Question about carbs/fat/calories/etc.

So I had been at a "stall" for 4 days of my weight not going up or down even though I still have about 50 pounds to lose. Yesterday it was the same again even though the day before I had run 2 two miles and had a huge calorie deficit the day before. I've been restricting carbs, eating no processed food, and no sugar that isn't naturally found in food. I was so frustrated so I kind of let myself cheat yesterday. I was still counting calories but not focusing on carbs or sugar, even went to Mcdonald's. I went a little bit over my calorie goal (goal is 1200, I ate 1500). This morning I weighed myself and to my surprise I FINALLY had a loss. So now I'm wondering. Is restricting carbs (I was eating below 50g) really necessary? I know I shouldn't eat sugar all day but in moderation is it okay? Has anyone focused on JUST calories and making mostly healthy choices and still lost? I still don't want to overdo it on carbs because I feel good with not too many. I'm just curious. I lost 40 pounds previously (gained it back since) by limiting my fat intake to 30-40g a day but I was ALWAYS hungry.


  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Restricting any macro is not necessary for weight loss. So no, restricting carbs is not necessary. Ultimately, it really is the calories that matter for weight loss, but the balance of the macros will determine whether your workouts are fueled, you feel satiated, and your body composition.

    I never remember the numbers correctly, but I try for a balance of 0.6-0.8 x bodyweight grams of protein and 0.4-0.6 x bodyweight grams of fat. I find that best for satiety and am hopeful that it will preserve lean body mass. The rest of my calories come from carbs.

    I eat a mostly nutrition-dense diet, but I always leave room in my day for a little gelato or a couple of cookies.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited May 2015
    double post
  • taentea
    taentea Posts: 91 Member
    MFP gives you a 50/20/30 split for carbs, proteins and fats. That's plenty of carbs (I fail to meet mine despite trying) and yes you should be able to lose eating this way. 4 days of stalling means nothing. My weight hasn't moved for 3 weeks recently and then dropped in one day and keeps dropping despite no changes in my diet. Weight loss is not linear.
  • Rockin2014
    Rockin2014 Posts: 196 Member
    I don't focus on macros at all but I do focus on my calories. I have been losing at a rate of 2lbs per week for the past 10 weeks.
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    I eat ALL the foods I love, in my calorie allowance of 1480 and lose 1lb a week. So yep there is NO need to restrict anything.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    For weight loss, it's CALORIES In, CALORIES out. Your macros have little to do with it (except in context of nutritional intake, etc). But to lose weight you only need a calorie deficit.

    Unless you have a medical reason to restrict carbs, there's really no reason to (except maybe personal choice, but it's still not necessary).
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i dont think 4 days is a stall.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    i dont think 4 days is a stall.

    Only 4 days?
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i dont think 4 days is a stall.

    Only 4 days?

    OP had a 'stall' of 4 days.

    4 weeks is a stall. 4 days of no loss is normal.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    I just focus on the calories in, calories out.
    I eat anything, as long as it's within my calorie allowance.
    Carbs just so happen to be about 50% of my intake and i've lost weight on that.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    I just focus on the calories in, calories out.
    I eat anything, as long as it's within my calorie allowance.
    Carbs just so happen to be about 50% of my intake and i've lost weight on that.

    ^^ ditto to that.
  • ShapingTheLaw
    ShapingTheLaw Posts: 65 Member
    I didn't pay attention to the macros, just the calories in and out and, of course, lots of exercise and I lost 25 lbs. BUT...recently I have reached a bit of a hurdle. Even with a deficit on average of 200 calories, my weight hasn't dropped and I exercise very regularly. I actually lift a lot. So, ...I started reading up a lot on macros, etc. So I tried to keep my fat intake of no more than 20% and even increased my calorie intake back up 200 and I started losing 2 lbs per week. I also got really good definition in my arms and stomach. Bottom line, I got rid of some of the fat that covered my hard earned muscle. HOWEVER, I'm not sure that I could keep this up. Yes, I'm eating more but I feel deprived. I think I'm going to keep it up until I lose the stubborn 7 lbs and then I'll return to just keeping track of my calories and ignoring the fat intake.
  • ShapingTheLaw
    ShapingTheLaw Posts: 65 Member
    Forgot to mention, when I was in my 20s, I Only focused on calories in and out and was never overweight. I think with age (I'm 47), the quality of your food intake (fattening vs. Clean foods) makes a difference. That's my experience. Good luck!
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I did nothing but count calories. I paid no attention to carbs, fat, sugar etc. Neither did my husband. I lost 123 pounds, he lost 140. We're just one example, there are countless more on this site.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    It is always and *only* about calories. None of the other crap matters. None. You can get to your goal weight on donuts and ice cream if that's how you wanted to do it.
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    It is always and *only* about calories. None of the other crap matters. None. You can get to your goal weight on donuts and ice cream if that's how you wanted to do it.

