down in the dumps...

Kimmee22 Posts: 3 Member
Hi all. In desperate need of help. Get marr in 5 months and i am really falling off the bus here..... i am currently sick so thats not helping the situation but pleaseeeeeee.... any help... motivation... anything!!!! Starting yo panic...


  • GizzySteph
    GizzySteph Posts: 16 Member
    Firstly don't panic. You have loads of time. 5 months is a long time! At the same time remember your other half is marry you for who you are now. X
  • quafferj
    quafferj Posts: 45 Member
    Take it one day at a time, making your best choices for that day... Sometimes looking at the big picture can get overwhelming, especially with something as big as wedding planning going on!
  • Kimmee22
    Kimmee22 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanx quafferj, you are 1000000% correct. As of today i am back on my healthy eating mission. :)
  • Kimmee22
    Kimmee22 Posts: 3 Member
    Awhhhhhh.... GizzySteph... i must say when we started dating i weighed 83.8 kilograms.... lost like 22.... so I guess that is a very comforting thought! <3