Need motivation to get started and keep going

First time doing this. Looking to loose weight and maintain it. What can I say I love food and can't seem to say no to excessive eating and temptations when I start a diet. I guess a little moral support might do me some good


  • corinna_corinna
    corinna_corinna Posts: 12 Member
    feel free to add me. the more accountability friends the better :) 2 years ago i had like 280 active mfp friends. 20 of them might be active now. i'd like to build that up again. it's a huge motivator! anyone can add me!
  • captn2014
    captn2014 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm currently 242 lbs
    My goal is 180lbs by September.

    Today is the day I get started.
    Change my eating habits.
    30 min workout each day
  • HDub3459
    HDub3459 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Captn, I started yesterday. I just quit smoking a month ago. I figured if I can do that I can lose weight. I am about to go out for a walk now. Good luck to you!
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    I am about 265 right now. I put on 30 pounds from some meds. I took myself off of them. My goal is to wear this Brewer shirt when my son and I go to a game in August. I am starting off with more movement this week. I walked to the store from the bank and then home. I rode my bike yesterday. Grabbed a bag of salad for Cinco De Mayo. Feel free to add me. I am hoping this first 30 pounds just falls off since it came on so quick.
  • captn2014
    captn2014 Posts: 23 Member
    Good to hear from everyone. Holy, good for you, glad to hear you quit smoking. Bluv, I'm a Cubs fan, but I can't think of a better motivation to loose weight. I have two little ones and it will be worth it. I'm also trying to loose weight so I can do more activities with them this summer.You'll be wearing that Brewers shirt in no time. Happy 5 de Mayo. Good luck to everyone and let's keep posting our progression. Corinna you're right accountability is a good trend setter. Let's kick butt and crush our goals.
  • captn2014
    captn2014 Posts: 23 Member
    edited May 2015
    Had a good day yesterday, started with a 45 min walk. Ate super healthy, mainly greens and fruit. Highly motivated to get this weight off.
  • melissamarah
    melissamarah Posts: 168 Member
    Want to add me? I'm a Cubs fan, too! Born and raised in Wrigleyville.

    I've decided to not look at this as taking foods out of my diet (as I've done many times) but instead adding them. My goal is making it through the month of May having at least a serving of veggies and/or fruits with each meal. If I make it, I'll buy myself a Ninja blender for my birthday in June.
  • captn2014
    captn2014 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Melissa, that sounds like a good plan. I'm taking out carbs from mine diet and doing what you're doing, adding veggies. Good luck and let me know how you like the Ninja blender when you buy. GO CUBS
  • iheartinsanity
    iheartinsanity Posts: 205 Member
    Just remember...motivation gets your started, consistently keeps you going. Even on my bad days, I remember why I started. Motivation left me years ago.
  • tmorton03
    tmorton03 Posts: 22 Member
    I want you to know you can do this! I have logged in for over 465 days and I have no plans to stop! After gaining over 50 pounds while pregnant with my daughter. I had skyrocketed to 226 pounds. When she was born in November of 2013, I lost around 25 pounds on my own. I was disgusted with my progress and thought I was doing everything right. See, I was eating "healthy foods," but I was eating too much of those foods! My friend had told me about My Fitness Pal. My husband suggested we try this diary. We joined in February of 2014. We kept and still keep track of everything we put into our bodies and it really does work. I now weigh 139 pounds. My husband went from weighing 260 pounds to 189 pounds! We tell everyone we know about My Fitness Pal. Don't get down on yourself and know that if you have a lot to lose, it won't happen overnight, but it will happen.
  • captn2014
    captn2014 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you Tmorton, it's nice to hear those words. Iheart, that's my biggest obstacle. Consistency and long term commitment.
  • babyhazelz1
    babyhazelz1 Posts: 39 Member

    This is my 3rd or so time on here. I lost 40 lbs for my wedding last August and put it back on and then some. Really need motivation here.
  • captn2014
    captn2014 Posts: 23 Member
    Third day today. Started off great this morning. Had buy a new scale yesterday. Won't be able to weigh in for a couple of days. Ran a mile this morning.
  • saramatthews919
    saramatthews919 Posts: 161 Member
    Well done on running the mile it's always hard when you start a journey but your doing great :)
  • captn2014
    captn2014 Posts: 23 Member
    Rough day at work. Lights out for me.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    captn2014 wrote: »
    I'm currently 242 lbs
    My goal is 180lbs by September.

    Today is the day I get started.
    Change my eating habits.
    30 min workout each day

    60lbs in 4-5 months? Be wary of setting yourself unrealistic targets. It would be hard imo to keep that rate of loss up for that period 12-15lbs a month. Thats circa a 10,000 deficit per week you will need. Consider doing some resistance training as well to preserve your lbm if you intend to lose at that rate. Good luck.
  • captn2014
    captn2014 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks tigger. Time will tell
  • lorbris
    lorbris Posts: 5 Member
    Hi ... I just joined to ...actually started using mfp a while ago but stopped and now really need to start again...also never used the message boards before today :) ... could use the support myself so feel free to add me. Currently in the high 160s and aiming to get into the 150s to start with :smiley:
  • captn2014
    captn2014 Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome Lorbris!! The message board is new to me as well, so far it's really helping me. It's nice to know that others are out there aiming for goals as well, keeping you motivated and a little competition never hurts anyone. Start your journey and you'll be 150 before you know it. You can do it!!!
  • captn2014
    captn2014 Posts: 23 Member
    I feel like it was a good first week. I hope everyone had had a good week as well. New week new goals, let's slim down and aim for a new healthy new "me". I hoping I've shed a few pounds. Waiting impatiently until May 21st. Broke the old scale, new one won't arrive in until then.