    It's about balance, sure go ahead and get your 1200 cals from sugar, think you will feel as good as if you ate a balanced diet at the end? Nope
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    This is why I had to stop weighing myself everyday. It's such a mind game... once a week works much better emotionally for me.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    So now I'm wondering. Is restricting carbs (I was eating below 50g) really necessary? I know I shouldn't eat sugar all day but in moderation is it okay? Has anyone focused on JUST calories and making mostly healthy choices and still lost?

    No, restricting carbs is not necessary. You need a balance of carbs, protein and fat in your diet ... MFP's split of 50/20/30 for carbs, proteins and fats is probably about right. Carbs are not the enemy.

    Yes, I focus on just calories ... and in the last 11 weeks I have lost 11.5 kg. My diet is mostly carbs but balanced with fat and protein to a somewhat lesser degree.

    For example, for lunch I often have brown rice, mixed veg (all carbs) + a bit of chicken (fat & protein).
  • Pgstarruffin
    Pgstarruffin Posts: 8 Member
    So I had been at a "stall" for 4 days of my weight not going up or down even though I still have about 50 pounds to lose. Yesterday it was the same again even though the day before I had run 2 two miles and had a huge calorie deficit the day before. I've been restricting carbs, eating no processed food, and no sugar that isn't naturally found in food. I was so frustrated so I kind of let myself cheat yesterday. I was still counting calories but not focusing on carbs or sugar, even went to Mcdonald's. I went a little bit over my calorie goal (goal is 1200, I ate 1500). This morning I weighed myself and to my surprise I FINALLY had a loss. So now I'm wondering. Is restricting carbs (I was eating below 50g) really necessary? I know I shouldn't eat sugar all day but in moderation is it okay? Has anyone focused on JUST calories and making mostly healthy choices and still lost? I still don't want to overdo it on carbs because I feel good with not too many. I'm just curious. I lost 40 pounds previously (gained it back since) by limiting my fat intake to 30-40g a day but I was ALWAYS hungry.

    You are going about it the wrong way. Eat 5x day 2 snacks and more fruits and vegetables per meal plus high in protein and you would lose weight and try to excersise more 3-4 times a week
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    So I had been at a "stall" for 4 days of my weight not going up or down even though I still have about 50 pounds to lose. Yesterday it was the same again even though the day before I had run 2 two miles and had a huge calorie deficit the day before. I've been restricting carbs, eating no processed food, and no sugar that isn't naturally found in food. I was so frustrated so I kind of let myself cheat yesterday. I was still counting calories but not focusing on carbs or sugar, even went to Mcdonald's. I went a little bit over my calorie goal (goal is 1200, I ate 1500). This morning I weighed myself and to my surprise I FINALLY had a loss. So now I'm wondering. Is restricting carbs (I was eating below 50g) really necessary? I know I shouldn't eat sugar all day but in moderation is it okay? Has anyone focused on JUST calories and making mostly healthy choices and still lost? I still don't want to overdo it on carbs because I feel good with not too many. I'm just curious. I lost 40 pounds previously (gained it back since) by limiting my fat intake to 30-40g a day but I was ALWAYS hungry.

    You are going about it the wrong way. Eat 5x day 2 snacks and more fruits and vegetables per meal plus high in protein and you would lose weight and try to excersise more 3-4 times a week

    Um, no.