Brides on a Mission: MAY



  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Hi everyone - here is my weekly info from last week :)

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 4lbs lost!!
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Had a lovely weekend in Edinburgh as an early birthday present from my fiance.
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Stressing about trying to finish organising and paying for my friend's hen do while I save money for my wedding!!
    4. Any wedding news updates: We have a wedding band! Hurray!! We went to see them in Edinburgha nd they were awesome
    5. Weekly wrap up: Good week last week, I hope this one is as good :)
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Hey!! So I've been pretty MIA on the boards the last few months but I wanted to share with the group my Before and After post! Hopefully this helps inspire some of you to keep going! We can all do this and I am so excited that I have reached my goal with still over a month to go until my wedding!! I hope everyone is doing just as well!

    ohh thats okay girl!!! I have been MIA as well!!! but CONGRATS and you look GREAt!!!! I am looking to lose about the same weight you had and around the same numbers!!! Can you share some tips or what you did to be soo successful!!! my ewdding is one year away and I am struggling!!! :0(
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Hey guys!!! I have soo not been on here in a long time and went through a rough time :0( and have gained some weight back :0( and IDK what else to do but I woke up this am and decided that I can do this and I am only one year away from my wedding date and I want/need to do this!!! soo please all the help you can give me!!! and wish me luck!!!! right now I need to lose 40 lbs or more to get to my goal!!! soo if I can do a pound a week I would most def get there!!! i want to do this and I need to do this :)) for a better and healthy me!!

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 1lb!!! last week I stepped on and it said 175...this AM I got on and it said 174!!!!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): FH and I got a new Queen size mattress set...and we were going to wait until we got our apt this summer to use them but my dad informed me that my bed rails move!! soo we decided last night to try them out!!! I slept sooo GREAT!!! the bed and the new sheets were amazing!!! soo YAY makes me more excited to move!!!! :0)

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): ummm the only thing I struggled with is two things this week!!! and one thing is my weight...I love love love to eat and I really have a hard time with eating right :0( and I cannot sleep at night therefore there is no way I will ever be able to get up early to workout or I am just soo dang tired to workout after work becuz i am averaging anywhere from 3-6 hours a night :0( but I got some ambien and I am serously going to start working on that!!!! :)) AND the second thing is one of my besties bdays was this past Friday and I am feeling jealously feelings (I guess) we both attempted to do the same thing for our birthdays and NO one (well 6 people did) showed up for mine and at least 20 or more showed up for hers and she kept saying "all these people are here for me" all night long....and I know a few people were out of town for mine but I just dont know....I just feel like I bend over backwards for so many people and no one gives a **** about me!!! but anywho enuff about poor poor pitiful me!!!!

    4. Any wedding news updates: My future father in law sat us down this weekend and gave me some GREAT news!!! He gave us a round about estimate of how much he would be willing to spend and its def more than a rehearsal dinner should cost!! and he told me he is picking up the bar tab!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYY!!! The keg and wine prices will come after the wedding is over (becuz there is no way to guesstimate that) BUT we provide our own liquor and he has informed me that he will get that!!! what a great help that will be and honestly elimates some of the stress for money from me PLUS if I went over my budget it would be hard to ask mom for money for the bar area since she nor does anyone in her family drink...soo this is amazing!!! :))

    5. Weekly wrap up: umm not much new here...just want to be positive and do this!!!! lose some weight and look amazing!!!!
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    @JulieSue and scrappy11: Welcome back ladies!!! Glad to have you back, participation has been a bit low lately. But I predict a comeback ;)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Fantastic weekend!

    My first bridal shower (a surprise) was so much fun and my fiance and I were so excited by the gifts we received. It was Dan's side that gave it, so I met a lot of new people. I didn't eat well, but I'll get back in the swing of things today.

