Those last pounds....

I'm plateau'd as all hell and im going to start the push to get these remaining lbs off. I will try whatever it takes. I've come so far. So if you're in this rut like me , let's join forces and get the tips flowing and see what can be achieved. B)
F/hw: 155->144->139 now 133 GW:125


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Ha. I stopped at 133. I tried to get into the 120s but it just wasn't happening for me. I admire your dedication though. Part of me wishes I could do it, but I'll focus on body composition and take a break for a bit :) Good luck!
  • GonnaDoThis43
    GonnaDoThis43 Posts: 16 Member
    I'll add you. I've been having up and down eating days/logging so I know why I've plateaued. I have the same goal weight. That being said, I lift weights and have noticed changes in my appearance from that, so I truly think some of that is muscle. I'm happy with how I look but would like to recommit my healthy choices. Does that sound familiar to you?....
  • thisisnotflesh
    thisisnotflesh Posts: 9 Member
    I'll add you. I've been having up and down eating days/logging so I know why I've plateaued. I have the same goal weight. That being said, I lift weights and have noticed changes in my appearance from that, so I truly think some of that is muscle. I'm happy with how I look but would like to recommit my healthy choices. Does that sound familiar to you?....
    Sure does. I wish that calipers were more accurate so I could know if it were muscle or not. I lift but maybe I need to up the ante.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Mainly it takes longer to see a change when you are in the last 10 pounds. I give myself 3 weeks of consistency and acuracy with food intake to see even the slightlest change, then I just keep going. It requires tremendous patience and just keep going even if it doesn't seem like anything is happening. Mostly I see people at this stage giving up and going for a bit more food because they are discuraged. Or they diet too hard and binge and throw away the progress they were making in the binge. It's best to just stay consistent with a slight deficit over time, with eating up to maintenance any time you need it to sustain and keep your sanity. That's all it takes, and patience.