Help, I'm stuck!!

So I think I have hit a wall, or plateau! I feel like im working so much harder than ever and have not lost anymore weight. Usually at this point I'd be like forget it and just give up but I'm not finished yet. However I would love some tips on getting past this point and to keep losing. Thanks all ;)


  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    How long have you been stuck? Your diary isn't open, so how well are you doing on your calories?
  • ambie694
    ambie694 Posts: 114 Member
    well im under my calories every day, which is 1460. I think ive been stuck for like two weeks and I know your body can fluctuate constanltly but my eating and fitness routing has been consistent from day one.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    If you aren't losing weight, you're not in a deficit.

    That being said, how long has it been since you've lost weight?
    How is you logging? What is you calorie goal? Are you weighing your food?

    If you're not losing weight, you need to look at your calorie intake, not your exercise.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Can you open your diary?
  • ambie694
    ambie694 Posts: 114 Member
    okay ....think I opened it, don't be afraid to just let me have it!!! lol I need a kick in butt sumtimes thank you for your help!
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    The number one answer you're going to get is to start weighing your food. You're mostly using cups or servings, vs. grams. If you're weighing, you can be more accurate. :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Where is your protein woman? I would get a food scale, it makes such a huge difference on things. For instance, half a banana, you have 53 calories. Usually a banana is around 135 calories. These little things will add up.
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    Before I'd call this a true plateau, I'd ask that you invest $15-20 in a good digital scale and confirm your food logging. Cups and general estimates for many foods can be widely different.

    It's amazing how many examples and such a wide range on a medium apple or one cup of apple slices, etc. If you weigh what you're eating, preferably to the gram, you'll have a much better picture of what you're truly consuming.

    Also, make sure your recipes are accurately recorded when setting them up and that you're keeping the 1/3 or two slices or whatever serving is selected as a true ration and aligned to the recipe you've created.

    You've made good progress, and small steps will likely get you right back to where you want to be going!
  • jda2rn
    jda2rn Posts: 1 Member
    Change things up a little. I see you are really consistent in your routine. Your body is getting used to it. Try some eggs in the morning instead of a bagel every day. I even have breakfast for lunch and dinner for breakfast. I even try to vary my calories throughout the week, but mostly staying around the 1200 calorie limit, even if I exercise. Are you trying to eat every 3 hours or so? Keeps the metabolism going. Good luck to you!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    jda2rn wrote: »
    Change things up a little. I see you are really consistent in your routine. Your body is getting used to it. Try some eggs in the morning instead of a bagel every day. I even have breakfast for lunch and dinner for breakfast. I even try to vary my calories throughout the week, but mostly staying around the 1200 calorie limit, even if I exercise. Are you trying to eat every 3 hours or so? Keeps the metabolism going. Good luck to you!

    NO NO NO
    First, it's all about CICO. Second, timing is irrelevant.
  • Dave55412
    Dave55412 Posts: 88 Member
    You need more protein that that. Use this link and try to hit the grams it gives you.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Just wanted to add, 2 weeks isn't a stall or a plateau, it's life :)
    Weight loss isn't linear, even if you are perfect you will have weeks where the scale doesn't budge.

    You've already gotten great advise, so just be patient, take the advise above to heart, and keep it up!
  • Klhernandez81
    Klhernandez81 Posts: 62 Member
    You could try mixing in more whole foods (vegetables, fruits) and less simple carbs or processed items, like bread, bagels, etc. It would shake things up a bit. It is true, calories in, calories out, but I find that when I eat a lot of simple carbs, my body hold on to the weight a little more. It COULD be in my head...any way, just ideas :)
  • ambie694
    ambie694 Posts: 114 Member
    Thank You All for your input...I appreciate it and will make sure to keep in mind that this is just temporary and to keep on keepin on, however I will def try the scale, im sure I screwed up portions somehow ....and add more proteins!!! <3
  • geotrice
    geotrice Posts: 274 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    jda2rn wrote: »
    Change things up a little. I see you are really consistent in your routine. Your body is getting used to it. Try some eggs in the morning instead of a bagel every day. I even have breakfast for lunch and dinner for breakfast. I even try to vary my calories throughout the week, but mostly staying around the 1200 calorie limit, even if I exercise. Are you trying to eat every 3 hours or so? Keeps the metabolism going. Good luck to you!

    NO NO NO
    First, it's all about CICO. Second, timing is irrelevant.

    CICO is math, not physiology. Net calories are the most important factor in weight loss, yes but timing has some effect, just as nutritional qualities of the diet have an effect on overall health and an individual's weight loss plans.
  • urbanhippy1
    urbanhippy1 Posts: 3 Member
    edited May 2015
    I don't think its your calories that are the problem- more what your eating, try to eliminate any processed foods, wheat and dairy for the next week or two and see how you feel, and dipping too far below 1500 calories is only going to ruin your metabolism making it harder to keep the weight off. Good Luck :)
  • 85kurtz
    85kurtz Posts: 276 Member
    I just love all this religious fervor about "it's simple CICO" stuff. For the most part it is true, but having spent nearly four weeks at the same weight, eating at deficit and exercising every day. Then I started adding more protein (via shakes) and suddenly I started losing again. So I am not convinced that it is that CICO is the only equation needed. I know that people will probably flame me for that. But I know what worked for me. BTW I weigh and log absolutely everything I eat or drink.