5'3 & 5'4 ladies what's your GOAL WEIGHT??

My goal is a bit high.
5'3. 1/2 goal is 168.



  • ndean210
    ndean210 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'4 1/2 and my goal weight is 140
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    I'm 5'4'' and my goal weight is 140. I was 120 for years but that was before 4 kids. I just don't know if my body can get back to that and don't know if I really want to put the effort into getting back to that. I think I'll be happy at 140.
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    5'4" goal 128/132 small frame :|
    CW 138
  • shortntall1
    shortntall1 Posts: 333 Member
    5 ft 2.5 inches here.. Id be happy at 180, ecstatic at 165.
  • rocknroll667
    rocknroll667 Posts: 56 Member
    5'3 currently 146 and need to get at max 139!!! But I weight train so 139 May look better on me than someone who doesn't.
  • galaxyeyed
    galaxyeyed Posts: 98 Member
    edited May 2015
    Right now my goal weight is 120 at 5'3"...but I've never actually been that low at this height, so I have no idea if it's right! I got down to 130 once and still felt like I had a long way to go since I had numerous rolls :anguished: We'll see!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I'm 5'4.5" and currently looking at 130lbs. I'll re-evaluate once I get there. (profile pic is 143 lbs).
  • Letsgo158
    Letsgo158 Posts: 5 Member
    5'3" and goal of 140. I'm 55 and have 5 kids. No desire to put in the effort to get/stay lower and I think I need some flesh on my bones to avoid that gaunt/lined look.
  • titania_one
    titania_one Posts: 26 Member
    Mine is 140, I might think about a little lower, but it was always hard for me to sustain anything much below 140, so I'll likely leave it at that. :) I'm 5'4". I figure whatever you can keep up that is healthier than you are now is still an improvement, right? :)
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I'm 5'4", 28 (no kids) and small framed, and while I don't lift heavy I do work out moderately. I've maintained around 118 pounds for a couple years, which I know is lighter than a lot of similar height women but accounts for my build. My highest weight was about 145 and I looked visibly overweight then.
  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    I am 50 and have a teenaged son.
    I'm 5 ft 3.5 inches. SW 157 and CW 136.
    Never dreamed that I'd drop 20 lbs so smoothly! I'm feeling pretty happy now but I'm wondering if I could drop below 130. Although I like the definition in my arms and waist, I still have lots of thigh flab. Maybe that would diminish with a few more lost pounds. BUT - I'm feeling great at present and I've just changed my MFP goal to lose 0.5 lbs per week, whereas I was aiming for 1 lb weekly since January. If I stick around 136, I'll be good.
  • TiffanyR71
    TiffanyR71 Posts: 217 Member
    ~5'3.5", large frame, goal is top of healthy BMI range- 140-145...
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    Goal: 140
  • anysteph
    anysteph Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2015
    5'3, a lean 120lbs. I was 103 right out of high school and a couple years after until I gained this weight, but I don't want to get back to that.
  • aDivingBelle
    aDivingBelle Posts: 49 Member
    126 I'm 5'4
  • manders_b
    manders_b Posts: 44 Member
    5'3, goal weight is 125 lbs.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    5'3". My "for now" goal is 140. I might aim for mid-range after that, depending on how I feel.
  • kjspurr1
    kjspurr1 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5"3 and my first goal is 130 lbs. That's what I weighed before 2 kids. I had more muscle and less fat then, so I will probably need to be closer to 125.
  • sunbunny66
    sunbunny66 Posts: 11 Member
    5'4 age 49
    SW 155
    CW 142
    Goal 135
  • Jesusjohnjames
    Jesusjohnjames Posts: 378 Member
    My starting weigh t was 220lbs
    Currently under 178. So I'm so happy.