Fat & 30 ... Pfft! When did that happen?

DaniGold85 Posts: 12 Member
Hello :) Just trying to lose weight & look good. I go away in 19 days & I would like to be a perfect size 18. Very realisation goal I think. I did say last year at a size 16 that I wanted to be a size 14 by the time my 30th birthday came around - that didn't happen!! Instead I put myself under so much pressure I BALLOONED & as I'm sure you can all understand I am very disappointed that I let this happen. I really can not continue being this size. It isn't just the ascetic side of being fat its my health!!! I get out of breath, my back & hips hurt, my sex life is affected & I'm generally more lazy & struggle to motivate myself. I'm pretty miserable. Yes I know it's starts & ends with me I just need to want it more than I want to make myself feel like crap. 95% mind 5% food. With help from you guys I'm sure I can keep my motivation strong. Any genuine supportive people out there that fancy adding me please feel free. I look forward to hearing from you :)x


  • ericmanning316
    ericmanning316 Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to message me whenever you want
  • CupcakeQueen86
    CupcakeQueen86 Posts: 76 Member
    Tell me about it! the last 5 years I have been on yo yo diets with a little exercise here and there, I ate around 800 calories went from a size 16 to a 12 in no time, but then the weight came shooting back and I'm a size 16 and 30 next year so I decided to loose weight slowly and not go crazy! its best to take it easy or you stress and put more weight on. I am now on a 1400 calorie diet and exercise 5 days a week, its been 2 weeks and I haven't lost a pound but I don't care because I'm doing this the right way! Good luck to you :)
  • DaniGold85
    DaniGold85 Posts: 12 Member
    Sidrah_yunas - I hear ya!
    There is something about turning 30 that makes you feel as though you should have all these little niggles such as 'weight' sorted out by now. Not losing weight is soul destroying sometimes especially when you have put so much effort in - you want to see results. So good for you for staying strong & focused. I'm on the same calorie intake as you 1400cal. Its my first day & that sounds a lot, especially after coming off a shakes diet. I'm not complaining though, it will be nice to eat again lol. What you say make sense, take it easy, don't stress & exercise more & I'm sure I will soon see results. Thank you for your post. Good luck with you goals, you have great determination :)x
  • DaniGold85
    DaniGold85 Posts: 12 Member
    EricManning316 - Thank you :) You look very fit in your picture. I will take inspiration from that & take the dog for a walk. Watch this space. Soon I will be popping out a muscle vest - grrrr! Thank you for your post :)x
  • princess7955
    princess7955 Posts: 1,277 Member
    Hi DaniGold! Welcome :) I totally understsand your struggles - I am "Fat & 36"! Feel free to add me :)
  • DaniGold85
    DaniGold85 Posts: 12 Member
    Princess7955 - It's the never ending story haha. I've just added you hun :)x
  • GizzySteph
    GizzySteph Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add.
  • JoLynn1182
    JoLynn1182 Posts: 17 Member
    I have been there but its so possible to change! Motivation is so difficult, I am 32 and in the best shape of my life. I always struggled with weight being a size 18 at my heaviest, I was a 14 after the birth of my twins and so tired and unhappy. I have done the quick fix losses and gained back but took my time and in 10 months I am now between a size 6 and 8 and my energy and over all health is so much better. You can do it!!
  • DaniGold85
    DaniGold85 Posts: 12 Member
    Joliving4Jesus1 - Wow!! Just wow!! 10 months to drop 4 dress sizes is incredible. Well done. I hope it will soon be my turn to say 'I DID IT' :)x
  • JoLynn1182
    JoLynn1182 Posts: 17 Member
    You can get there! It takes a lot of support and encouragement and your always welcome to ask me tips, I will help as much as I can. People tell me I look better at 32 than I did in my early 20's, it feels great!