Treat days?



  • grandma107
    grandma107 Posts: 70 Member
    Just log everything and average it out over the week. If needed, move more with exercise. Blessings.
  • taentea
    taentea Posts: 91 Member
    Cheat days make me feel like I have to eat everything I can possibly get my hands on as long as I'm allowed to, so I don't do those. I do eat ice-cream and chocolate almost every day though, sometimes few times a day even. I just make sure the portions are small enough to fit into my calorie goal and do not rob me of the food that's actually filling. And I'm on 1200. It should be even easier on plans with 1500-2000+ calories.
  • peterjens
    peterjens Posts: 235 Member
    I don't have a cheat day because it sounds like I'm doing deceiving. My daily total calories is 1765 and I save about 200 calories for an evening treat - usually something with ice cream or something my wife has baked. If for some reason that doesn't happen, I will eat some other food item to make my calorie goal.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I try and keep my treat days for only special occasions and after I do a half marathon. Last, "treat day," there was an all you can eat brunch and my sister had just announced her engagement... I stuffed my face with probably 3000 calories that meal and I don't regret a bit of it.
  • wannaloseit77
    wannaloseit77 Posts: 37 Member
    No more 'treat days' for me, like someone else said, one treat day can roll into another treat day, into another one... that's what got me here in the first place! Now if I want a 'treat' I will make sure it fits in my daily calorie allowance or I try to exchange exercise for it!
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    edited May 2015
    Weight loss is about calories in - calories out. My advice is rather than rewarding yourself with food and setting youself up for failure, fit foods you enjoy into your diet while still maintaining your goals. I've been losing a lot of weight eating things like ice cream and chocolate every day. How? Portion control. If I have a bad craving for ice cream and I've been fairly active throughout the day having a small bowl ~50g for maybe 100 calories isn't going to break your diet. Once a week I'll save up some calories and have something like a burger or a hotdog, while keeping the rest of my meals to healthy ~400 calorie nutrient rich meals that will keep me full.

    This is my strategy

    For breakfast I usually have ~420 calories of steel cut oatmeal with some berries and peaches.

    For lunch I usually have no-carb protein pancakes made of egg whites (350 calories) and 10 cals of syrup.

    For dinner I usually eat 5 ounces of chicken marinated in buffalo sauce with a cup of cauliflower and green beans (230 cals)

    These 3 meals end up being about 1000 calories and they are all filling and reasonably healthy. This leaves me with around ~800 calories a day to eat whatever I want without feeling hungry or deprived.

    Sometimes I'll have a bowl of ice cream. Sometimes I'll have a home-made protein bar. Sometimes I'll have a hotdog, a burger or even a cookie or two. I would recommend getting fruit early in the day; I try to eat an apple a banana or a yogurt at least once a day too.

    This is what works for me, but the point of this overly long post was that if you just enjoy smaller portions of the foods you like, rather than letting food control you and binging during a diet you might find it easier to lose weight.

    I used to eat more bro-ish and once a week I would pig out on donuts or Dairy Queen or cereal and just eat back my deficit under the false premise that I was "re-feeding" and boosting my metabolism, when in reality I was wasting a lot of time running on the treadmill or going for jogs just to eat back the calories in an hour.

    Good luck.
  • SamKiler
    SamKiler Posts: 4 Member
    I have a treat meal every month. French toast with syrup, bacon and eggs. It's killer, but I love it so much I don't think I could ever give it up.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    I plan to go out for food/have something higher in calories 1-2 meals a week usually. I still log it all, and I keep track of my calories over the course of the last 7 days. I've been doing half marathon training and the number of exercise calories I have on long run days sometimes is a bonus because I have a tough time eating ~2000 calories of nutritious food. If I feel like having pizza, though, then the 2000 is easily reached ;)

    I have some kind of dessert every night - I love sweet things - and sometimes during the day, too. I just make it fit in my calories.

    If there's some kind of event where there will be all the food ever, sometimes I just go for it; sometimes not. I do still log it all and try my best to estimate what I've eaten. I see the information logged in my diary as reference data more than anything else. As long as I'm not going 3000+ calories over budget on a weekly basis, I'm doing OK :)

  • cgangl1821
    cgangl1821 Posts: 34 Member
    I have what I call junk food nights with my boys once maybe twice a month. Ice cream, buttered popcorn, blueberry danish, powered sugar donut holes is what I had the other night. I just keep my portions smaller, and save my calories for the night. I enjoy every bite. I also have a fast day afterwards just in case.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    I tend to have a big blowout with food and booze on Saturdays (though this week it was Friday), but I save calories back all week and make sure to log everything accurately to maintain my weekly deficit and stay on track. It's just easier for me to plan that day of excess -- weekdays are a breeze for me and I usually come in under my goal anyway, so I use that wiggle room for the day I'm at home and bored, so likely to have cocktails and more food.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i eat what ever the heck i want as long as i can make it fit in my calories
  • Hollywood_Porky
    Hollywood_Porky Posts: 491 Member
    mch2829 wrote: »
    Different things work for different people. There's a big psychological component to weight loss.

    Some people find it easier to have a strict, clean diet. Some people find it easier to have a special cheat meal once in a while. Some people find it easier to have cheat days and eat what they want some days.

    I've tried all of those things and they don't work for me. What does work for me is to just eat like a normal person. Smaller portions than I would normally eat, but not obsessed with calorie counting. Some days I do eat more than I probably should, but that's life. I basically eat like a perfectly average person at my ideal weight. And eating that way has made it easier to stick to and I've lost 50 lbs so far.

    Do what works for you. If you try something and it doesn't work out, then change it.

    I agree.

    If you are accepting of your food intake - there's no such thing as a "treat" day. Treat days to me means "deprivation" - some where I didn't have the necessary foods that would necessitate a "treat" day.

    Consistency is key - you'll never go wrong being consistent.
  • G33K_G1RL
    G33K_G1RL Posts: 283 Member
    I have 1-2 "treat" meals in a week. Often poutine or pizza where I know I'll bust my calories. I schedule them to social events, just makes my life easier if I can sit down with friends and not worry about calories for a meal. It hasn't affected my weight loss goal of 1 lbs/week (I'm actually closer to 1.2), but if it ever does I'll consider reducing them or being more aware of calories.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I dont really have treat days ..sometimes I knowingly blow my calorie goal and dont care about it at all though

    for my birthday coming up ill be taking at least 4 days off of logging & eating what i want.I just consider that taking a break from it all and enjoying my birthday like i do with other holidays
  • BigMamaLynsey
    BigMamaLynsey Posts: 390 Member
    My treat day is in Sunday, I treat myself to pasta bolognaise (my fave meal) instead of a takeaway or something. I'm so excited for it tomorrow, I look forward to it every Sunday lol. I eat no junk food at all anymore. And I'm losing weight
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited May 2015
    i eat what ever the heck i want as long as i can make it fit in my calories

    I LOVE THIS!! :heart: So simple and to the point. This is exactly what I do as well. :+1:
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I do not do this because it would erase all my hard work. However, I have a low calorie limit. People with higher limits may be able to plan things out so that they can do it, within reason.
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    edited May 2015
    For me, I think that scheduled cheat days are a really bad idea. We all have days of weakness or social obligation that cause us to cheat. You know the ones: birthdays, congratulatory dinners, weddings, reunions with out of town friends. You're going to cheat on those days anyways because who wants to count calories at a celebration?

    So if you're cheating on a schedule, those are cheats that are in addition to the random days above. For me, that's just not necessary.

    I cheat. I cheat when I have social obligations and I cheat when I just can't summon the willpower not to. I don't cheat because the calendar says it's cheat time though.