989 Posts: 39 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Here we go again with another 30 Day Shred Topic!!!
Starting today 5/16 Ending 6/7
Weight: 203lbs
Waist: 44in

Anyone one else starting today?

I will be posting every week on here how it is going!!!


  • Chantelle160
    Chantelle160 Posts: 127
    I could start today. Might give me some motivation this week to see 149. :)

    Weight: 150.8
    Waist: not sure?
  • christinathompson1
    christinathompson1 Posts: 144 Member
    i started the 14th so day will be my 3rd day! :)

    height: 5'2
    waist : 41
    hips 40

    i would love to join you! we'll only be a few days apart on the shred! :)
  • Jodibear13
    Jodibear13 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in!

    weight 183 lbs
    Height 5'9

  • skinnyjuannie
    skinnyjuannie Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in!! I've owned the stupid DVD for 2 years and have never done it once...so I'm with you.

    Starting Weight: 230.8
    Starting Waist: 37.3
  • luvmy2babies
    luvmy2babies Posts: 94 Member
    I am starting today as well.

    Weight: 207
    Waist: 40.5
  • bloomin824
    bloomin824 Posts: 3
    My wife and I started today too. We just finished P90x last week and wanted to change it up. The shred felt more like a cardio workout than anything else. I was wet with sweat but didn't really feel like it kicked my butt. We will do level 1 for a week and see what level 2 has to offer....

    Current weight: 218 (lost 30 so far)
    Height: 6'4"
  • hhudson88
    hhudson88 Posts: 6 Member
    I'll start today too. I got it for Christmas and never really picked it up after that.

    Starting Weight: 168
    Weight today 159
    Mini Goal: 149 (End of dvd)
    End Goal: 130
  • OhJackie
    OhJackie Posts: 7 Member
    I know it's going to kick my butt today, but I'm going to pull through! lol

    Starting today 5/16 Ending 6/7
    Weight: 190
    Waist: 34 inches
  • blacktallon
    blacktallon Posts: 38
    I started that video about a year ago when I was just starting to work out! Its great! I could not believe how great I felt when I advanced through the levels and look back at the progress just in my strength and fitness levels. Definitely stick with this video!
    Also I like to once in awhile do the first two levels to feel out how I progressed. It gives me a ego boost to easily do the exercises I once struggled with. Keep that in mind when you find yourself ready. :)
  • silvafan
    silvafan Posts: 147
    My friend & my daughter & I are starting today. So I'm in :-) I got weights over the weekend and a mat so I'm ready to rock & roll!

    Current weight 152
    Waist (across my belly button 36)
    Hips 43.5

    I'm honetly not sure where or how I should measure.

    I did take some "before" pics because I'm hoping to see a difference when its all over.

    I'm also preparing for a 5k in July so I'll typically be doing 30ds in the a.m. and running in the p.m.

    I'm looking forward to doing this with a group of folks. Feel free to add me :-)

    Good luck to everyone!
  • malx21989
    malx21989 Posts: 39 Member
    GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!! Like I said I will post up on here every week with updates!!
  • silvafan
    silvafan Posts: 147
    Today is day 4 for me, I will be doing it tonight. My thighs are super sore but the time is going faster with each work out. I can't imagen what week 2 will be like :-) Hope everyone is hanging in there and sticking with it!
  • silvafan
    silvafan Posts: 147
  • jesseylou22
    jesseylou22 Posts: 51
    I just started 30 day shred... dang it kicked my butt.. how is everybody logging this into your exercise journal?
  • I just started today! Love it!
  • My wife and I started today too. We just finished P90x last week and wanted to change it up. The shred felt more like a cardio workout than anything else. I was wet with sweat but didn't really feel like it kicked my butt. We will do level 1 for a week and see what level 2 has to offer....

    Current weight: 218 (lost 30 so far)
    Height: 6'4"

    I agree, I did Insanity about a year ago and just started 30 day shred today. I liked the workout, but I'm gonna move to level 2 tomorrow.
  • silvafan
    silvafan Posts: 147
    I just started 30 day shred... dang it kicked my butt.. how is everybody logging this into your exercise journal?

    im logging it under "Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort" for 167 calories.
  • I read on eHow that you can maximize the benefits to the 30 day shred by doing it 2x a day...anyone interested in doing this?
  • my hrm actually clocks it around 250-300. i usually log it under circuit training...
  • jesseylou22
    jesseylou22 Posts: 51
This discussion has been closed.