    My side is having a shower this weekend, no surprise.... so I have to eat well all week to prepare!:-D

    I took a "mental health day" to catch up on grading papers yesterday and to write thank you cards.*LOL*

  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    Brides on a Mission: MAY

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 1lb lost

    2. Highlight of the past week: I finally got to see FH's show and it was awesome! Part of me is still glad that it's over so I'll be able to see him more than once a week

    3. Lowlight of the past week: Surprise surprise! This job is killing me still. This place is toxic and I hate it but I have to stick with it if I like having income :(

    4. Any wedding news updates: Not really. I'm finally starting to get around to fixing our website

    5. Weekly wrap up: Trying to stay positive and keep my momentum going but it's eroding away and I'm starting to panic that the number of lbs I have left nearly equal the number of weeks to the wedding date...
  • kalebsmama07
    kalebsmama07 Posts: 503
    okay ladies now that im a married woman to my best friend thought id share pics with u....take a look,,,=).... wedding anniversary n mothers day in one day/ =) thanks for all the support...uch love and good luck with ur weddings n weight loss glad im friends with u all
  • klwalton88
    klwalton88 Posts: 41 Member
    Hello All! I'm new to the group, but I definitely need some motivation. Hopefully this group will help.

    1. Name: Krista
    2. Age: 23
    3. City: Atascadero, CA
    4. Occupation: Compliance Account Manager
    5. Wedding date: 10/22/11
    6. Fiancés name: Kelly
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 3 years 4m months
    8. Heaviest weight: 180
    9. Goal weight and date: 155 by 10/15/2011
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Wii exercises
    11. Favorite healthy food: Fruit
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I love that there is a group for brides out there! Yay!!

    1. Name: Aly
    2. Age: 25
    3. City: Alameda, California
    4. Occupation: Shipping Coordinator @ Live Nation Merchandise
    5. Wedding date: September 2012
    6. Fiancés name: Jason
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5.5 years almost 6!
    8. Heaviest weight: somewhere above 195
    9. Goal weight and date: Currently I weight around 171ish I want to weight 155 for December of 2011. I am not trying on dresses until September and I would love to weight around 160 for that.
    10. Favorite type of exercise:
    11. Favorite healthy food:
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Hey!! So I've been pretty MIA on the boards the last few months but I wanted to share with the group my Before and After post! Hopefully this helps inspire some of you to keep going! We can all do this and I am so excited that I have reached my goal with still over a month to go until my wedding!! I hope everyone is doing just as well!

    ohh thats okay girl!!! I have been MIA as well!!! but CONGRATS and you look GREAt!!!! I am looking to lose about the same weight you had and around the same numbers!!! Can you share some tips or what you did to be soo successful!!! my ewdding is one year away and I am struggling!!! :0(

    Hey! Okay so I am by no means an expert but here are my tips and what worked (and is still working!) for me...

    1. Log ALL of your food! Even when you're tempted not to, put it in! It doesn't have to be 100% accurate but the MFP food database has just about everything so you should get relatively close to the number of calories you consume a day. If you are just starting, it will be eye opening! I couldn't believe how many calories some of the things I used to eat on a regular basis had.
    2. Don't cut anything out of your diet permanently... It's about making it work for you on a daily basis for the rest of your life. Telling yourself you can't have cookies when they are your favorite food (that's mine :-P) is just going to make you want cookies more. Just make sure you have enough calories left in your day to account for the cookies. It's all about the total calories you eat every day.
    3. Exercise! It doesn't have to be much but make it count when you do it. The only exercise I ever did was walking and Jillian Micahel's workout videos with 3 lb or 5 lb weights. The three I would suggest are 30 Day Shred (3 levels - each workout is 20 minutes - use 5 lb weights), Burn Fat Boost Metabolism (One 40 minute cardio workout - no weights), and No More Trouble Zones (one 40 minute workout - use 3 lb weights). I also have Ripped in 30, Six Week Six Pack and Shred it With Weights (don't bother with this last one). You do not need a gym membership.
    4. Drink lots of water!! It makes you crave food less and keeps your body well hydrated. I've also seen a lot of improvement in my skin!
    5. Figure out what you're going to eat if you're going out to eat at a restaurant BEFORE you go! Most restaurants have their menus online and a lot of them include nutritional information!
    6. Weigh yourself every day. It reminds you why you are doing this and what you are trying to accomplish and keeps you aware of where you are at. Yes the number will fluctuate which is why you need ONE set day that you RECORD that weight. No other days count in terms of recording except that one day (trust me you'll be tempted to count "good" days ... lol)

