Totally fed up - 5 weeks and only 1.2 lbs lost!!!!! what is

kirstiey Posts: 243
edited 2:09PM in Motivation and Support
Totally fed up - 5 weeks and only 1.2 lbs lost!!!!! what is going on ;o(((


  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Don't give up. It isn't easy for some of us. I've been trying for about 3 months. I lost 10, gained back 5. That gives me a total of about 5 pounds in 3 months. Not exactly inspiring. Still, that is 5 pounds gone. I'll keep working to get rid of the rest. I think my fat is just really happy on my body and it's not letting go easily. Once I blast it off, you can bet I'll never let it come back.

    Stick with it. Adjust your calories if you need to. Watch the sodium and drink lots of water. Add me as a friend if you want, at least you'll feel like you're doing good next to what I do.
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    Thanks, I know I should be patient, but I look at what other people are eating and still losing and it seem sooo unfair. I am on 1300 cals, am hardly ever over, don't really drink and am exercising at least 3 times per week. It is so hard when i hoped to lose 1lb per week ;o(
  • mckshowie
    mckshowie Posts: 210 Member
    i'm with you - ive been logging for over a month and can't get the scale to move much either.

    but in reality, i feel better. i sleep better. my skin is better. and i'm not gaining anymore. so no, those aren't my ultimate goals, but they're enough to keep me moving until i get there.
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    I feel exhaused all the time too. I am wondering if it is Thyroid related......
  • Sharonbed4d
    Sharonbed4d Posts: 163
    Try eating some of your exercise calories and drink lots of water. Invest in a hrm for exercise if you aren't already using one. That way you have an accurate calorie burn and add that back into your food. Don't give up and good luck!
  • Pearcecat
    Pearcecat Posts: 68
    Hi Kirstiey,
    I've only lost 4 pounds in the last 45 days but I have lost inches too. I'm on 1350 calories per day since the start of this week and as I was on lower, I'm hoping this will kick-start something. I'm concentrating on getting fit and eating better & I'm sure it will all fall in to place eventually. My batteries have died in my scales so I'm considering just weighing in at the start of each month and just looking at inches lost instead. I have lost before on WW so I know it can be done..and even then I didn't lose every week. I've read a lot of stories on here where people didn't lose for the first while and then the body let go, so I suppose patience is the key. Good luck on your journey..stick with it!!
  • Whitty1982
    Whitty1982 Posts: 30 Member
    Could be Thyroid related - go to the doc - I went a while ago and found out my vitamin D was really low which can keep you from losing weight so I'm taking supplements now. The doctor also recommended a modified atkins diet. We started that two weeks ago and I'm already down 16 lbs!!!
    My wife is down 11 already!

    Just completely cut out sugars and reduced our carb intake. So far so good!
    This is after two years of trying various diets and calorie counting. Now we're counting our carbs - not worrying about calories - and the weight is finally coming off!
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    Thanks peeps...I will just have to keep on truckin!
  • mckshowie
    mckshowie Posts: 210 Member
    i just took a glimpse at your diary (really only about 3 days worth) and it doesn't look like you're getting a lot of fruits and vegetables. feeling that tired could be a result of not getting the right nutrients, especially since you've cut calories.

    i know, i hate when people say it's WHAT i'm eating and i'm not ruling out any medical issues for you - both my parents have thyroid problems, i know they exist.

