Planet Fitness?

ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
Anyone use Planet Fitness? I'm curious how you like it. Do you use their tanning and massage chairs...and are they comparable to a tanning salon? I got a 2 month membership on Groupon the other day for $15. I figure it's a decent deal to at least try it out and see if I want a real membership.


  • nisharae
    nisharae Posts: 204
    I had planet fitness.. it was ok... if you just want to use machines and not have any classes I guess it would be great, but I do much better if I know I have classes to attend. Their tanning beds are ok.... not tanning salon quality, but Im sure they'd work, just over a longer period of time. I liked the fact they were always open... and that they were so cheap.. I mean, any gym is better than no gym ;) Have fun!!
  • crazymama2two
    crazymama2two Posts: 867
    i liked planet fitness back when i didnt have kids and was too afraid to try any classes. i go to Work Out World now basically for the daycare cause it's so freakin' awesome in there and i love the classes i take now. i left PF cuase i gave up on myself but i never even thought of going back there because i get bored too easily with the machines and lvoe the classes.

    BUT with that being said, if you dont need the daycare or the classes and can rip it up on the machines and weights it is TOTALLY worth the money for get a lot for little.

    besides, i love the commercial witht eh big buff black dude going "bam bam bam pow bam bam" :D
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    I have been a member since January of 2010. I love it. You cannot beat 100 bucks for the year. The massage chairs are great.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    i liked planet fitness back when i didnt have kids and was too afraid to try any classes. i go to Work Out World now basically for the daycare cause it's so freakin' awesome in there and i love the classes i take now. i left PF cuase i gave up on myself but i never even thought of going back there because i get bored too easily with the machines and lvoe the classes.

    BUT with that being said, if you dont need the daycare or the classes and can rip it up on the machines and weights it is TOTALLY worth the money for get a lot for little.

    besides, i love the commercial witht eh big buff black dude going "bam bam bam pow bam bam" :D
    We don't have a Workout World here :(

    I would pretty much be using it for machines and tanning every now and then. I'm sticking with my TurboFire so I wouldn't need classes, and hubby can be my daycare. I hope.
  • dfunk06
    dfunk06 Posts: 56
    I love PF! I wish they offered classes...I'm dying to have a Zumba class! But for 10 bucks a month I will NOT complain. Besides it's so accessible and the members all seem to be very nice and not into all that over-the-top body building. Just your everyday group of people you'd expect to run into at Walmart :)
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I love PF! I wish they offered classes...I'm dying to have a Zumba class! But for 10 bucks a month I will NOT complain. Besides it's so accessible and the members all seem to be very nice and not into all that over-the-top body building. Just your everyday group of people you'd expect to run into at Walmart :)
    Good! I was worried about this. I don't feel like I am the gym type and I didn't want to feel out of place.
  • dfunk06
    dfunk06 Posts: 56
    Trust me you won't. I live in Central FL (diversity like you wouldn't believe!). Today on my way out I was told "bye" by the 20 somethingish female employee, told I had a cute top pn by an older woman, and accidentally bumped into your average looking guy. :)
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I love PF! I wish they offered classes...I'm dying to have a Zumba class! But for 10 bucks a month I will NOT complain. Besides it's so accessible and the members all seem to be very nice and not into all that over-the-top body building. Just your everyday group of people you'd expect to run into at Walmart :)

    I second this.

    I use cardio equipment mainly.. But I also would love a Zumba class. Grr.

    Can't beat the price or the hours, seriously.
  • jessie580
    jessie580 Posts: 87
    I been a member for awhile now and I love it

    havent used their tanning yet :/ I dunno about that... :/:huh:
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I go to PF because it is what I can afford, within a mile from my house and right now I am only doing cardio with light weights.
    I only have the $10 membership so I don't use the chairs or tanning. I hear the tanning at my gym is a nightmare, always packed.
    I like the Arc machines they have and the number of them. I only have had to wait for a treadmill once.
    I feel comfortable there. I hate their bagel and pizza "reward" days. I just walk right by. lol
    The one here gets crazy busy sometimes and some people use it as a social hour. But for $10, I can't complain. Def worth it!
  • pannacottayum
    pannacottayum Posts: 96 Member
    i did planet fitness for awhile but eventually wanted more. The ones i went to had outdated ellipticals (no incline), too few lockers, no/too few mats or too small an area to stretch/do floor work. i do miss the cybex arc trainers, which are awesome, and the hours were good. Great basic gym at a great price.
  • journey2lh
    journey2lh Posts: 7 Member
    I use Planet Fitness. The one in my area (N. Seattle) is super friendly. Most people come in and leave. No judgement. I do hate that there are no classes that I am able to attend and that I cannot get any good personal training assistance but for $10/month and a little yearly fee. It's great.
  • joannbuist23
    joannbuist23 Posts: 127 Member
    I've been going to Planet Fitness for about a year now. It's great for working out on machines or doing weights.

    I go tanning there all the time and the beds are fine, infact I think they are better than most 'standard' beds at any salon I've been to (and I've been to alot). Sure it's not a deluxe bed but for the price you can't beat it. The fans in the beds are way nice too, very strong so it feels good after a good workout. Once a week keeps me looking pretty tan.
  • maximusmuscle345
    I go to planet fitness where I live, the people are really friendly and the staff is helpful.
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 484 Member
    The wife and I both belong to 24hour fitness, but are thinking of switching to PF since its closer to home and cheaper. We'll be touring the new place by our house tonight.