    It's really just about making the conscious effort to control what you eat. I have been doing 1200 - 1300 calories a day on average (the weekends I tend to go over). I don't intentionally eat back my exercise calories. If i know I'm going to go over I'll make sure I exercise. Otherwise, if I exercise and I'm still at 1200-1300 then all the better! It's a bigger deficit. A lot of people will disagree with this though and you need to do what's right for you. It's really about doing what works for you and being able to stick with it. Before you know it you'll be a pro at keeping your calories low! Feel free to look at my diary to see what type of stuff I eat (I like sweets.. lol)

    And good luck to all of the brides!! We all can do this!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    okay ladies now that im a married woman to my best friend thought id share pics with u....take a look,,,=).... wedding anniversary n mothers day in one day/ =) thanks for all the support...uch love and good luck with ur weddings n weight loss glad im friends with u all

    you looked fantastic on your wedding day!!! i love your hair! congrats on the wedding and thanks for sharing your pics!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Not a new member, but rather a returning member. A lot of new people on the board right now so I figured I'd fill out the top part again so they don't have to search back to Week 1 to get to know me... lol

    1. Name: Kristen
    2. Age: 24
    3. City: Centreville, VA
    4. Occupation: Program Planner
    5. Wedding date: 06-19-11
    6. Fiancés name: Billy
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: It will be five years the week before the wedding!
    8. Heaviest weight: I started MFP at 163 lbs but prior to that my heaviest weight was probably around 185
    9. Goal weight and date: Original goal weight was 135 lbs which I hit a couple of weeks ago :-)... now I'm just happy to stay where I am and tone... still have some areas I want to lose weight from but overall very happy where I am!
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Jillian Michael's circuit training
    11. Favorite healthy food: Avocado's but I don't eat them very often

    Brides on a Mission:MAY (Please copy and paste this into your profile with each weekly weigh-in)

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I'm on business travel in Colorado this week so I don't have a scale so don't know how much I lost this week! Hoping when I weigh in next week I will still be at my 133.8 recorded weight or possibly lower... it's hard when you get a per diem spending limit from your company and there are lots of good places to eat! haha

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Had my bridal shower on Sunday! It was a lot of fun but I'm not huge on having all attention on me... Unfortunately I had to leave at 4 am on Monday for my business travel so I still haven't gotten around to writing thank you notes! I will be doing that ASAP when I get back on Friday! I would have done it last Sunday but while we were at the party my future sister in law took pictures of me with every guest there and I want to get them printed and stick them in the thank you cards!

    Oh haha another highlight of this week would be that there is a boys sports team of some sort staying in the hotel on the same floor as me and they all saw me coming back from the gym last night. Well tonight while I was at the gym they kept walking by the door (the gym is not in a heavy traffic area at all) and then they were all sitting in the lobby area when I finally came out... totally checking me out. Haven't had that happen in a long time :-)

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): My dad got laid off from my company a week and a half ago. He has worked there for 29 and a half years and was only 7 months away from early retirement age. Now we are frantically trying to get him back in the company. Super stressful and super not needed this close to the wedding. Keeping a positive attitude though because I am a strong believer in positive thinking leads to positive results.

