Home made meals.....

Hello everyone my name is josh. Ive been using myfitnesspal for about a month now and the hardest thing for me is keeping track of the home made meals. You know, adding all the info. Does anyone have a good way of doing this?? does this info have to be 100%???


  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Us the receipe calculator and then you can save it for the next time! I have done several, very easy!

    Good luck and Welcome to MFP!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Are you creating recipes? They can be a pain the first time through, but if you have meals you fix repeatedly, they are a life saver.

    I have to admit, I hardly ever save recipes to the database because they made it so complicated.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    I go into the recipes section and just make a new one for whatever I'm cooking that night. It's a bit of a pain, but I put down everything that I use so I know I'm not losing track of any of my calories. It's also helped me to realize that I was eating way to large of portion sizes. If I happen to be making something similar to a recipe I already have saved, I just edit it. It really is a bit of a pain, but worth it in my opinion.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have about 50 recipes stored in the recipe calculator.
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    Hey Josh. I do mostly from scratch myself. I have a calorie counter book (Natow & Heslin) that I use and sometimes I calculate from scratch using this book in combination with calorie charts on packaging. It can be a guesstimate and when in doubt I err on the more than less calories. Once you have it down just keep the recipe logged in your food diary and you have it for next time. Hope this helps...
  • Michelemybelle
    Michelemybelle Posts: 52 Member
    I weigh and measure EVERYTHING and enter it seperately. Yeah, I have OCD. :)
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Like everyone said, use the recipe calculator. It's super easy. I put all kinds of things in there. Even when I make something simple like tuna salad. That way I don't have to go through and add in every item into my diary.
  • thaismoreira
    thaismoreira Posts: 37 Member
    I am new to the site and I have not use the recepit tool yet. I am doing the guesstimation and add the closest receipit I can find in the list. I will try this tool. Tks for the inf
  • Thank you EVERYONE for all you help and info.....THANK YOU ! !