soo ive been doing really well lost 8lbs last two weeks but...

Just ate a muffin and pancake , came in under my cals but feeling really guilty for eating them ! Anyone else slipped up or allow themselves treats as long as its under cals ? Dont no why but makes me feel real guilty lol !


  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    edited May 2015
    Did you steal them or took them out of a frail old lady's hand? If not, why on earth are you feeling guilty??? Food is just food, not something to feel guilt over.....
  • losingitseattle
    losingitseattle Posts: 90 Member
    Consider getting rid of your "good food" and "bad food" mentality, the "I cheated" or "I was good today" phrases. Focus on 80% quality calories and let it go. You know you feel better when you eat higher quality choices but you also have to balance that with a pancake craving once in a while. As long as you staying within a reasonable calorie range, move on. This is how you will learn to live a balanced life and won't have to track every drop of food for the rest of your existence.
  • timetochange2015jks
    timetochange2015jks Posts: 23 Member
    Haha that made me laugh , definatley not stealing had consent to go in husbands treat draw think its because ive been so excited seing the loss felt like I was letting myself down having"naughty food"
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Haha. The four servings of ice cream I fit into my calories as a late night snack yesterday might have something to say about that.

    It's really difficult to get the idea of "unhealthy foods are the reason why I can't lose weight!" since we are pretty much bombarded with that concept from a very early age. Sure, it might be be all that healthy, but healthy (as it pertains to food), and weight loss are two completely different things.
  • belinus
    belinus Posts: 112 Member
    Neither of those things, a muffin or pancake, are really all that bad for you in the grand scheme of things provided you are not loading them up with sugar and such.

    If you were eating candy/cookies and/or drinking pop, then I would tell you to stop. But otherwise don't feel guilty.
  • mch2829
    mch2829 Posts: 70 Member
    Feeling guilty for eating isn't good. If you think you need to deprive yourself or punish yourself to lose weight, then you're going about it all wrong. You'll either develop an eating disorder or have trouble sticking to the diet.
  • losingitseattle
    losingitseattle Posts: 90 Member
    BTW, I love Kodiak cakes. I add a little vanilla to the mix and lightly top with cinnamon and sugar, a little whipped topping and raspberries. Tastes decadent, lower in calories and has a lot of nutrients.
  • faithanne10
    faithanne10 Posts: 2 Member
    I used to always feel bad, but I know myself and know that I can't eliminate all things out of my diet because then I will just want and crave them more and over indulge. When I am on top of calorie counting- I do my best to eat better, but I know I will always be around junk and always be tempted so as long as I am doing well with calories and doing my best with exercise and eating better than I have a little bit and not feel bad!
  • timetochange2015jks
    timetochange2015jks Posts: 23 Member
    Consider getting rid of your "good food" and "bad food" mentality, the "I cheated" or "I was good today" phrases. Focus on 80% quality calories and let it go. You know you feel better when you eat higher quality choices but you also have to balance that with a pancake craving once in a while. As long as you staying within a reasonable calorie range, move on. This is how you will learn to live a balanced life and won't have to track every drop of food for the rest of your existence.
    Thankyou , I really am in that mentality at moment think its because its start of my journey dont want to mess up! Thankyou :)
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    belinus wrote: »
    Neither of those things, a muffin or pancake, are really all that bad for you in the grand scheme of things provided you are not loading them up with sugar and such.

    If you were eating candy/cookies and/or drinking pop, then I would tell you to stop. But otherwise don't feel guilty.

    No...just NO....Candy, a cookie or glass of pop now and then is nothing to feel guilty about either. If that is all you eat, you might not get the health benefits you want from food, but in moderation NO FOOD is BAD, unless you are allergic to it or it is off.....
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    belinus wrote: »
    If you were eating candy/cookies and/or drinking pop, then I would tell you to stop. But otherwise don't feel guilty.

    Hmm... I eat candy. And cookies. And drink pop. I did all of those things yesterday. I don't really feel all that guilty...
  • timetochange2015jks
    timetochange2015jks Posts: 23 Member
    Thankyou all feeling more positive about it ! I would have ate whole pack before so guess its an improvement anyway haha :)
  • owensy12
    owensy12 Posts: 88 Member
    I've just ate half a bag of Maltesers. I don't feel that guilty.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Why would you feel guilty about eating less than your calories?
  • mch2829
    mch2829 Posts: 70 Member
    I've lost 55 lbs so far. There isn't a single food or beverage that I've completely stopped consuming. If I want a cookie then I'm going to eat a cookie. I won't eat a whole bag of cookies, but I will have one or two. I'm not a soda drinker, but once a month I might just want a glass of it. I'm not going to feel bad about it.

    You shouldn't feel bad about eating things you enjoy. Now if you're binging on certain foods, then it might be a good idea to consider eliminating them. But if you're consuming them in moderation and can control your portion sizes, then don't even worry about it.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Don't feel guilty about eating things that fit in your calories. You need to eat in a way that you can sustain realistically. Pancakes and muffins can be a part of that. You did just fine fitting them in your goal.

    Some day you will probably go over your calories a bit. Don't get emotional about. Don't feel guilty, naughty or a failure. You are not doomed. Look at why it happened- poor planning, not getting enough protein, emotional eating, boredom eating and just take care in the future. Look at your weekly calories and see that it is okay.
  • timetochange2015jks
    timetochange2015jks Posts: 23 Member
    mch2829 wrote: »
    I've lost 55 lbs so far. There isn't a single food or beverage that I've completely stopped consuming. If I want a cookie then I'm going to eat a cookie. I won't eat a whole bag of cookies, but I will have one or two. I'm not a soda drinker, but once a month I might just want a glass of it. I'm not going to feel bad about it.

    You shouldn't feel bad about eating things you enjoy. Now if you're binging on certain foods, then it might be a good idea to consider eliminating them. But if you're consuming them in moderation and can control your portion sizes, then don't even worry about it.
    Wow well done!! Hope I get to that success ! And thankyou good advice everything in moderation I guess!
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    belinus wrote: »
    Neither of those things, a muffin or pancake, are really all that bad for you in the grand scheme of things provided you are not loading them up with sugar and such.

    If you were eating candy/cookies and/or drinking pop, then I would tell you to stop. But otherwise don't feel guilty.

    What's wrong with candy/cookies in the context of a balanced diet? Or a soda now and then?

    I eat cookies and ice cream almost daily and I'm still losing weight consistently.
  • timetochange2015jks
    timetochange2015jks Posts: 23 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    Don't feel guilty about eating things that fit in your calories. You need to eat in a way that you can sustain realistically. Pancakes and muffins can be a part of that. You did just fine fitting them in your goal.

    Some day you will probably go over your calories a bit. Don't get emotional about. Don't feel guilty, naughty or a failure. You are not doomed. Look at why it happened- poor planning, not getting enough protein, emotional eating, boredom eating and just take care in the future. Look at your weekly calories and see that it is okay.
    thanks ! I think I craved it today because my breakfast and lunch was much smaller and only 100 cals breakfast 200 lunch (had very busy day usually have bigger breakie) so after dinner tonight I was still hungry ! Thankyou !!

  • DMLC2014
    DMLC2014 Posts: 71 Member
    That isn't enough calories for breakfast or lunch! Not good to starve your body