So what was your uh oh moment?



  • ddwin
    ddwin Posts: 78
    Realizing that after a year of "ok... I'm really going to start Next month"... 3 years after having my kid, still weighing as much as I did when I had her. Having nothing nice to wear and not willing to go buy clothes for this body that will be gone "starting next month". Having my cholesterol checked and my mom (the nurse) freaking out at the results. Going to the OB back in February and her blatantly telling me... you need to lose 15lbs by this summer so you're BMI is no longer overweight...

    Stepping back and Really looking at the pictures... then looking at my daughter. I need to be able to keep up with her when she's having fun. I want to have fun like that again myself... and have someone to do it with. I'm sick of ignoring myself. I'm sick of not dating because of it.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Seeing pictures of myself with my neices and nephew at christmas last year . I was so not happy with myself and now i have lost 38 pounds and have another 70 some more to go and im not going back to where i was i am pressing forwards !
  • Booots233
    Booots233 Posts: 45
    to be honest i started thinking i have to do somthing for my self.. my grandpa and my brother both always told me i was getting to big and that i was ugly so i thought maybe if i lose weight i will look better and i will feel better about myself. so now both me and my mom are going to a gym and we have a personal trainer. i hope it works:) and i wish u luck on reaching ur goals. :smile:
  • Jenz5729
    Jenz5729 Posts: 3
    My fiances brother got married last year, and I was bound and determined not to be the fat bridesmaid... and i ended up being the fattest of the bridesmaids with the lovely life long pictures to prove it.

    I'm getting married August of 2012 and I REFUSE to be a fat bride.. I need some pictures of me lookin goooooood for my future inlaws mantle to put right next to the one of me looking like a manatee.
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    My son told me I had a butt in the front too.... gaaaahhhh!!! I almost died =) Now he said "mommy, what happened to your other butt" hahahaha love kids!!
  • nikkirosem
    nikkirosem Posts: 63 Member
    I was just told at school by a cute little girl that, "It must be hard for me to walk." I hope to be able to play fine next year!
  • jenndog
    jenndog Posts: 13 Member
    When I was asked by two different people on the SAME walk I was taking around the neighborhood if I was expecting... I just came home and cried.
  • knittam
    knittam Posts: 10
    I could not fit into my winter coat this year.
    It was then that I decided time to defrump
    and get my sexy back.
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    Hmmm...When my twins 4th birthday was coming and I realized I still have the baby weight!!
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    when my doctor told me I Need weight loss surgery. Came home found MFP that was Feb 11 today I am 31 pounds down and Am going to do this the right way !! No one is cutting on my stomach !!
  • pizzafruit
    pizzafruit Posts: 317 Member
    Seeing myself in the mirror and really taking a good look at myself - HOLY COW!
  • charlenekco
    charlenekco Posts: 20
    Two people I know, who are younger than me, have died in the last year. Their weight, lack of exercise, and failure to take care of themselves all contributed to their early demise.

    Also, it was getting harder and harder to find "nice" clothes in my size.
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    At one point someone asked me if I was pregnant too! I felt sooooo bad and in the same week my supervisor said to me during a conversation.. "I mean she is almost as big and YOU"....I kept smiling listening to the conversation as I died inside! That's comment still hurts to this day.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    when my doctor told me I Need weight loss surgery. Came home found MFP that was Feb 11 today I am 31 pounds down and Am going to do this the right way !! No one is cutting on my stomach !!

    GREAT JOB!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • 000angie000
    000angie000 Posts: 152 Member
    when my doctor told me I Need weight loss surgery. Came home found MFP that was Feb 11 today I am 31 pounds down and Am going to do this the right way !! No one is cutting on my stomach !!

    I was considering it but I knew I could do it on my own :)). Don't want no one cutting on me either!! =)
  • imabigvegan
    imabigvegan Posts: 72
    My scale literally trembled because of the pressure on the needle because it only went up to 350lbs. I kept weighing myself on it hoping it would actually register because I had come back down under 350 but it never did so I decided I needed to find out what I actually weighed. I phoned my doctors office to speak to a nurse to find out what to do, and she told me to see if I could find a meat packing plant nearby or something to use the commercial scales they use to weigh cows. (eeeeek!)

    I ended up finally getting to a bariatric medicine doctors office and weighed in at a whopping 444lbs.

    I am down to about 400 now. A LONG way to go!

  • I was at my highest ten years ago and I was a few pounds away from being there again. Also, my arthritis was getting worse and spreading to other joints. Got sick in July, lost ten pounds and twenty more before joining MFP. Feeling waaaay better now but anticipating feeling even better!
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 355 Member
    I lied to my boyfriend about going to the gym, when in fact I stayed home reading diet books. -As if sitting on my a** and reading was gonna help me. I have been READING about getting skinny for YEARS!

    And yes, I got caught. (Thank God.) That was horrible but also a REAL eye-opener. Sick.
  • lizzie_perrin
    lizzie_perrin Posts: 10 Member
    When I realized that I had gained a little over 25 pounds after just two years of marriage. I couldn't believe how careless I had been... I was never thin to start, so when I saw pictures of myself I was horrified. I asked my husband, "Be honest, do I really look like that all the time?" He was honest alright, and I am thankful!!!!! :sad:
  • KayJayKing
    KayJayKing Posts: 53 Member
    I found myself always scanning the room and realizing, "I'm the biggest one here." Also, we are heading to a water park for a family reunion this summer and the thought of walking around in just a swimsuit, thighs rubbing all day, nothing to hide under, made me get serious about working out and being diligent about watching what I eat.
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