Loosing weight on Abilify and Depakote

I have been eating under 1200 calories for over a week now and haven't lost an ounce. Not even an ounce. Which is not like me because when I dieted before I lost 10 pounds in one month with out being on medicine. Can you loose weight on these meds and it is just very very slow, or do I really have to up exercise?


  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Without doc supervision its prolly not good to eat that low tho I have my doubts about measuring. Exercise is not for weight loss thats for healthy habits that help with maintenance later on.This being said I can't see where either would interfere with weight loss should turn up all the potential side effects of these meds so check with google or bing.
  • amandaragan
    amandaragan Posts: 4 Member
    Hello there, i just read your post and am having the same problem with abilify. I was wondering if you were eventuality able to lose some. Thank you.