    4. Any wedding news updates: It's payment time! My bank account has taken quite a hit. Everything seems to be coming together nicely though. Had my first wedding dress fitting a couple of weeks ago. Needless to say it has to be taken in A LOT. Very nervous to go back for my second fitting and see whether she did a good job. She told me she would be able to tell if I lost any more weight, but seeing as she didn't take my measurements or anything she can bet that I'll be *****ing if it's not perfectly fitted to my body. I kept telling her to make it tighter and she kept saying "It is tight. I can't make it any tighter"... here's hoping its perfect so I don't have to cause a scene!

    5. Weekly wrap up: Stinks being away from my fiance. I miss him a lot. I also really miss my dog. Ready for it to be Thursday night so I can fly home and see them. Doing okay with eating even though its all out and really enjoying the elliptical.

    Hope everyone has a good week!! And I agree with bdibobcat... the bride board will have a comeback :-)
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    okay ladies now that im a married woman to my best friend thought id share pics with u....take a look,,,=).... wedding anniversary n mothers day in one day/ =) thanks for all the support...uch love and good luck with ur weddings n weight loss glad im friends with u all

    Thanks for sharing! You looked beautiful on your big day!!!
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    Welcome new members(and welcome back Kristen)!!! If you plan on being active on this thread feel free to add me as a friend!

    Just wanted to weigh in. I actually lost 1.5lbs! Which was a surprise, I mean I wasn't bad last week, but I didn't think I was that good! I did make some changes to my mfp settings. As some of you know I have been doing P90X, so I was doing their recommended diet. I am still completing the program but not on the diet plan. I am now using mfp suggested calories and making sure I log my workouts (which is probably what you all have been doing all along). I really want to get a heart rate monitor to properly log my workouts. Anyone have one that they love?

    Have a great week all!
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    You look gorgeous! Congrats on the marriage! :-) It makes me want mine to get here faster! Again, you looked happy for you!
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    Oops! I meant to quote kalebsmama on that!
    You look gorgeous! Congrats on the marriage! :-) It makes me want mine to get here faster! Again, you looked happy for you!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Everyone, My weigh in day is tomorrow so I am crossing my fingers. I am not thinking there will be a drop on the scale, there was a lot of ice cream involved this week! But we finished it and now it is out of my house. I also started weight training and my triathlon training pretty hard this week so it might be up from that. O well I will have a new weight to have as my start weight.

    Is anyone doing a tally of what our weight is every week? Should we create a table or something?
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Hey!! So I've been pretty MIA on the boards the last few months but I wanted to share with the group my Before and After post! Hopefully this helps inspire some of you to keep going! We can all do this and I am so excited that I have reached my goal with still over a month to go until my wedding!! I hope everyone is doing just as well!

    ohh thats okay girl!!! I have been MIA as well!!! but CONGRATS and you look GREAt!!!! I am looking to lose about the same weight you had and around the same numbers!!! Can you share some tips or what you did to be soo successful!!! my ewdding is one year away and I am struggling!!! :0(

    Hey! Okay so I am by no means an expert but here are my tips and what worked (and is still working!) for me...

    1. Log ALL of your food! Even when you're tempted not to, put it in! It doesn't have to be 100% accurate but the MFP food database has just about everything so you should get relatively close to the number of calories you consume a day. If you are just starting, it will be eye opening! I couldn't believe how many calories some of the things I used to eat on a regular basis had.
    2. Don't cut anything out of your diet permanently... It's about making it work for you on a daily basis for the rest of your life. Telling yourself you can't have cookies when they are your favorite food (that's mine :-P) is just going to make you want cookies more. Just make sure you have enough calories left in your day to account for the cookies. It's all about the total calories you eat every day.
    3. Exercise! It doesn't have to be much but make it count when you do it. The only exercise I ever did was walking and Jillian Micahel's workout videos with 3 lb or 5 lb weights. The three I would suggest are 30 Day Shred (3 levels - each workout is 20 minutes - use 5 lb weights), Burn Fat Boost Metabolism (One 40 minute cardio workout - no weights), and No More Trouble Zones (one 40 minute workout - use 3 lb weights). I also have Ripped in 30, Six Week Six Pack and Shred it With Weights (don't bother with this last one). You do not need a gym membership.
    4. Drink lots of water!! It makes you crave food less and keeps your body well hydrated. I've also seen a lot of improvement in my skin!
    5. Figure out what you're going to eat if you're going out to eat at a restaurant BEFORE you go! Most restaurants have their menus online and a lot of them include nutritional information!
    6. Weigh yourself every day. It reminds you why you are doing this and what you are trying to accomplish and keeps you aware of where you are at. Yes the number will fluctuate which is why you need ONE set day that you RECORD that weight. No other days count in terms of recording except that one day (trust me you'll be tempted to count "good" days ... lol)

