Chocolate, cheese or wine?



  • antoinetteg1957
    antoinetteg1957 Posts: 67 Member
    Wine ... I only drink it occasionally so I would not miss it.
  • MattBeFit
    MattBeFit Posts: 297 Member
    I'd give up the cheese, then the chocolate, and never the wine!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    That is like asking me which one of my children do I love more. I could never choose.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    For all of the wine haters on here, I'm going to guess that you've only drank grocery store wine before. Is that right? I feel so bad for people who don't drink wine. Having a nice, inky petite syrah or a big, jammy zin or a smooth, delicate pinot noir that smacks of cola and vanilla and... dear god, you must try something not purchased at your local grocery store and certainly not something in a 1500 ml bottle. Some of the grocery store wine is okay, but you have to experiment and know your stuff. My mother swore off wine until I took her tasting at our local wineries and WE LIVE IN FRIGGIN' IDAHO! Not exactly a wine region, but locally / craft made wine tastes so much better than commercial stuff.

    GIVE IT A TRY! You don't know what you're missing!

    Or you've tried this stuff and just genuinely don't like wine. In which case, ignore this and apologies.
  • blondeinnj
    blondeinnj Posts: 3,215 Member
  • strozman
    strozman Posts: 2,622 Member
  • LeoL87
    LeoL87 Posts: 127 Member
    Cheese for the protein
  • MrsBooBear
    MrsBooBear Posts: 12,618 Member
  • SpeedRacer13
    SpeedRacer13 Posts: 104 Member
    Gave up the cheese. A glass of red wine and a small piece of dark that is HEAVEN for me.
  • SpeedRacer13
    SpeedRacer13 Posts: 104 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    That is like asking me which one of my children do I love more. I could never choose.

    LOL...Like this.
  • justjack18
    justjack18 Posts: 720 Member
    I would give up wine. No way could I live without cheese
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    BinkyBonk wrote: »
    DWBalboa wrote: »
    Wine is proof that God loves us and that she wants us to be happy. ;-)

    I like you

    What's not to like? ;-)
  • blondeinnj
    blondeinnj Posts: 3,215 Member
  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    *old me looks at new me like I'm insane*

    I am surprised by how many would give up chocoloate.
  • SpeedRacer13
    SpeedRacer13 Posts: 104 Member
    I think I could give up chocolate if my arm is twisted..but cheese is easier to give up.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    This is a harder question than pirate or ninja!!! I refuse to even answer. I couldn't imagine giving up any one of them and, well, the one I'm considering... it's almost IMPOSSIBLE TO CONSIDER!

    I'm with you on this one. What a horrible question. Chocolate would definitely have to stay so it's between cheese and wine but pizza is crappy without cheese and I love a good glass of wine
  • Forestgirly
    Forestgirly Posts: 2,700 Member
    I like all of them but i will give up chocolate
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    I guess wine since I rarely drink anyway. I like protein and love chocolate so wine can go.
  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
    Wine, cannot stomach the smell or taste of it.
  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
    For all of the wine haters on here, I'm going to guess that you've only drank grocery store wine before. Is that right? I feel so bad for people who don't drink wine. Having a nice, inky petite syrah or a big, jammy zin or a smooth, delicate pinot noir that smacks of cola and vanilla and... dear god, you must try something not purchased at your local grocery store and certainly not something in a 1500 ml bottle. Some of the grocery store wine is okay, but you have to experiment and know your stuff. My mother swore off wine until I took her tasting at our local wineries and WE LIVE IN FRIGGIN' IDAHO! Not exactly a wine region, but locally / craft made wine tastes so much better than commercial stuff.

    GIVE IT A TRY! You don't know what you're missing!

    Or you've tried this stuff and just genuinely don't like wine. In which case, ignore this and apologies.

    I used to enjoy a glass every now and then. One night I got sick after drinking two glasses of wine (I didn't over-indulge, I had a bug) and I just cannot stand any part of it now.