Eating out....

I just went out to eat with my family and instead of enjoying my meal I sat there the entire time obsessed with the calories. I feel I made healthy decisions, a vegan taco and a chicken taco with a side of black beans. However, I was OBSESSED with how many calories I was intaking. Anyone else do this? How did you over come it? Thanks for the advise!


  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    I am not obsessed but if I know I am going out to eat I will research the menu before hand and then I know exactly what I am going to order when I get there. Most restaurants will always have a healthy choices symbol or section which is helpful. It's okay to enjoy a dinner out - you deserve it if you are clean eating the majority of your meals :)
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    Yes I sometimes do that, I was worse at the beginning of this journey. I go out once a week for girls night, and we try to figure out where to go in advance. Once that is figured out I will go online and look up the nutrition info and prepick what I will have that day. If it's not on their website or they don't have it in the restaurant I will usually pick each item on the MFP or go to a restaurant that has similar foods and put their information as my dinner. Might be off by a few hundred but it's probably closer than guessing.

    I can honestly say some days I just don't care and order whatever but I make sure I work out hard the next day or it's usually when I've been low on my calories for the week and I know I can afford to. Just remember not to beat yourself up if you do go over, and try to enjoy the company that is with you. =)
  • veriviki
    veriviki Posts: 44
    I also look up the menu online first so I have an idea of what food the restaurant has and how many calories are in a meal. If I know I will want a few drinks, or an unhealthy choice that would put me over my daily calories budget I exercise before or after I go. I try to burn as many calories as I think I will go over my budget. That way I can enjoy my meal, but also not feel bad about what I am eating :)
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    When it comes to eating out at either fast food or restaurant chains, what always helps me is Googling "eat this not that (name of restaurant)".

    I see the articles all the time, but I'm not really interested in saving them all.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Learn portion size and don't worry. A serving of meat/protein is basically the size of your palm/hand or a deck of cards. beef, chicken, turkey don't matter a serving is a serving. Most every restaurants have enormous portions. They have burgers with over 2000 calories by themselves. I don't know of any fast food restaurant that has a healthy option other then maybe Subway here in the US with a Veggie or Club sandwich. With that being said if i decide to eat out i'm getting what i want which is usually the smallest burger or sub from the menu. Most restaurants have low cal options these days or half portions as well. Just have to be smart. No guilt required.