Looking for friends

Hi everyone I'm kirsty

I'm looking for some Myfitnesspal friends so that we can help motivate each other and help each other stay on track

I'm 25 and live in Scotland

I had my second baby 12 weeks ago and now I'm ready to get my body back, I've signed up with the gym and hopefully have my Fitbit tracker being replaced tomorrow.

I am aiming to lose 5-6 stone but will be taking it one step at a time.

I have seen horrific pictures from my daughters 1st birthday where I clearly hadn't lost any baby weight and I don't want to be like that this time around.

In fact I never completely lost my baby weight the first time around.

I have a long journey ahead but I believe if we support each other we can succeed

Good luck everyone

Feel free to add me :)


  • Shar_ffl
    Shar_ffl Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Kirsty. I'm on day 1 with 4 stone to lose. Your welcome to add me for support. It's seems a long road but if we take it one day at a time we'll get there. We'll done for joining the gym. I'm starting focus t25 dvds today. This seems a great place to hang out
  • kirsty899
    kirsty899 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks, tomorrow is my official day one, just getting all set up food wise and arranging clothes and times for the gym so I'm prepared for it tomorrow
  • sla5000
    sla5000 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm also in Scotland I have a son he is 9 I managed to lose (mostly through stress) all and more of my baby weight when he was really wee but last year I was heavier than when I had just had him