    but i would first try incorporating lots of fruits and vegetables and vitamin dense foods and see where that gets you. it likely won't help overnight, but it might make you feel better after time. they're also lower calorie so you feel like you're eating more. which, if you're like me, is IMPORTANT because i am a snacker and constantly feel like i need to be eating.
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    Just a quick peek at your diary tells me it may be sodium/water related. Try tracking your sodium intake and increase your water consumption and see what happens. Dont give up, every body is different and you may have to experiment for a while until you see what works for you.
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    Atkins is tops, but I just couldn't live on it. It just wasn't for me, but I was at my lowest ever in just 3 months on that one....but put it all on again and more. Not saying you will though! I just couldn't keep it up. No willpower!
  • oBirdieo
    oBirdieo Posts: 148
    Just took a peek at your diary and noticed that you said you feel tired all the time -- I think maybe what you're eating is making you tired. Cut out as much sugar, processed foods, and white food as possible. Switch your grains to whole grains and make sure you're not eating quick-cook rice. If you can load up on complex carbs and protein, you'll feel fuller longer and you'll have more energy. I've done this and it's made a huge difference in my energy levels and if I eat bad stuff now, I can definitely feel the effects it has on my energy, mood, and physical well-being.
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    i just took a glimpse at your diary (really only about 3 days worth) and it doesn't look like you're getting a lot of fruits and vegetables. feeling that tired could be a result of not getting the right nutrients, especially since you've cut calories.

    i know, i hate when people say it's WHAT i'm eating and i'm not ruling out any medical issues for you - both my parents have thyroid problems, i know they exist.

    but i would first try incorporating lots of fruits and vegetables and vitamin dense foods and see where that gets you. it likely won't help overnight, but it might make you feel better after time. they're also lower calorie so you feel like you're eating more. which, if you're like me, is IMPORTANT because i am a snacker and constantly feel like i need to be eating.

    Totally hear you, but honestly the last 3 days does look poor as I have been up and how hospitals and teaching late so squeezing in rubbish food whereever. I have been on salads, grains and lean meats, no processed overall for the last 4 weeks ;o(
  • yallen8832
    yallen8832 Posts: 68
    Hang in there it sounds like your on the right track you could be losing body fat definitely have your thyroid check don't give up!
  • Whitty1982
    Whitty1982 Posts: 30 Member
    Atkins is tops, but I just couldn't live on it. It just wasn't for me, but I was at my lowest ever in just 3 months on that one....but put it all on again and more. Not saying you will though! I just couldn't keep it up. No willpower!

    Completely understand! My wife and I are not looking at this as a diet - more of a lifestyle change. This is one I feel I can live with because we're just eating smarter. I'm realizing that I don't have to get a big fried onion or something to excite my taste buds - I can eat a big *kitten* steak and try some new veggies or a salad with cheese on it and I'm more than satisfied.

    Like I said - it's a modified atkins plan the doc recommended but cutting out sugars and lowering carb intake have REALLY made a difference. I just wish we had tried this when we were busting our butts at the gym with a personal trainer and not losing any weight.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Thanks, I know I should be patient, but I look at what other people are eating and still losing and it seem sooo unfair. I am on 1300 cals, am hardly ever over, don't really drink and am exercising at least 3 times per week. It is so hard when i hoped to lose 1lb per week ;o(

    You lost 1.2lbs of WHAT?!?!?! And gained how much of what?!?!?! Maybe you're gaining muscle at the same time, so your scale doesn't change much. I keep on saying this over and over again. "imagine your goal weight is to lose 30lbs, and you only lost 10 and you look absolutely great... are you going to be dissapointed and sad cause you didn't reach your goal weight? Imagine if you lost 30lbs but you look like total crap... are you going to be happy???!?!?"

    Thing is, don't focus on these numbers, go by how you look and how you feel. I am starting to think a tape measure is the best tool to use. Body fat changes due to water weight, and scales are very very inconsistent.

    Is your clothes fitting better and looser? IF it's not, then you have to reassess your self. There are 1 thing that causes weight gain, it's insulin. The things that cause insulin to raise are eating high amounts of calories, OR eating carbs... Your calories look fine just try to decrease your carb intake. Eat more fruits and vegatables, and proteins and fats. Common question, "aren't fruit carbs?" yes, but they're slow releasing. Due to the fact they're a mix of fructose and sucrose, they have to be converted before the body can use them, to conver them is a slow process, so fruits are low glycemix carbs.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I haven't lost anything in 4 weeks, it's a bit disheartening, but I am keeping going, as I guess this is life now. I am trying to reconcile myself to the fact this may be what weight I will be from now on.
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