That Sick Feeling

bossybrandice82 Posts: 6
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Has anyone felt that sick feeling when starting. This always happens when I start a diet I feel sick & my head is killing me also my mouth is very dry. In the pass when this happens I give up but not this timer. I know it's just my body in shock because I'm not eating as much or not eating the fatty sugary foods my body is use to. Does anyone have any suggestions to over come this part of the diet process ?


  • lawdhelpme2
    lawdhelpme2 Posts: 149
    My head was hurting really bad at the beginnin, I kept exercising and logging. Keep doing what you are doing, your body will adjust.
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I end up feeling sick to my stomach with the headache.... nooo good! Im lookin for an answer
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    drink lots of water :smile:
  • joemommy08
    joemommy08 Posts: 1
    Sadly the only way I know to get through it is just stick with it for a few days until those bad feelings pass. Definitely makes it harder to not give up and "start tomorrow" but don't do it! Once you get used to the healthier way of eating you will feel amazing and then overeating is what will make you feel horrible! :happy:
  • calc1974
    calc1974 Posts: 1
    I read an article recently (I think it was Shape or Whole Living) that said our bodies sometimes store toxins in our fat cells so when we start to burn them we can feel a little sick. I also have experienced headaches and am usually not prone to them. I love this site it is a great tool....stick with it, I am a little over a month into it (and 11 lbs. lighter) and it's helping me.
  • rgoodearl
    rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
    Sadly the only way I know to get through it is just stick with it for a few days until those bad feelings pass. Definitely makes it harder to not give up and "start tomorrow" but don't do it! Once you get used to the healthier way of eating you will feel amazing and then overeating is what will make you feel horrible! :happy:

    Agree 100% I also chew sugar free gum...
  • moores25
    moores25 Posts: 1
    I would try increasing your intake of water. The headaches and nausea could be due to some dehydration which could be related to your dieting and increase of exercise if you've done that as well. Hope that helps somewhat!
  • oorkris
    oorkris Posts: 4 Member
    Drink the correct amount of water for your size. You should be drinking half your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of water, which at a minimum will be two full litres of water a day.

    For example, just now I’m 12 stone precisely – that’s 168 lbs, so half of that is 84 and if you go to Google and type in “Convert 84 oz to litres” that’s roughly 2.5 litres or 10 glasses of water a day I need to drink. When I was still 13½ stone that worked out at 189 lbs, half of that is 94.5 and convert 94.5 oz to litres is 2.7 litres to give me 11 glasses of water a day.

    Drink your glasses at regular intervals throughout the day to help you feel full and keep you hydrated, that will hopefully help with your dry mouth. Avoid fizzy drinks and caffeine based drinks like tea and coffee - you can have them in moderation as part of your healthy eating but try to limit it to one or two a day. You could always add a splash of sugar-free concentrate orange or blackcurrant juice to flavour your water.

    Hope this helps and you start to feel comfortable soon. The hardest thing to do is make these change and let them start to become your new habits. Once you settle into a routine you will hopefully feel more at ease and able to stick to it. It took me a few weeks of feeling hungry to fit into my new lifestyle but 4 months down the line I've lost 28lbs, I'm feeling fantastic, have only a few lbs left to go and don't even have to think about the fact I'm on a diet - healthy eating just happens naturally now.
  • heartpdx
    heartpdx Posts: 97 Member
    i agree with above. i get headaches and feel icky when i don't drink enough water....have a glass with you at all times!:drinker:
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Were or are you a big soda drinker? When I stopped drinking sodas, I had a TERRIBLE headache for nearly a week! It helped, to drink a little bit of caffiene to get rid of the headache and wean myself off of it so to speak.

    But if you can cold turkey it, that would be better! As others said, really push the water.
  • duddadu
    duddadu Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone! I recently decided to loose some weight. I hate the idea of dieting and restricting what I eat so I came to this site to log everything I ate for a week.

    It was frighting!!!

    I have a reasonable active lifestyle but have about 30lbs I need to loose. The first thing I did was stop eating anything that couldn't be killed of foraged for. Add to that, restricting starches and virtually eliminating sugars.

    I replaces all the crap I was eating with fruit and veggies. Instead of an apple strudel, I eat 2 carrots. I am never hungry, and if I feel the need to snack, I grab some celery.

    Don't stop eating! Don't use water to feel "full"! Actually eat, just change the bad stuff for good stuff. That alone will do your body wonders.

    Also, not everyone can look like a supermodel. If you eat healthy, keep active, then you'll have a healthy body. It's about what is on the inside that counts.

    Take care!
  • Your body is detoxing so just hang in there! Drink lots of water! You should feel better in a day or two. Good luck!!
  • Lindz2323
    Lindz2323 Posts: 261 Member
    Definitely A LOT of water! Maybe try sports drinks like Gatorade/Powerade, etc. They help me feel a little better if I drink some after a good workout! =)
  • Slavedaddy
    Slavedaddy Posts: 1
    The body can store toxins in fat tissues which are released when loosing weight. Keep hydrated with plenty of water of coarse. Many respondents have made that point clear. Another potentially beneficial avenue is to drink a detoxification tea regularly when dieting. Additionally, find activities that help you sweat the toxins out. This includes exercise of coarse but time spend in a sauna or steam bath can help too.
  • Atleast40
    Atleast40 Posts: 62 Member
    Hang in there lady. Find some alternative snacks that work for you and make sure that you space out your alternative/kind of healthier snacks throughout the day to help your body adjust a little better to your change of diet. A few of the foods that I use (other than the obvious fruits and vegetables) are jello, Stouffer's animal crackers, Pepperidge Farms goldfish crackers, Twizzlers and microwave popcorn. I pay attention to the serving sizes and try to cut them in half and eat the half servings at different times throughout the day, for those anxious times.

    Stick with it! You are going to be so proud of yourself and happier and healthier as you start to see and feel the results! Hang in there! You may inspire your family and friends to make some changes. You can do it, hang in there, but of course keep paying attention to your body and maybe seek medical assistance if you feel to badly. Hang in there!

    Go Browns!
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