    It's really just about making the conscious effort to control what you eat. I have been doing 1200 - 1300 calories a day on average (the weekends I tend to go over). I don't intentionally eat back my exercise calories. If i know I'm going to go over I'll make sure I exercise. Otherwise, if I exercise and I'm still at 1200-1300 then all the better! It's a bigger deficit. A lot of people will disagree with this though and you need to do what's right for you. It's really about doing what works for you and being able to stick with it. Before you know it you'll be a pro at keeping your calories low! Feel free to look at my diary to see what type of stuff I eat (I like sweets.. lol)

    And good luck to all of the brides!! We all can do this!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to type all of that out for me!!! :)) I really really appreciate it and I will take what you say into deep consideration when I am doing my workouts and eating habits!!! Everything you said made complete sense and things that I can or should be doing!!! Thanks so cannot imagine how hard this is for me (or better yet you can LOL) and how many times I have tried this and just give up becuz food is like my weakness but now I am in the one year mark of the wedding and I want to change and I want to do this and look amazing on my wedding day and make changes to my life foreve and do this and feel good in my skin and in my body!!! :)) soo thanks for taking the time out to give me tips and all that jazz!!! I have saved your list on my computer soo I can refer to it anytime!!! Thanks so much!!!! :)) <3 and you are right we can do this!!!!
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 307 Member
    Brides on a Mission:MAY (Please copy and paste this into your profile with each weekly weigh-in)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 0 lbs

    2. Highlight of the past week: FH and I got to hang out with one of our groomsmen. We played cards and caught up. It was a fun night!
    3. Lowlight of the past week: I have worked 17 days straight with 1 day off. I am normally 9-5, but with the end of the year I have been staffing weekend meetings and graduation events. Good news, I didn't gain any weight ( I fluctuated up and down the same 1.5lbs) even though I was eating on the go and at the events I was staffing.

    4. Any wedding news updates: groomsmen gifts have been ordered. I got the bridal shower list to my MOH.

    5. Weekly wrap up: Long week, but looking forward to a weekend away. Going to the Adirondacks with another couple to celebrate FH's birthday! (wish me luck on eating right! I am bringing my running shoes and hiking boots so I hope to get out and use them!)
  • Jenz5729
    Jenz5729 Posts: 3
    Hi Ladies!!!! I just started my diet and workout routine for my August 2012 destination wedding.. vegas baby!!! I'm looking forward to all the great motivation!

    1. Name: Jen
    2. Age: 26
    3. City: Columbus, OH (cornfed Columbus.. ugh!)
    4. Occupation: bridal shop manager (ironic!)
    5. Wedding date: August 2012
    6. Fiancés name: Doug
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 2 1/2 years
    8. Heaviest weight: right now! 240!!! ah!
    9. Goal weight and date: 175 by August of 2012 (Smaller would be better, but I'm trying to be realistic!)
    10. Favorite type of exercise: eliptical
    11. Favorite healthy food: n/a .. jk! raspberries.. yum!

    Heres my confession.. I already have my wedding gown! Working in a bridal shop causes you to jump the gun a little lol.. but its a drop waist trumpet style and its about 2 sizes small at the moment :( I can't wait until the day I can put it on and it laces up just right... lets do this ladies!
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