Favorite healthy breakfast recipe

KandieCarmella Posts: 1,227 Member
edited May 2015 in Recipes
The only meal that I actually get stuck on… Then again I'm not a big breakfast person but want to see what everybody else eats


  • KandieCarmella
    KandieCarmella Posts: 1,227 Member
    edited May 2015
  • Helenasnan
    Helenasnan Posts: 30 Member
    I lke to scramble egg white with a scoop of cottage cheese in it...its yummy and fullof protein!
  • angelnurse77
    angelnurse77 Posts: 1 Member
    I like to keep it simple scrambled egg whites with half a grapefruit one day next day a kefir smoothy next day oatmeal with apples and cinnamon I make it different every day
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,070 Member
    Why just eat the egg white when the yolk has all the nutrition ? I have two whole eggs cooked in butter almost everyday, either fried or scrambled, and coffee.
  • forgivensins
    forgivensins Posts: 90 Member
    Lately I've been doing 2 whole eggs with 5 spinach leaves, a baby sweet pepper and a jalapeno (tablespoon of fresh salsa or a sprinkle of parmesan on some days)
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,070 Member
    That sounds good. Today I had brunch and had 2 eggs with cheddar cheese, and avocado with salsa on baby kale, spinach and chard. Keeps me going all day, no need for lunch at all.
  • dkjaer
    dkjaer Posts: 9 Member
    Coffee and two slices of whole wheat toast w/peanut butter and jelly. If I have a run of 8 miles or more in the morning, I'll add a bowl of mixed fruit and/or some oatmeal.
  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    If you aren't a big breakfast person, why not eat leftover dinner or lunch for breakfast? Make extra at night so you have a meal for the morning! :)
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm always in a rush. Breakfast is a protein shake made with cold coffee rather than water.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    If you don't really eat breakfast, you don't HAVE to... means you have all your calories for lunch, dinner, dessert, and/or snacks. :smiley:

    I usually eat cereal, pb n j sandwiches, pancakes, eggs and beans... those are my usual go-to's for breakfast. :yum:
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    Peanut butter sandwich on 40 calorie honey wheat and a cup of coffee. Keeps me full all morning.
  • beankid
    beankid Posts: 91 Member
    The other day I made shredded beef for tacos. I put some beef in my burrito (eggs,spinach,tomato, green pepper,onion) with some salsa and guac on the side
  • FEDup2015
    FEDup2015 Posts: 8 Member
    Peanut butter and banana on 1 slice of wheat toast, half of ruby red grapefruit & coffee.
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Eat the same thing M-F at work. 2 hard boiled eggs and fruit with an iced coffee with fat free creamer.
  • wooisebart
    wooisebart Posts: 10 Member
    If it was a perfect world, and I had moneh, I would make a breakfast shake with coffee in it. Coffe boosts metabolic rate, and without breakfast, blood sugar issues can occure.
  • 23susu23
    23susu23 Posts: 68 Member
    If you don't like breakfast and don't feel hungry, then don't have it. I used to think that you had to have breakfast to "get your metabolism going". I start off with a cup of coffee. If I feel hungry or weak, I will have either oatmeal, eggs and maybe a piece of bacon, or avocado on toast with salt and pepper. There are recipes for steel cut oats in jars that you can take with you. Google it if you are interested. It cuts out the usual long cook time of steel cut oats and you can grab in the morning and take with you to eat at work if you need to. You can add whatever you like in the jar--fruit, nuts, etc.
  • 1Andromeda2
    1Andromeda2 Posts: 5 Member
    I feel like an odd one out. If am going to be doing a work out in the morning I really need the energy or else I have to finish my work out half way through due to being so hungry.
    I usually have a large bowl of fruit and fibre with skimmed milk, 3 whole large scrambled eggs and a breakfast bar. That usually holds me out until after my workout.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    What's your interpretation of healthy?

  • cartjockey
    cartjockey Posts: 5 Member
    I started balancing my day when I started using MFP a year ago. I spread my meals out. I include 2 snacks a day. Breakfast is usually almond milk, cereal, or a skinny wheat bread and egg. Followed by an apple or celery around 10 am. Lunch is almost always a salad of some sort. Maybe soup. Limit my starches here. Afternoon snack is an apple or popcorn or almond milk smoothie. Dinner is creative. I look at my goals and my what I have eaten so far that day and that forms my dinner plans. I always have apples and tuna and celery on hand for variety along with nuts.
  • kalayda_is
    kalayda_is Posts: 2 Member
    Peanut butter on toast and a large cup of coffee! Although I am looking for inspiration on here.. I find it difficult to prepare anything on a weekday morning and not be late for work !