Feeling discouraged

Hey Guys,
So I started to use MFP about 4 weeks and so far I have lost about 4 pounds. Yesterday I weighed myself and I was at 183.5 and this morning I went to go weigh myself and I was 184.5. Now I know that you have to eat a lot to gain 1 pound, and I know 90% of the time I will have extra calories left over in the day or none at all. It is rare these whole 4 weeks I was over my calorie intake so I am not understanding the 1 pound difference.

I will admit that yesterday I did cheat a little and had a fun size snickers and instead of my usual "healthy" cereal I had apple jacks instead...but I can't imagine that would put me off a whole pound.

I just feel discouraged as I am working so hard in eat right and getting exercise in (usually do two 40 min walks per day) but am I am seeing such a difference in my weight within a day.


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Your weight is going to fluctuate day-to-day based on TOM (if you're a menstruating female), sodium consumption, muscles retaining water, and bathroom habits.

    You didn't literally gain a pound -- it's just normal and totally expected weight fluctuation.
  • Kimo159
    Kimo159 Posts: 508 Member
    edited May 2015
    This is why I don't like to weigh myself daily. I usually weigh 1-2x per week to make sure I'm staying on track. I can easily up 3lbs in a day depending on where I am on my cycle/what I ate the day before/etc. Don't fret! I know it's hard not to freak out and get discouraged but the truth is you didn't gain a lb of fat. Brush it off, carry on. You're losing, and you're on the right track...that 1 lb (and then some) will be gone in no time!
  • radiosilents
    radiosilents Posts: 223 Member
    Either weigh yourself every day and you'll get used to these normal fluctuations, or just stick to once a week or even once a month under the same circumstances – preferably in the morning after the first visit to the bathroom, either naked or always in the same clothes.
  • ciacyrus29
    ciacyrus29 Posts: 109 Member
    I am by no means thin but I don't think anyone should weigh themselves everyday. I agree your weight fluctuates based on so many things. If you're retaining water, you need to cleanse, etc. The time of day you weigh matters as well as if your weighing with or without clothes. The most accurate is without clothes and first thing in the morning.
    Don't get discouraged if in 4 weeks you're not where you think you should be. Weight loss takes time - sometimes more time than we'd like. You have been focused - right? You exercise daily - right? If you've answered yes, then put the scale away and only step on it once a week or once every other week.

    If you are feeling good, your clothes feel different when you put them on, you've got a spring in your step, people are saying how good you look, your skin looks brighter -then that number on the scale should not determine how you feel.

    You're doing great - just hang in and know the scale will move but in the meantime, just focus on being happy with yourself.
  • apatel821
    apatel821 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks guys! I try to tell myself that it is probably water weight or hormones but it is always nice to hear it from someone else because sometimes don't listen to myself. I used to weigh myself once a week, but I got anxious this morning especially since I ate a little more sugar than usual yesterday.
  • ruthanne778
    ruthanne778 Posts: 10 Member
    I have done everything right and still woken up 2 pounds heavier than when I went to bed...I know it is not supposed to happen, but there are days it does. I have had weeks where I dread stepping on the scale at my weight loss group because if I was totally honest with myself, I wasn't the best I could have been and have dropped weight. Your body will do things that you can't control and that can be a cause for concern...or you can accept the fact that your do your best, you do what you need to do and that your body will do things that you can't control..but in the end....You will lose weight and you will hit your goal. Keep up the good work and congratulations on your loss so far.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    ciacyrus29 wrote: »
    I am by no means thin but I don't think anyone should weigh themselves everyday. I agree your weight fluctuates based on so many things. If you're retaining water, you need to cleanse, etc. The time of day you weigh matters as well as if your weighing with or without clothes. The most accurate is without clothes and first thing in the morning.
    Don't get discouraged if in 4 weeks you're not where you think you should be. Weight loss takes time - sometimes more time than we'd like. You have been focused - right? You exercise daily - right? If you've answered yes, then put the scale away and only step on it once a week or once every other week.

    If you are feeling good, your clothes feel different when you put them on, you've got a spring in your step, people are saying how good you look, your skin looks brighter -then that number on the scale should not determine how you feel.

    You're doing great - just hang in and know the scale will move but in the meantime, just focus on being happy with yourself.

    I weigh myself daily. It's fine as long as you can keep it in perspective.

    What do you mean by "need to cleanse"?
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    Your weight is going to fluctuate day-to-day based on TOM (if you're a menstruating female), sodium consumption, muscles retaining water, and bathroom habits.

    You didn't literally gain a pound -- it's just normal and totally expected weight fluctuation.

    I weigh myself daily and can see fluctuations of 1 or 2lbs from one day to another. Once you have been doing it a little longer you will see a pattern. I may gain at a certain point in the month or after a certain workout or meal. I look at my weight every Friday to get a better picture of general loss but I like to see the fluctuations. Weighing daily isn't for everyone though. If it bothers you, don't do it :)
  • Sommer529
    Sommer529 Posts: 3 Member
    I kno that same feeling!! I just worked out a little harder that day to ease my mind and I promise, if u keep eating healthy and within ur calorie budget ull lose the weight. Just keep ur head up :)
  • ruggedshutter
    ruggedshutter Posts: 389 Member
    edited May 2015
    Most weight gains on the scale, if you are in a calorie deficit is going to be fluid gains. Water is very dense. a 16.9 ounce water bottle weighs just over 1 pound. A lot of factors go into retaining fluids and can range from a change in routine, new exercises, lifting heavy weights, drinking less the day before, fibrous foods absorb water as they move through your system...etc.
  • apatel821
    apatel821 Posts: 6 Member
    I am still working on drinking more water while I am at my desk at work, so my water intake isn't great yet. I just realized yesterday I didn't even drink anything with my dinner so I wonder if I was retaining from dehydration.
  • kpodaru
    kpodaru Posts: 133 Member
    i rarely step on the scale. your weight will naturally fluctuate between 2-3lbs daily, where you are in your menstrual cycle, if you ate something that's making you bloated etc.

    go by inches lost/how your clothes fit.

    ditch the cereals - they are loaded with hidden sugars and other junk that you don't need. for my husband and i, we ditched all grains and holy crap, not only are you less hungry (grains have a protein that stimulates appetite) but you lean out a lot. the food prep is annoying but totally worth it. i used to eat 3 meals + 2 snacks, all healthy, but since cutting out all grains, i'm not even hungry between meals anymore so i've dropped those 2 snacks which have further reduced my caloric intake. i wasn't expecting that at all but whoop, there is it.
  • LMS120yesIcan
    LMS120yesIcan Posts: 35 Member
    For the first couple of months, why not weigh yourself daily and take note of how your weight will naturally fluctuate. Usually it is higher at night than in the morning. I noticed that the day I was over my sodium allowance my weight was up and a day later it was back down. Getting used to these fluctuations may ease your fear. Just make sure you enter everything in MFP and start using a tape measure. Congratulations of your success so far.