Plank challenge

rod195 Posts: 16 Member
I am starting plank challenge tomorrow, today is a rest day. Anyone else doing it ... And how long they holding it


  • heidim44444
    heidim44444 Posts: 27 Member
    I am doing the 30 day plank challenge I found here:

    Is that what you are doing? I am on day 2. It says 10-30 second plank repeats and I tried 25 seconds and did okay.
  • heidim44444
    heidim44444 Posts: 27 Member
    I am doing the 30 day plank challenge I found here:

    Is that what you are doing? I am on day 2. It says 10-30 second plank repeats and I tried 25 seconds and did okay.
  • rod195
    rod195 Posts: 16 Member
    That's the one I am doing starting tomorrow. I will tell you how long I hold it for. As it says day one get a baseline . See how long you can hold it for, so I will let you know how long I manage. I find them planks really difficult, but they are supposed to be dead good so worth carrying on GOOD LUCK (-:
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Not doing the challenge but I have been doing a 16 minute plank workout in the morning after my run. 30 sec side, 30 sec rest, 30 sec front, rest, 30 sec side, rest, 10 crunches and repeat four times. It really has a positive effect.
  • rod195
    rod195 Posts: 16 Member
    I know it's positive been doing hiit training at gym and really struggle with the plank. So thirty days, hopefully will be a lifestyle change will carry on forever and forever
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    rod195 wrote: »
    I am starting plank challenge tomorrow, today is a rest day. Anyone else doing it ... And how long they holding it

    I will start this with you.
  • Nonie_S
    Nonie_S Posts: 9 Member
    I started this yesterday. Never done planks, but tbh I only managed 12 seconds. Surely to goodness this will improve!

    On a side note, how are you recording this in MFP? I can't find anything like it in the database.
  • webrat_jen
    webrat_jen Posts: 35 Member
    i have started, but been working on my planks for a a couple of weeks beforehand. my first plank was more like a wobble-wobble-headcrash into the floor (thank goodness i work out at home and not the gym!). i do not think i even managed 10 secs when i first started. i now can hit about 40-50 seconds, though it varies depending on my energy levels and what i have been doing that day.

    i think that planks will improve your overall tone and muscle mass, but do not actually burn too many calories during the exercise. however, with an increase in muscle mass, you will burn more calories per day which should help with losing weight/toning up your body.

    record it as a 1 calorie burn toning exercise, and combine with some cardio as part of a workout if you want to earn calories back for your hard work.
    this vid is a very intense 5 minute ab workout, which compliments the muscles involved in planks as well as being cardio. i cannot manage the full 5 minutes yet though!
  • heidim44444
    heidim44444 Posts: 27 Member
    I am on day 3 which is a rest day.

    Nonie, don't worry where you start, the idea is to improve :)

    I have never done the side planks, so I will need to figure those ones out.
  • Xrix512
    Xrix512 Posts: 11 Member
    I am going to try to start tomorrow. We have been doing five minutes of plank - which is torture (60 sec full plank, 30 Sec elbow plank, 30 Sec left side plank, 30 Sec right side plank, 30 Sec left leg up, 30 Sec right leg up, 30 Sec full plank, 60 Sec elbow plank - no rest in between. I am looking forward to the slow build up of the 30 day challenge.
  • SarahSloth342634
    SarahSloth342634 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm doing the plank challenge too, started yesterday, only managed 20 seconds, I'm combining it with 30 days abs and 30 days arms.
  • ksmi141
    ksmi141 Posts: 72 Member
    On Day 4 here! :# My baseline was 45 seconds, hoping to get to 3 minutes by the end of the month. Good luck all!
  • Nonie_S
    Nonie_S Posts: 9 Member
    Today is my day 3, rest day, but I was really surprised last night with how much I was aware of my tummy muscles after only 3 reps of 11 second basic planks!

    I am looking forward to seeing some improvement.

    Hats off to you Xrix, with all those on the go.
  • PeterRz
    PeterRz Posts: 15 Member
    I start with a 3:30 front plan, then rotate and do a 1-1:30 plank on each side. That's my longest plank session yet.
  • heidim44444
    heidim44444 Posts: 27 Member
    I completed day 4 with 25 second repeats. It felt really difficult at the end so I feel like I am working the correct amount for me. I just focused on breathing evenly and that helped it to go faster.
  • heidim44444
    heidim44444 Posts: 27 Member
    Day 5 is side planks. First time doing them and had trouble with balance. I hope to get better with time.
  • webrat_jen
    webrat_jen Posts: 35 Member
    my side planks were really wobbly! managed about 10 secs each time.
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    I've just done my first ever plank lol. I managed 20 seconds of wobblyness. Does anyone else shake and wobble like a bowl of jelly or is that just me?!
  • butterflygirl17
    butterflygirl17 Posts: 8 Member
    Im starting today. Will post results later!
  • heidim44444
    heidim44444 Posts: 27 Member
    I am glad to hear others wobble a bit too. Today is day 6, a rest day for me.